add "random" endpoint that just redirects you to a random node.

no hash required.
This commit is contained in:
Joe Ardent 2024-03-31 11:13:32 -07:00
parent ba8d256143
commit 6bc130862b
1 changed files with 17 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ pub fn handle_request(req: Request) -> Response {
case wisp.path_segments(req) {
[] -> home_page(req)
["random"] -> handle_random()
[hash, "previous"] -> handle_previous(hash)
[hash, "next"] -> handle_next(hash)
@ -55,6 +57,21 @@ fn handle_next(hash) {
fn handle_random() {
let db_path = "members.db"
use conn <- sqlight.with_connection(db_path)
let next =
"select next from ring order by random() limit 1",
on: conn,
expecting: dynamic.decode1(Row, dynamic.element(0, dynamic.string)),
case next {
Ok([Row(next_link)]) -> wisp.redirect(next_link)
_ -> wisp.not_found()
fn home_page(req: Request) -> Response {
// The home page can only be accessed via GET requests, so this middleware is
// used to return a 405: Method Not Allowed response for all other methods.