68 lines
1.9 KiB
68 lines
1.9 KiB
use std::ffi::OsString;
use clap::Parser;
use cuttle::{get_content, Flasher};
use eframe::egui;
#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
#[clap(author, version, trailing_var_arg = true)]
struct Cli {
#[clap(long, short, help = "File to expose")]
pub file: Option<OsString>,
#[clap(long, help = "Frames per second", default_value_t = 10.0)]
pub fps: f64,
help = "all remaining arguments treated as a string; this string is the whole message if `-f` is not given, otherwise it's an optional description of the file"
text: Vec<String>,
impl Cli {
pub fn text(&self) -> &Vec<String> {
fn main() -> Result<(), eframe::Error> {
env_logger::init(); // Log to stderr (if you run with `RUST_LOG=debug`).
let cli = Cli::parse();
let (description, filename) = if let Some(ref file) = cli.file {
let text = cli.text().join(" ");
let sep = if text.is_empty() { "" } else { ": " };
let file = std::path::Path::new(&file)
(format!("{file}{sep}{text}"), Some(file))
} else {
("text message".to_string(), None)
let bytes = if let Some(ref file) = cli.file {
std::fs::read(file).unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("tried to open {file:?}, got {e:?}"))
} else {
cli.text().join(" ").bytes().collect()
let content = get_content(bytes, &description, filename.as_deref());
let flasher = Flasher::new(description, content, cli.fps);
let options = eframe::NativeOptions {
initial_window_size: Some(egui::vec2(1200.0, 1200.0)),
active: true,
vsync: true,
"Cuttle: optical insanity",
Box::new(move |_cc| Box::new(flasher)),