checkpoint, frictionless wheels

This commit is contained in:
Joe Ardent 2024-06-15 14:18:17 -07:00
parent 3b307f4389
commit 59f0ed89e9
10 changed files with 141 additions and 161 deletions

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ use bevy::{
prelude::{Component, ReflectResource, Resource, Vec3},
use bevy_rapier3d::dynamics::Velocity;
#[derive(Debug, Resource)]
pub(crate) struct ActionDebugInstant(pub Instant);
@ -26,20 +27,8 @@ impl ActionDebugInstant {
#[derive(Debug, Component)]
pub(super) struct Tunneling {
pub frames: usize,
pub dir: Vec3,
impl Default for Tunneling {
fn default() -> Self {
Tunneling {
frames: 15,
dir: Vec3::Y,
#[derive(Debug, Component, Default)]
pub struct PreviousVelocity(pub Velocity);
#[derive(Debug, Resource, Reflect)]

View File

@ -29,18 +29,17 @@ impl Plugin for CyberActionPlugin {
.add_systems(Startup, timestep_setup)
.add_systems(Startup, physics_init)

View File

@ -3,67 +3,60 @@ use std::f32::consts::{FRAC_PI_3, FRAC_PI_4};
use bevy::prelude::{
Commands, Entity, Local, Quat, Query, Res, ResMut, Time, Transform, Vec3, With, Without,
use bevy_rapier3d::prelude::{
use bevy_rapier3d::{
CollisionGroups, ExternalForce, Group, MultibodyJoint, QueryFilter, RapierConfiguration,
RapierContext, ReadMassProperties, TimestepMode, Velocity,
#[cfg(feature = "inspector")]
use super::ActionDebugInstant;
use super::{CatControllerSettings, CatControllerState, CyberLean, MovementSettings, Tunneling};
use super::{
CatControllerSettings, CatControllerState, CyberLean, MovementSettings, PreviousVelocity,
use crate::{
bike::{CyberBikeBody, CyberSteering, CyberWheel, WheelConfig, BIKE_WHEEL_COLLISION_GROUP},
fn yaw_to_angle(yaw: f32) -> f32 {
let v = yaw.powi(5) * FRAC_PI_4;
if v.is_normal() {
} else {
fn rotate_point(pt: &Vec3, rot: &Quat) -> Vec3 {
// thanks to
let [x, y, z] = pt.normalize().to_array();
let qpt = Quat::from_xyzw(x, y, z, 0.0);
// p' = rot^-1 * qpt * rot
let rot_qpt = rot.inverse() * qpt * *rot;
// why does this need to be inverted???
-Vec3::from_array([rot_qpt.x, rot_qpt.y, rot_qpt.z])
pub(super) fn timestep_setup(mut config: ResMut<RapierConfiguration>) {
let ts = TimestepMode::Fixed {
dt: 1.0 / 60.0,
substeps: 2,
config.timestep_mode = ts;
/// The gravity vector points from the cyberbike to the center of the planet.
pub(super) fn gravity(
mut query: Query<(&Transform, &mut ExternalForce), With<CyberBikeBody>>,
pub(super) fn physics_init(
mut config: ResMut<RapierConfiguration>,
settings: Res<MovementSettings>,
mut rapier_config: ResMut<RapierConfiguration>,
) {
config.timestep_mode = TimestepMode::Variable {
max_dt: 1.0 / 60.0,
time_scale: 1.0,
substeps: 3,
config.gravity = Vec3::NEG_Y * settings.gravity;
pub(super) fn reset_body_force(
mut query: Query<&mut ExternalForce, With<CyberBikeBody>>,
#[cfg(feature = "inspector")] mut debug_instant: ResMut<ActionDebugInstant>,
) {
let (xform, mut forces) = query.single_mut();
let mut body_force = query.single_mut();
#[cfg(feature = "inspector")]
if debug_instant.elapsed().as_millis() > 6000 {
if debug_instant.elapsed().as_millis() > 1000 {
rapier_config.gravity = Vec3::Y * -settings.gravity;
forces.force = Vec3::ZERO;
forces.torque = Vec3::ZERO;
body_force.force = Vec3::ZERO;
body_force.torque = Vec3::ZERO;
pub(super) fn reset_wheel_forces(mut query: Query<&mut ExternalForce, With<CyberWheel>>) {
for mut force in query.iter_mut() {
force.force = Vec3::ZERO;
force.torque = Vec3::ZERO;
/// The desired lean angle, given steering input and speed.
@ -117,8 +110,8 @@ pub(super) fn falling_cat(
if *count < 30 {
if *count == 0 {
*count += 1;
} else {
@ -141,10 +134,7 @@ pub(super) fn input_forces(
settings: Res<MovementSettings>,
input: Res<InputState>,
mut braking_query: Query<&mut MultibodyJoint, (Without<CyberSteering>, With<CyberWheel>)>,
mut body_query: Query<
(&Transform, &mut ExternalForce),
(With<CyberBikeBody>, Without<CyberSteering>),
mut body_query: Query<(&Transform, &mut ExternalForce), With<CyberBikeBody>>,
mut steering_query: Query<&mut MultibodyJoint, With<CyberSteering>>,
) {
let (xform, mut forces) = body_query.single_mut();
@ -156,21 +146,21 @@ pub(super) fn input_forces(
*forces += force;
// brake + thrust
for mut motor in braking_query.iter_mut() {
let factor = if input.brake {
} else {
input.throttle * settings.accel
let speed = if input.brake { 0.0 } else { -70.0 }; = (*motor
.set_motor_velocity(speed, factor))
// for mut motor in braking_query.iter_mut() {
// let factor = if input.brake {
// 500.00
// } else {
// input.throttle * settings.accel
// };
// let speed = if input.brake { 0.0 } else { -70.0 };
// = (*motor
// .data
// .as_revolute_mut()
// .unwrap()
// .set_motor_max_force(factor)
// .set_motor_velocity(speed, factor))
// .into();
// }
// steering
let angle = yaw_to_angle(input.yaw);
@ -183,13 +173,32 @@ pub(super) fn input_forces(
pub(super) fn wheel_forces(
mut wheels_query: Query<(&Transform, &Velocity, &mut PreviousVelocity), With<CyberWheel>>,
mut body_query: Query<
&mut PreviousVelocity,
config: Res<WheelConfig>,
context: Res<RapierContext>,
) {
let (body_xform, body_vel, mut body_pvel, body_mass) = body_query.single_mut();
for (xform, vel, mut pvel) in wheels_query.iter_mut() {
body_pvel.0 = *body_vel;
/// Don't let the wheels get stuck underneat the planet
pub(super) fn surface_fix(
mut commands: Commands,
mut wheel_query: Query<
(Entity, &Transform, &mut CollisionGroups),
(With<CyberWheel>, Without<Tunneling>),
mut wheel_query: Query<(Entity, &Transform, &mut CollisionGroups), With<CyberWheel>>,
span_query: Query<&Transform, With<CyberWheel>>,
config: Res<WheelConfig>,
context: Res<RapierContext>,
@ -212,43 +221,10 @@ pub(super) fn surface_fix(
) {
//cgroups.memberships = Group::NONE;
//cgroups.filters = Group::NONE;
commands.entity(entity).insert(Tunneling {
frames: 2,
dir: hit.1.normal,
pub(super) fn tunnel_out(
mut commands: Commands,
mut wheel_query: Query<
&mut Tunneling,
&mut ExternalForce,
&mut CollisionGroups,
mprops: Query<&ReadMassProperties, With<CyberBikeBody>>,
settings: Res<MovementSettings>,
) {
let mprops = mprops.single();
for (entity, mut tunneling, mut force, mut cgroups) in wheel_query.iter_mut() {
if tunneling.frames == 0 {
force.force = Vec3::ZERO;
(cgroups.memberships, cgroups.filters) = BIKE_WHEEL_COLLISION_GROUP;
tunneling.frames -= 1;
force.force = tunneling.dir * settings.gravity * 1.1 * mprops.get().mass;
#[cfg(feature = "inspector")]
/// General velocity-based drag-force calculation; does not take orientation
/// into account.
pub(super) fn drag(mut query: Query<(&Velocity, &mut ExternalForce), With<CyberBikeBody>>) {
@ -259,3 +235,24 @@ pub(super) fn drag(mut query: Query<(&Velocity, &mut ExternalForce), With<CyberB
forces.force -= vel * (v2 * 0.02);
// helpers
fn yaw_to_angle(yaw: f32) -> f32 {
let v = yaw.powi(5) * FRAC_PI_4;
if v.is_normal() {
} else {
fn rotate_point(pt: &Vec3, rot: &Quat) -> Vec3 {
// thanks to
let [x, y, z] = pt.normalize().to_array();
let qpt = Quat::from_xyzw(x, y, z, 0.0);
// p' = rot^-1 * qpt * rot
let rot_qpt = rot.inverse() * qpt * *rot;
// why does this need to be inverted???
-Vec3::from_array([rot_qpt.x, rot_qpt.y, rot_qpt.z])

View File

@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ pub struct WheelConfig {
pub stiffness: f32,
pub damping: f32,
pub radius: f32,
pub thickness: f32,
pub friction: f32,
pub restitution: f32,
pub density: f32,
@ -37,9 +36,8 @@ impl Default for WheelConfig {
limits: [-0.5, 0.1],
stiffness: 30.0,
damping: 8.0,
radius: 0.35,
thickness: 0.11,
friction: 1.2,
radius: 0.3,
friction: 0.0,
restitution: 0.95,
density: 0.05,

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
mod body;
mod components;
//mod controller;
mod wheels;
use bevy::prelude::{App, Assets, Mesh, Plugin, PostStartup, ResMut, StandardMaterial};
@ -9,7 +10,7 @@ pub(crate) use self::components::*;
use self::{body::spawn_cyberbike, wheels::spawn_wheels};
pub const BIKE_BODY_COLLISION_GROUP: (Group, Group) = (Group::GROUP_1, Group::GROUP_1);
pub const BIKE_WHEEL_COLLISION_GROUP: (Group, Group) = (Group::GROUP_10, Group::GROUP_10);
pub const BIKE_WHEEL_COLLISION_GROUP: (Group, Group) = (Group::GROUP_2, Group::GROUP_2);
type Meshterial<'a> = (
ResMut<'a, Assets<Mesh>>,

View File

@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
use bevy::prelude::{shape::Torus as Tire, *};
use bevy_rapier3d::prelude::{
use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_rapier3d::{
dynamics::{FixedJointBuilder, Velocity},
Ccd, CoefficientCombineRule, Collider, ColliderMassProperties, CollisionGroups, Damping,
ExternalForce, Friction, MultibodyJoint, PrismaticJointBuilder, Restitution,
RevoluteJointBuilder, RigidBody, Sleeping, TransformInterpolation,
use super::{CyberSteering, CyberWheel, Meshterial, WheelConfig, BIKE_WHEEL_COLLISION_GROUP};
use crate::action::PreviousVelocity;
pub fn spawn_wheels(
pub(crate) fn spawn_wheels(
commands: &mut Commands,
bike: Entity,
conf: &WheelConfig,
@ -25,7 +29,7 @@ pub fn spawn_wheels(
let friction = Friction {
coefficient: conf.friction,
combine_rule: CoefficientCombineRule::Average,
combine_rule: CoefficientCombineRule::Min,
let mut wheel_poses = Vec::with_capacity(2);
@ -50,14 +54,9 @@ pub fn spawn_wheels(
let (mesh, collider) = gen_tires(conf);
let material = StandardMaterial {
base_color: Color::Rgba {
red: 0.99,
green: 0.99,
blue: 0.05,
alpha: 1.0,
base_color: Color::YELLOW,
alpha_mode: AlphaMode::Opaque,
perceptual_roughness: 0.5,
perceptual_roughness: 0.1,
@ -102,10 +101,10 @@ pub fn spawn_wheels(
let axel_builder = RevoluteJointBuilder::new(Vec3::X);
let axel_builder = FixedJointBuilder::new(); //RevoluteJointBuilder::new(Vec3::X);
let axel_joint = MultibodyJoint::new(axel_parent_entity, axel_builder);
let wheel_damping = Damping {
linear_damping: 0.8,
//linear_damping: 0.8,
@ -119,8 +118,9 @@ pub fn spawn_wheels(
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ pub fn spawn_wheels(
fn gen_tires(conf: &WheelConfig) -> (Mesh, Collider) {
let wheel_rad = conf.radius;
let tire = Sphere::new(wheel_rad);
let mut mesh = Mesh::from(tire);
let mesh = Mesh::from(tire);
let wheel_collider = Collider::ball(wheel_rad);
(mesh, wheel_collider)

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ fn spawn_static_lights(
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
) {
let pink_light = PointLight {
//intensity: 1_00.0,
intensity: 10_00.0,
color: Color::WHITE,
radius: 10.0,

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
use bevy::prelude::*;
//#[cfg(feature = "inspector")]
#[cfg(feature = "inspector")]
use cyber_rider::glamor::CyberGlamorPlugin;
use cyber_rider::{
action::CyberActionPlugin, bike::CyberBikePlugin, camera::CyberCamPlugin, disable_mouse_trap,
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ fn main() {
.add_systems(Startup, disable_mouse_trap)
.add_systems(Update, bevy::window::close_on_esc);
//#[cfg(feature = "inspector")]
#[cfg(feature = "inspector")]

View File

@ -1,12 +1,6 @@
use bevy::{
prelude::{shape::Icosphere, *},
render::{color::Color, mesh::Indices, render_asset::RenderAssetUsages},
use bevy::{prelude::*, render::color::Color};
use bevy_rapier3d::prelude::*;
use hexasphere::shapes::IcoSphere;
use noise::{HybridMulti, NoiseFn, SuperSimplex};
use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng};
use wgpu::PrimitiveTopology;
// use noise::{HybridMulti, NoiseFn, SuperSimplex};
pub const PLANET_RADIUS: f32 = 2_000.0;
pub const PLANET_HUE: f32 = 31.0;
@ -22,7 +16,7 @@ fn spawn_planet(
) {
//let color = Color::rgb(0.74, 0.5334, 0.176);
let (mesh, shape) = gen_planet(999.9);
let (mesh, shape) = gen_planet(2999.9);
let pbody = (
@ -37,7 +31,9 @@ fn spawn_planet(
Transform::from_xyz(0.0, 0.1, 0.0),
Transform::from_xyz(0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
// same as the bike body
CollisionGroups::new(Group::GROUP_1, Group::GROUP_1),
@ -67,9 +63,9 @@ impl Plugin for CyberPlanetPlugin {
fn gen_planet(span: f32) -> (Mesh, Collider) {
let mesh = Cuboid::new(span, 0.1, span);
let mut mesh = Cuboid::new(span, 1.0, span);
let collider = Collider::cuboid(span / 2.0, 0.05, span / 2.0);
let collider = Collider::cuboid(span / 2.0, 0.5, span / 2.0);
(mesh.mesh(), collider)

View File

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ use bevy::{
TextBundle, TextSection, TextStyle, Transform, With,
#[cfg(feature = "inspector")]
use bevy_inspector_egui::quick::WorldInspectorPlugin;
//#[cfg(feature = "inspector")]
//use bevy_inspector_egui::quick::WorldInspectorPlugin;
use bevy_rapier3d::prelude::Velocity;
use crate::bike::CyberBikeBody;
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ pub struct CyberUIPlugin;
impl Plugin for CyberUIPlugin {
fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
#[cfg(feature = "inspector")]
app.add_systems(Startup, setup_ui)