quasi-merge from rolling_wheels

This commit is contained in:
Joe Ardent 2023-02-05 14:59:41 -08:00
parent e79661b7db
commit e666c972ac
12 changed files with 682 additions and 482 deletions

View File

@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
use bevy::{
diagnostic::{Diagnostics, FrameTimeDiagnosticsPlugin},
use bevy_rapier3d::prelude::{
ExternalForce, Friction, NoUserData, RapierConfiguration, RapierPhysicsPlugin, Velocity,
use crate::{
bike::{CyberBikeBody, CyberBikeCollider, CyberBikeControl},
pub struct MovementSettings {
pub accel: f32,
pub gravity: f32,
pub sensitivity: f32,
impl Default for MovementSettings {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
sensitivity: 10.0,
accel: 20.0,
gravity: 9.8,
#[derive(Debug, Resource, Reflect)]
struct CatControllerSettings {
pub kp: f32,
pub kd: f32,
pub kws: f32,
impl Default for CatControllerSettings {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
kp: 10.0,
kd: 4.0,
kws: 0.85,
fn zero_gravity(mut config: ResMut<RapierConfiguration>) {
config.gravity = Vec3::ZERO;
fn gravity(
mut query: Query<(&Transform, &mut ExternalForce), With<CyberBikeBody>>,
settings: Res<MovementSettings>,
) {
let (_xform, mut forces) = query.single_mut();
let grav = Vec3::Y * -settings.gravity;
forces.force = grav;
fn falling_cat(
mut bike_query: Query<(&Transform, &mut ExternalForce, &mut CyberBikeControl)>,
_diagnostics: Res<Diagnostics>,
settings: Res<CatControllerSettings>,
) {
let (xform, mut forces, mut control_vars) = bike_query.single_mut();
let up = Vec3::Y;
let bike_up = xform.up();
let torque = bike_up.cross(up).normalize_or_zero();
let cos = up.dot(bike_up);
let cos = if cos.is_finite() { cos } else { 1.0 };
let error = 1.0 - cos;
let derivative = error - control_vars.prev_error;
control_vars.prev_error = error;
// this integral term is not an integral, it's more like a weighted moving sum
let weighted_sum = control_vars.error_sum + error;
control_vars.error_sum = weighted_sum * 0.8;
let mag = (settings.kp * error) + (settings.kws * weighted_sum) + (settings.kd * derivative);
#[cfg(feature = "inspector")]
if let Some(count) = _diagnostics
.and_then(|d| d.smoothed())
.map(|x| x as u64)
if count % 30 == 0 {
dbg!(&control_vars, mag, cos, derivative);
forces.torque = torque * mag;
fn input_forces(
settings: Res<MovementSettings>,
input: Res<InputState>,
mut cquery: Query<&mut Friction, With<CyberBikeCollider>>,
mut bquery: Query<(&Transform, &mut ExternalForce), With<CyberBikeBody>>,
) {
let (xform, mut forces) = bquery.single_mut();
let mut friction = cquery.single_mut();
// thrust
let thrust = xform.forward() * input.throttle * settings.accel;
forces.force += thrust;
// brake
friction.coefficient = if input.brake { 2.0 } else { 0.0 };
// steering
let torque = xform.down() * input.yaw * settings.sensitivity;
forces.torque += torque;
fn drag(mut query: Query<(&Velocity, &mut ExternalForce), With<CyberBikeBody>>) {
let (vels, mut forces) = query.single_mut();
if let Some(vel) = vels.linvel.try_normalize() {
let v2 = vels.linvel.length_squared();
forces.force -= vel * (v2 * 0.02);
pub struct CyberActionPlugin;
impl Plugin for CyberActionPlugin {
fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {

src/action/components.rs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
use std::time::Instant;
use bevy::{
prelude::{Component, ReflectResource, Resource, Vec3},
#[derive(Debug, Resource)]
pub(crate) struct ActionDebugInstant(pub Instant);
impl Default for ActionDebugInstant {
fn default() -> Self {
#[derive(Debug, Component)]
pub(super) struct Tunneling {
pub frames: usize,
pub dir: Vec3,
impl Default for Tunneling {
fn default() -> Self {
Tunneling {
frames: 15,
dir: Vec3::ZERO,
#[derive(Debug, Resource, Reflect)]
pub struct MovementSettings {
pub accel: f32,
pub gravity: f32,
pub sensitivity: f32,
impl Default for MovementSettings {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
sensitivity: 6.0,
accel: 40.0,
gravity: 9.8,
#[derive(Debug, Resource, Reflect)]
pub struct CatControllerSettings {
pub kp: f32,
pub kd: f32,
pub ki: f32,
impl Default for CatControllerSettings {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
kp: 40.0,
kd: 5.0,
ki: 0.1,
#[derive(Component, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct CatControllerState {
pub roll_integral: f32,
pub roll_prev: f32,
pub pitch_integral: f32,
pub pitch_prev: f32,
decay_factor: f32,
roll_limit: f32,
pitch_limit: f32,
impl Default for CatControllerState {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
roll_integral: Default::default(),
roll_prev: Default::default(),
pitch_integral: Default::default(),
pitch_prev: Default::default(),
decay_factor: 0.99,
roll_limit: 1.5,
pitch_limit: 0.8,
impl CatControllerState {
pub fn decay(&mut self) {
if self.roll_integral.abs() > 0.001 {
self.roll_integral *= self.decay_factor;
if self.pitch_integral.abs() > 0.001 {
self.pitch_integral *= self.decay_factor;
pub fn update_roll(&mut self, error: f32, dt: f32) -> (f32, f32) {
let lim = self.roll_limit;
self.roll_integral = (self.roll_integral + (error * dt)).min(lim).max(-lim);
let derivative = (error - self.roll_prev) / dt;
self.roll_prev = error;
(derivative, self.roll_integral)
pub fn update_pitch(&mut self, error: f32, dt: f32) -> (f32, f32) {
let lim = self.pitch_limit;
self.pitch_integral = (self.pitch_integral + (error * dt)).min(lim).max(-lim);
let derivative = (error - self.pitch_prev) / dt;
self.pitch_prev = error;
(derivative, self.pitch_integral)
pub fn set_integral_limits(&mut self, roll: f32, pitch: f32) {
self.roll_limit = roll;
self.pitch_limit = pitch;

src/action/mod.rs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
use bevy::{
prelude::{App, IntoSystemDescriptor, Plugin},
use bevy_rapier3d::prelude::{NoUserData, RapierPhysicsPlugin};
mod components;
mod systems;
pub use components::*;
use systems::*;
pub struct CyberActionPlugin;
impl Plugin for CyberActionPlugin {
fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {

src/action/systems.rs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
use std::f32::consts::PI;
#[cfg(feature = "inspector")]
use std::time::Instant;
use bevy::prelude::{
Commands, Entity, Quat, Query, Res, ResMut, Time, Transform, Vec3, With, Without,
use bevy_rapier3d::{
CollisionGroups, ExternalForce, Group, MultibodyJoint, QueryFilter, RapierConfiguration,
RapierContext, ReadMassProperties, Velocity,
#[cfg(feature = "inspector")]
use super::ActionDebugInstant;
use super::{CatControllerSettings, CatControllerState, MovementSettings, Tunneling};
use crate::{
bike::{CyberBikeBody, CyberSteering, CyberWheel, BIKE_WHEEL_COLLISION_GROUP},
/// Disable gravity in Rapier.
pub(super) fn zero_gravity(mut config: ResMut<RapierConfiguration>) {
config.gravity = Vec3::ZERO;
/// The gravity vector points from the cyberbike to the center of the planet.
pub(super) fn gravity(
mut query: Query<(&Transform, &mut ExternalForce, &ReadMassProperties), With<CyberBikeBody>>,
settings: Res<MovementSettings>,
) {
let (xform, mut forces, mprops) = query.single_mut();
let grav = xform.translation.normalize() * -settings.gravity * mprops.0.mass;
forces.force = grav;
forces.torque = Vec3::ZERO;
/// PID-based controller for stabilizing attitude; keeps the cyberbike upright.
pub(super) fn falling_cat(
mut bike_query: Query<(&Transform, &mut ExternalForce, &mut CatControllerState)>,
time: Res<Time>,
settings: Res<CatControllerSettings>,
#[cfg(feature = "inspector")] mut debug_instant: ResMut<ActionDebugInstant>,
) {
let (xform, mut forces, mut control_vars) = bike_query.single_mut();
let wup = xform.translation.normalize();
let bike_up = xform.up();
let wright = xform.forward().cross(wup).normalize();
let roll_error = wright.dot(bike_up);
let pitch_error = wup.dot(xform.back());
// only try to correct roll if we're not totally vertical
if pitch_error.abs() < 0.8 {
let (derivative, integral) = control_vars.update_roll(roll_error, time.delta_seconds());
let mag =
(settings.kp * roll_error) + (settings.ki * integral) + (settings.kd * derivative);
if mag.is_finite() {
forces.torque += xform.back() * mag;
// we can do pitch correction any time, it's not coupled to roll
let (derivative, integral) = control_vars.update_pitch(pitch_error, time.delta_seconds());
let mag = (settings.kp * pitch_error) + (settings.ki * integral) + (settings.kd * derivative);
if mag.is_finite() {
forces.torque += wright * mag * 0.25;
#[cfg(feature = "inspector")]
let now = Instant::now();
if (now - debug_instant.0).as_millis() > 500 {
dbg!(roll_error, pitch_error, &control_vars, mag);
debug_instant.0 = now;
/// Apply forces to the cyberbike as a result of input.
pub(super) fn input_forces(
settings: Res<MovementSettings>,
input: Res<InputState>,
mut braking_query: Query<&mut MultibodyJoint, With<CyberWheel>>,
mut body_query: Query<
(&Transform, &mut ExternalForce),
(With<CyberBikeBody>, Without<CyberSteering>),
mut steering_query: Query<&mut Transform, With<CyberSteering>>,
) {
let (xform, mut forces) = body_query.single_mut();
// thrust
let thrust = xform.forward() * input.throttle * settings.accel;
let point = xform.translation + xform.back();
let force = ExternalForce::at_point(thrust, point, xform.translation);
*forces += force;
// brake
for mut motor in braking_query.iter_mut() {
let factor = if input.brake { settings.accel } else { 0.0 };
motor.data.set_motor_velocity(JointAxis::X, 0.0, factor);
// steering
let angle = input.yaw * (PI / 2.0);
let mut steering = steering_query.single_mut();
steering.rotation = Quat::from_axis_angle(Vec3::Y, angle + 90.0f32.to_radians());
/// Don't let the wheels get stuck underneat the planet
pub(super) fn surface_fix(
mut commands: Commands,
mut wheel_query: Query<
(Entity, &Transform, &mut CollisionGroups),
(With<CyberWheel>, Without<Tunneling>),
context: Res<RapierContext>,
) {
// assume the body is not below the planet surface
for (entity, xform, mut cgroups) in wheel_query.iter_mut() {
let ray_dir = xform.translation.normalize();
if let Some(hit) = context.cast_ray_and_get_normal(
) {
cgroups.memberships = Group::NONE;
cgroups.filters = Group::NONE;
commands.entity(entity).insert(Tunneling {
frames: 6,
dir: -hit.1.normal,
pub(super) fn tunnel_out(
mut commands: Commands,
mut wheel_query: Query<
&mut Tunneling,
&mut ExternalForce,
&mut CollisionGroups,
mprops: Query<&ReadMassProperties, With<CyberBikeBody>>,
settings: Res<MovementSettings>,
) {
let mprops = mprops.single();
for (entity, mut tunneling, mut force, mut cgroups) in wheel_query.iter_mut() {
if tunneling.frames == 0 {
force.force = Vec3::ZERO;
(cgroups.memberships, cgroups.filters) = BIKE_WHEEL_COLLISION_GROUP;
tunneling.frames -= 1;
force.force = tunneling.dir * settings.gravity * 1.5 * mprops.0.mass;
//#[cfg(feature = "inspector")]
/// General velocity-based drag-force calculation; does not take orientation
/// into account.
pub(super) fn drag(mut query: Query<(&Velocity, &mut ExternalForce), With<CyberBikeBody>>) {
let (vels, mut forces) = query.single_mut();
if let Some(vel) = vels.linvel.try_normalize() {
let v2 = vels.linvel.length_squared();
forces.force -= vel * (v2 * 0.02);

View File

@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
use std::fmt::Debug;
use bevy::prelude::{shape::UVSphere as Tire, *};
use bevy_rapier3d::{
Ccd, Collider, ColliderMassProperties, CollisionGroups, Damping, ExternalForce, Friction,
ImpulseJoint, PrismaticJointBuilder, Restitution, RigidBody, Sleeping,
TransformInterpolation, Velocity,
use crate::planet::PLANET_RADIUS;
pub(crate) const SPAWN_ALTITUDE: f32 = PLANET_RADIUS * 0.2;
type Meshterial<'a> = (
ResMut<'a, Assets<Mesh>>,
ResMut<'a, Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
pub struct CyberBikeBody;
pub struct CyberBikeCollider;
#[derive(Component, Debug)]
pub struct CyberBikeModel;
#[derive(Debug, Component)]
pub struct CyberWheel;
#[derive(Component, Debug, Default, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct CyberBikeControl {
pub error_sum: f32,
pub prev_error: f32,
#[derive(Resource, Reflect)]
pub struct WheelConfig {
pub front_forward: f32,
pub front_stance: f32,
pub rear_back: f32,
pub y: f32,
pub limits: [f32; 2],
pub stiffness: f32,
pub damping: f32,
pub radius: f32,
impl Default for WheelConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
front_forward: 0.9,
front_stance: 0.65,
rear_back: 1.1,
y: -1.5,
limits: [-1.0, 1.0],
stiffness: 100.0,
damping: 1.0,
radius: 0.3,
const BIKE_BODY_COLLISION_GROUP: (Group, Group) = (Group::GROUP_1, Group::GROUP_1);
const BIKE_WHEEL_COLLISION_GROUP: (Group, Group) = (Group::GROUP_10, Group::GROUP_10);
fn spawn_cyberbike(
mut commands: Commands,
asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
wheel_conf: Res<WheelConfig>,
mut meshterials: Meshterial,
) {
let xform = Transform::from_translation(Vec3::Y * SPAWN_ALTITUDE);
//.with_rotation(Quat::from_axis_angle(Vec3::Z, -89.0f32.to_radians()));
let damping = Damping {
angular_damping: 0.5,
linear_damping: 0.1,
let not_sleeping = Sleeping::disabled();
let ccd = Ccd { enabled: true };
let bcollider_shape =
Collider::capsule(Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, -1.0), Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 0.50);
let friction = Friction {
coefficient: 0.0,
let restitution = Restitution {
coefficient: 0.0,
let mass_properties = ColliderMassProperties::Density(0.2);
let (membership, filter) = BIKE_BODY_COLLISION_GROUP;
let bike_collision_group = CollisionGroups::new(membership, filter);
let scene = asset_server.load("cb-no-y_up.glb#Scene0");
let spatialbundle = SpatialBundle {
transform: xform,
let bike = commands
.insert(TransformInterpolation {
start: None,
end: None,
.with_children(|rider| {
rider.spawn(SceneBundle {
spawn_tires(&mut commands, &xform, bike, &wheel_conf, &mut meshterials);
fn re_tire(
mut commands: Commands,
wheel_conf: ResMut<WheelConfig>,
mut meshterials: Meshterial,
bquery: Query<(Entity, &Transform), With<CyberBikeBody>>,
wheels: Query<Entity, With<CyberWheel>>,
) {
// we fuck with values in the egui inspector
let (bike, xform) = bquery.single();
if wheel_conf.is_changed() {
for wheel in wheels.iter() {
spawn_tires(&mut commands, xform, bike, &wheel_conf, &mut meshterials);
fn spawn_tires(
commands: &mut Commands,
xform: &Transform,
bike: Entity,
conf: &WheelConfig,
meshterials: &mut Meshterial,
) {
// re-set the collision group
let (membership, filter) = BIKE_WHEEL_COLLISION_GROUP;
let wheels_collision_group = CollisionGroups::new(membership, filter);
let wheel_y = conf.y;
let wheel_rad = conf.radius;
let stiffness = conf.stiffness;
let not_sleeping = Sleeping::disabled();
let ccd = Ccd { enabled: true };
let limits = conf.limits;
let (meshes, materials) = meshterials;
let tire = Tire {
radius: wheel_rad,
let material = StandardMaterial {
base_color: Color::Rgba {
red: 0.01,
green: 0.01,
blue: 0.01,
alpha: 1.0,
alpha_mode: AlphaMode::Opaque,
perceptual_roughness: 0.5,
let pbr_bundle = PbrBundle {
material: materials.add(material),
mesh: meshes.add(Mesh::from(tire)),
let mut wheel_poses = Vec::with_capacity(3);
// left front
let wheel_x = -conf.front_stance;
let wheel_z = -conf.front_forward;
let offset = Vec3::new(wheel_x, wheel_y, wheel_z);
// right front
let wheel_x = conf.front_stance;
let wheel_z = -conf.front_forward;
let offset = Vec3::new(wheel_x, wheel_y, wheel_z);
// rear
let wheel_x = 0.0;
let wheel_z = conf.rear_back;
let offset = Vec3::new(wheel_x, wheel_y, wheel_z);
for offset in wheel_poses {
let trans = xform.translation + offset;
let wheel_pos_in_world = Transform::from_rotation(xform.rotation).with_translation(trans);
let wheel_damping = Damping {
linear_damping: 0.8,
let wheel_collider = Collider::ball(wheel_rad);
let mass_props = ColliderMassProperties::Density(0.001);
let damping = conf.damping;
let prismatic = PrismaticJointBuilder::new(Vec3::Y)
.motor_position(0.0, stiffness, damping);
let joint = ImpulseJoint::new(bike, prismatic);
let spatial_bundle = SpatialBundle {
transform: wheel_pos_in_world,
let txform = wheel_pos_in_world.with_rotation(Quat::from_axis_angle(
let tire_spundle = SpatialBundle {
transform: txform,
.with_children(|wheel| {
pub struct CyberBikePlugin;
impl Plugin for CyberBikePlugin {
fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
.add_startup_system_to_stage(StartupStage::PostStartup, spawn_cyberbike)

src/bike/body.rs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
use bevy::{
prelude::{AssetServer, BuildChildren, Commands, Quat, Res, SpatialBundle, Transform, Vec3},
use bevy_rapier3d::prelude::{
Ccd, Collider, ColliderMassProperties, CollisionGroups, Damping, ExternalForce, Friction,
ReadMassProperties, Restitution, RigidBody, Sleeping, TransformInterpolation, Velocity,
use super::{spawn_tires, CyberBikeBody, Meshterial, WheelConfig, BIKE_BODY_COLLISION_GROUP};
use crate::{action::CatControllerState, planet::PLANET_RADIUS};
pub(super) fn spawn_cyberbike(
mut commands: Commands,
asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
wheel_conf: Res<WheelConfig>,
mut meshterials: Meshterial,
) {
let altitude = 40.0;
let xform = Transform::from_translation(Vec3::X * 10.0 + Vec3::Y * altitude);
let damping = Damping {
angular_damping: 2.0,
linear_damping: 0.1,
let friction = Friction {
coefficient: 0.3,
let restitution = Restitution {
coefficient: 0.0,
let mass_properties = ColliderMassProperties::Density(0.9);
let (membership, filter) = BIKE_BODY_COLLISION_GROUP;
let bike_collision_group = CollisionGroups::new(membership, filter);
let scene = asset_server.load("cb-no-y_up.glb#Scene0");
let spatialbundle = SpatialBundle {
transform: xform,
let bike = commands
Collider::capsule(Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, -1.0), Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 0.50),
Ccd { enabled: true },
.insert(TransformInterpolation {
start: None,
end: None,
.with_children(|rider| {
rider.spawn(SceneBundle {
spawn_tires(&mut commands, bike, xform, &wheel_conf, &mut meshterials);

src/bike/components.rs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
use bevy::{
prelude::{Component, ReflectResource, Resource},
pub struct CyberBikeBody;
pub struct CyberSteering;
#[derive(Debug, Component)]
pub struct CyberWheel;
#[derive(Resource, Reflect)]
pub struct WheelConfig {
pub front_forward: f32,
pub front_stance: f32,
pub rear_back: f32,
pub y: f32,
pub limits: [f32; 2],
pub stiffness: f32,
pub damping: f32,
pub radius: f32,
impl Default for WheelConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
front_forward: 0.9,
front_stance: 0.65,
rear_back: 1.1,
y: -0.45,
limits: [-0.7, 0.1],
stiffness: 90.0,
damping: 8.0,
radius: 0.3,

src/bike/mod.rs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
mod body;
mod components;
mod wheels;
use bevy::prelude::{App, Assets, Mesh, Plugin, ResMut, StandardMaterial, StartupStage};
use bevy_rapier3d::prelude::Group;
pub(crate) use self::components::*;
use self::{body::spawn_cyberbike, wheels::spawn_tires};
pub const BIKE_BODY_COLLISION_GROUP: (Group, Group) = (Group::GROUP_1, Group::GROUP_1);
pub const BIKE_WHEEL_COLLISION_GROUP: (Group, Group) = (Group::GROUP_10, Group::GROUP_10);
type Meshterial<'a> = (
ResMut<'a, Assets<Mesh>>,
ResMut<'a, Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
pub struct CyberBikePlugin;
impl Plugin for CyberBikePlugin {
fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
.add_startup_system_to_stage(StartupStage::PostStartup, spawn_cyberbike);

src/bike/wheels.rs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
use bevy::prelude::{
shape::Capsule as Tire, AlphaMode, BuildChildren, Color, Commands, Entity, Mesh, PbrBundle,
Quat, SpatialBundle, StandardMaterial, Transform, Vec3,
use bevy_rapier3d::prelude::{
Ccd, CoefficientCombineRule, Collider, ColliderMassProperties, CollisionGroups, Damping,
ExternalForce, Friction, LockedAxes, MultibodyJoint, PrismaticJointBuilder, Restitution,
RevoluteJointBuilder, RigidBody, Sleeping, TransformInterpolation,
use super::{CyberSteering, CyberWheel, Meshterial, WheelConfig, BIKE_WHEEL_COLLISION_GROUP};
pub fn spawn_tires(
commands: &mut Commands,
bike: Entity,
xform: Transform,
conf: &WheelConfig,
meshterials: &mut Meshterial,
) {
let (membership, filter) = BIKE_WHEEL_COLLISION_GROUP;
let wheels_collision_group = CollisionGroups::new(membership, filter);
let wheel_y = conf.y;
let wheel_rad = conf.radius;
let stiffness = conf.stiffness;
let not_sleeping = Sleeping::disabled();
let ccd = Ccd { enabled: true };
let limits = conf.limits;
let (meshes, materials) = meshterials;
let tire = Tire {
radius: wheel_rad,
let material = StandardMaterial {
base_color: Color::Rgba {
red: 0.01,
green: 0.01,
blue: 0.01,
alpha: 1.0,
alpha_mode: AlphaMode::Opaque,
perceptual_roughness: 0.5,
let pbr_bundle = PbrBundle {
material: materials.add(material),
mesh: meshes.add(Mesh::from(tire)),
let friction = Friction {
coefficient: 1.0,
combine_rule: CoefficientCombineRule::Min,
let restitution = Restitution {
coefficient: 0.8,
combine_rule: CoefficientCombineRule::Average,
let mut wheel_poses = Vec::with_capacity(2);
// front
let wheel_x = 0.0;
let wheel_z = -conf.front_forward;
let offset = Vec3::new(wheel_x, wheel_y, wheel_z);
wheel_poses.push((offset, Some(CyberSteering)));
// rear
let wheel_x = 0.0;
let wheel_z = conf.rear_back;
let offset = Vec3::new(wheel_x, wheel_y, wheel_z);
wheel_poses.push((offset, None));
for (offset, steering) in wheel_poses {
let wheel_damping = Damping {
linear_damping: 0.8,
let wheel_collider = Collider::capsule(-Vec3::Y, Vec3::Y, 0.3);
let mass_props = ColliderMassProperties::Density(0.1);
let damping = conf.damping;
let prismatic = PrismaticJointBuilder::new(Vec3::Y)
.motor_position(limits[0], stiffness, damping);
let fork = commands
.spawn(SpatialBundle {
transform: Transform::from_translation(offset),
let suspension = MultibodyJoint::new(fork, prismatic);
let sentity = commands
.insert(SpatialBundle {
transform: Transform::from_translation(offset),
if let Some(steering) = steering {
let revolute = RevoluteJointBuilder::new(Vec3::Y);
let axel = MultibodyJoint::new(sentity, revolute);
let wheel_bundle = (
let _wentity = commands
.insert(SpatialBundle {
// transform: Transform::from_rotation(xform.rotation)
// .with_translation(xform.translation)
transform: Transform::from_rotation(Quat::from_axis_angle(
.with_children(|wheel| {
.insert(TransformInterpolation {
start: None,
end: None,

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
use bevy::prelude::*; use bevy::prelude::*;
use crate::{bike::CyberBikeModel, input::InputState}; use crate::{bike::CyberBikeBody, input::InputState};
// 85 degrees in radians // 85 degrees in radians
const MAX_PITCH: f32 = 1.48353; const MAX_PITCH: f32 = 1.48353;
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ fn setup_cybercams(mut commands: Commands) {
fn follow_cyberbike( fn follow_cyberbike(
mut query: ParamSet<( mut query: ParamSet<(
// 0: the bike // 0: the bike
Query<&Transform, With<CyberBikeModel>>, Query<&Transform, With<CyberBikeBody>>,
// 1: the cameras // 1: the cameras
Query<(&mut Transform, &CyberCameras)>, Query<(&mut Transform, &CyberCameras)>,
)>, )>,
@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ fn follow_cyberbike(
for (mut cam_xform, cam_type) in query.p1().iter_mut() { for (mut cam_xform, cam_type) in query.p1().iter_mut() {
match *cam_type { match *cam_type {
CyberCameras::Hero => { CyberCameras::Hero => {
let look_at = bike_xform.translation + (bike_xform.forward() * 200.0); let look_at = bike_xform.translation + (bike_xform.forward() * 500.0);
let cam_pos = bike_xform.translation + (bike_xform.back() * 1.05) + (up * 1.08); let cam_pos = bike_xform.translation + (bike_xform.back() * 0.1) + (up * 0.8);
cam_xform.translation = cam_pos; cam_xform.translation = cam_pos;
cam_xform.look_at(look_at, up); cam_xform.look_at(look_at, up);
@ -119,32 +119,6 @@ fn cycle_cam_state(mut state: ResMut<State<CyberCameras>>, mut keys: ResMut<Inpu
pub struct CyberCamPlugin; pub struct CyberCamPlugin;
impl Plugin for CyberCamPlugin { impl Plugin for CyberCamPlugin {
#[cfg(feature = "inspector")]
fn build(&self, app: &mut bevy::prelude::App) {
use bevy_rapier3d::render::{DebugRenderMode, DebugRenderStyle, RapierDebugRenderPlugin};
let style = DebugRenderStyle {
collider_dynamic_color: Color::RED.as_rgba_f32(),
multibody_joint_anchor_color: Color::GREEN.as_rgba_f32(),
let mode = DebugRenderMode::COLLIDER_SHAPES
| DebugRenderMode::CONTACTS
| DebugRenderMode::SOLVER_CONTACTS
| DebugRenderMode::JOINTS
| DebugRenderMode::RIGID_BODY_AXES;
let rplugin = RapierDebugRenderPlugin {
always_on_top: true,
enabled: true,
#[cfg(not(feature = "inspector"))]
fn build(&self, app: &mut bevy::prelude::App) { fn build(&self, app: &mut bevy::prelude::App) {
common(app); common(app);
} }

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ use crate::{lights::AnimateCyberLightWireframe, planet::CyberPlanet};
pub const BISEXY_COLOR: Color = Color::hsla(292.0, 0.9, 0.60, 1.1); pub const BISEXY_COLOR: Color = Color::hsla(292.0, 0.9, 0.60, 1.1);
fn wireframe_planet( fn _wireframe_planet(
mut commands: Commands, mut commands: Commands,
mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>, mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>,
mut polylines: ResMut<Assets<Polyline>>, mut polylines: ResMut<Assets<Polyline>>,
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ fn wireframe_planet(
}); });
} }
fn wireframify_lights(mut lights: Query<&mut AnimateCyberLightWireframe>) { fn _wireframify_lights(mut lights: Query<&mut AnimateCyberLightWireframe>) {
let chance = 0.005; let chance = 0.005;
let rng = &mut thread_rng(); let rng = &mut thread_rng();
@ -74,9 +74,30 @@ fn wireframify_lights(mut lights: Query<&mut AnimateCyberLightWireframe>) {
pub struct CyberGlamorPlugin; pub struct CyberGlamorPlugin;
impl Plugin for CyberGlamorPlugin { impl Plugin for CyberGlamorPlugin {
fn build(&self, app: &mut App) { fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
app.insert_resource(ClearColor(Color::rgb(0.408, 0.6236, 0.925))) app.insert_resource(ClearColor(Color::rgb(0.408, 0.6236, 0.925)));
.add_startup_system_to_stage(StartupStage::PostStartup, wireframe_planet)
.add_system(wireframify_lights) {
.add_plugin(PolylinePlugin); use bevy_rapier3d::render::{
DebugRenderMode, DebugRenderStyle, RapierDebugRenderPlugin,
let style = DebugRenderStyle {
multibody_joint_anchor_color: Color::GREEN.as_rgba_f32(),
let mode = DebugRenderMode::CONTACTS
| DebugRenderMode::SOLVER_CONTACTS
| DebugRenderMode::COLLIDER_SHAPES
| DebugRenderMode::JOINTS
| DebugRenderMode::RIGID_BODY_AXES;
let rplugin = RapierDebugRenderPlugin {
always_on_top: true,
enabled: true,
} }
} }

View File

@ -1,20 +1,8 @@
use bevy::prelude::*; use bevy::prelude::*;
use cyber_rider::{ use cyber_rider::{
action::{CyberActionPlugin, MovementSettings}, action::CyberActionPlugin, bike::CyberBikePlugin, camera::CyberCamPlugin, disable_mouse_trap,
bike::CyberBikePlugin, glamor::CyberGlamorPlugin, input::CyberInputPlugin, lights::CyberSpaceLightsPlugin,
camera::CyberCamPlugin, planet::CyberPlanetPlugin, ui::CyberUIPlugin,
const MOVEMENT_SETTINGS: MovementSettings = MovementSettings {
sensitivity: 8.0, // steering
accel: 30.0, // thrust
gravity: 9.0,
}; };
fn main() { fn main() {
@ -28,7 +16,6 @@ fn main() {
}, },
..Default::default() ..Default::default()
})) }))
.add_plugin(CyberPlanetPlugin) .add_plugin(CyberPlanetPlugin)
.add_plugin(CyberGlamorPlugin) .add_plugin(CyberGlamorPlugin)
.add_plugin(CyberInputPlugin) .add_plugin(CyberInputPlugin)