use std::ops::RangeInclusive; use aoc_runner_derive::{aoc as aoc_run, aoc_generator}; type Contents = (RangeInclusive, RangeInclusive); #[aoc_generator(day4)] fn parse_input(input: &str) -> Vec { let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(input.len()); for line in input.lines() { let mut split = line.split(','); let a =; let b =; let mut asplit = a.split('-'); let mut bsplit = b.split('-'); let alo =; let ahi =; let blo =; let bhi =; out.push(((alo..=ahi), (blo..=bhi))); } out } // with tuples instead of ranges type AltContents = ((u32, u32), (u32, u32)); #[aoc_generator(day4, part1, alt1)] fn parse_input1a(input: &str) -> Vec { let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(input.len()); for line in input.lines() { let (a, b) = line.split_once(',').unwrap(); let (alo, ahi) = a.split_once('-').unwrap(); let (alo, ahi) = (alo.parse().unwrap(), ahi.parse().unwrap()); let (blo, bhi) = b.split_once('-').unwrap(); let (blo, bhi) = (blo.parse().unwrap(), bhi.parse().unwrap()); out.push(((alo, ahi), (blo, bhi))); } out } // can't define a blanket alt generator? #[aoc_generator(day4, part2, alt1)] fn p2a(input: &str) -> Vec { parse_input1a(input) } #[aoc_run(day4, part1)] fn part1(scheds: &[Contents]) -> u32 { let mut out = 0; for (a, b) in scheds { if (a.contains(b.start()) && a.contains(b.end())) || (b.contains(a.start()) && b.contains(a.end())) { out += 1; } } out } #[aoc_run(day4, part2)] fn part2(scheds: &[Contents]) -> u32 { let mut out = 0; for (a, b) in scheds { if (a.contains(b.start()) || a.contains(b.end())) || (b.contains(a.start()) || b.contains(a.end())) { out += 1; } } out } #[aoc_run(day4, part1, alt1)] fn part1a(scheds: &[AltContents]) -> u32 { let mut out = 0; for (a, b) in scheds { if (a.0 <= b.0 && b.1 <= a.1) || (b.0 <= a.0 && a.1 <= b.1) { out += 1; } } out } #[aoc_run(day4, part2, alt1)] fn part2a(scheds: &[AltContents]) -> u32 { let mut out = 0; for (a, b) in scheds { if (a.0 <= b.0 && b.0 <= a.1) || (b.0 <= a.0 && a.0 <= b.1) { out += 1; } } out }