Create an unravel-study module
For `pdf-tools`, `denote`, `org-remark` and `org-fc`. This is my study pack, without which I don't get anything done.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 687 additions and 513 deletions
@ -17,3 +17,4 @@ bookmarks
@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ making an abbreviation to a function."
(require 'unravel-org)
(require 'unravel-shell)
(require 'unravel-langs)
(require 'unravel-study)
;;; Comment this next line if you don't want to use my personal
;;; settings (like specific directories or org variables)
(require 'vedang-personal)
@ -454,6 +454,7 @@ Now we are ready to load our per-module configuration files:
(require 'unravel-org)
(require 'unravel-shell)
(require 'unravel-langs)
(require 'unravel-study)
;;; Comment this next line if you don't want to use my personal
;;; settings (like specific directories or org variables)
(require 'vedang-personal)
@ -3766,8 +3767,9 @@ on how I use Org.
(use-package org
:ensure nil
(when (getenv "ORG_DIRECTORY")
(setq org-directory (expand-file-name (getenv "ORG_DIRECTORY"))))
(let ((dir (string-trim (shell-command-to-string "echo $ORG_DIRECTORY"))))
(when (not (string-empty-p dir))
(setq org-directory (expand-file-name dir))))
(setq org-imenu-depth 7)
(add-to-list 'safe-local-variable-values '(org-hide-leading-stars . t))
@ -4946,292 +4948,6 @@ Use the entry point ~M-x dictionary-search~
dictionary-use-single-buffer t))
** The =unravel-langs.el= settings for ~denote~ (notes and file-naming)
:CUSTOM_ID: h:e86a66dc-7ef9-4f09-ad7e-946de2034e8d
By default, Denote looks for files in the =~/Documents/notes/= directory. If you want to use a location other than the default localtion for your ~denote~ files, set the environment variable ~DENOTE_DIRECTORY~.
This is another one of my packages and is extended by my
~consult-denote~ package ([[#h:ee82e629-fb05-4c75-9175-48a760a25691][The =unravel-langs.el= integration between Consult and Denote (~consult-denote~)]]).
Denote is a simple note-taking tool for Emacs. It is based on the idea
that notes should follow a predictable and descriptive file-naming
scheme. The file name must offer a clear indication of what the note is
about, without reference to any other metadata. Denote basically
streamlines the creation of such files while providing facilities to
link between them.
Denote's file-naming scheme is not limited to "notes". It can be used
for all types of file, including those that are not editable in Emacs,
such as videos. Naming files in a consistent way makes their
filtering and retrieval considerably easier. Denote provides relevant
facilities to rename files, regardless of file type.
Prot is the developer and maintainer of this package.
+ Package name (GNU ELPA): ~denote~
+ Official manual: <>
+ Change log: <>
+ Git repositories:
- GitHub: <>
- GitLab: <>
+ Video demo: <>
+ Backronyms: Denote Everything Neatly; Omit The Excesses. Don't Ever
Note Only The Epiphenomenal.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "unravel-modules/unravel-langs.el"
;;; Denote (simple note-taking and file-naming)
;; Read the manual: <>. This does
;; not include all the useful features of Denote. I have a separate
;; private setup for those, as I need to test everything is in order.
(use-package denote
:ensure t
;; If you use Markdown or plain text files you want to fontify links
;; upon visiting the file (Org renders links as buttons right away).
((text-mode . denote-fontify-links-mode-maybe)
;; Highlight Denote file names in Dired buffers. Below is the
;; generic approach, which is great if you rename files Denote-style
;; in lots of places as I do.
;; If you only want the `denote-dired-mode' in select directories,
;; then modify the variable `denote-dired-directories' and use the
;; following instead:
;; (dired-mode . denote-dired-mode-in-directories)
(dired-mode . denote-dired-mode))
;; Denote DOES NOT define any key bindings. This is for the user to
;; decide. Here I only have a subset of what Denote offers.
( :map global-map
("C-c d n" . denote-create-note)
("C-c d N" . denote-silo-extras-select-silo-then-command)
("C-c d o" . denote-open-or-create)
("C-c d O" . denote-silo-extras-open-or-create)
("C-c d l" . denote-link-or-create)
("C-c d L" . denote-link-after-creating-with-command)
;; Note that `denote-rename-file' can work from any context, not
;; just Dired buffers. That is why we bind it here to the
;; `global-map'.
;; Also see `denote-rename-file-using-front-matter' further below.
("C-c d r" . denote-rename-file)
;; If you intend to use Denote with a variety of file types, it is
;; easier to bind the link-related commands to the `global-map', as
;; shown here. Otherwise follow the same pattern for
;; `org-mode-map', `markdown-mode-map', and/or `text-mode-map'.
("C-c d j" . denote-journal-extras-new-entry)
("C-c d s" . denote-sort-dired)
:map text-mode-map
("C-c d B" . denote-backlinks)
("C-c d b" . denote-find-backlink)
;; Also see `denote-rename-file' further above.
("C-c d R" . denote-rename-file-using-front-matter)
("C-c d k" . denote-rename-file-keywords)
:map org-mode-map
("C-c d h" . denote-org-extras-link-to-heading)
("C-c d d l" . denote-org-extras-dblock-insert-links)
("C-c d d b" . denote-org-extras-dblock-insert-backlinks)
("C-c d d m" . denote-org-extras-dblock-insert-missing-links)
;; Key bindings specifically for Dired.
:map dired-mode-map
("C-c C-d C-i" . denote-dired-link-marked-notes)
("C-c C-d C-r" . denote-dired-rename-marked-files)
("C-c C-d C-k" . denote-dired-rename-marked-files-with-keywords)
("C-c C-d C-A" . denote-dired-rename-marked-files-add-keywords)
("C-c C-d C-K" . denote-dired-rename-marked-files-remove-keywords)
("C-c C-d C-f" . denote-dired-rename-marked-files-using-front-matter))
(require 'denote-silo-extras)
(require 'denote-journal-extras)
(require 'denote-org-extras)
;; Remember to check the doc strings of those variables.
(when (getenv "DENOTE_DIRECTORY")
(setq denote-directory (expand-file-name (getenv "DENOTE_DIRECTORY"))))
(setq denote-infer-keywords t)
(setq denote-sort-keywords t)
(setq denote-excluded-directories-regexp "data") ; external data related to headings is stored in these directories (web archives)
(setq denote-date-format nil) ; read its doc string
(setq denote-date-prompt-use-org-read-date t)
(setq denote-prompts '(title keywords subdirectory signature))
(setq denote-rename-confirmations nil) ; CAREFUL with this if you are not familiar with Denote!
(setq denote-save-buffers t)
(setq denote-rename-buffer-format "[D] %s %t%b")
;; Automatically rename Denote buffers when opening them so that
;; instead of their long file name they have a literal "[D]"
;; followed by the file's title. Read the doc string of
;; `denote-rename-buffer-format' for how to modify this.
(denote-rename-buffer-mode 1)
(setq denote-buffer-has-backlinks-string " (<--->)")
(setq denote-backlinks-show-context t)
(setq denote-org-store-link-to-heading t)
;; Journal settings
(setq denote-journal-extras-keyword "")
;; I use Yasnippet to expand these into a better template.
(add-to-list 'denote-templates '(reference-note . "reference"))
(add-to-list 'denote-templates '(morning . "morningpage"))
(add-to-list 'denote-templates '(emotion . "emotion"))
(add-to-list 'denote-templates '(insight . "insight"))
(add-to-list 'denote-templates '(weekly_intentions . "weekint"))
(add-to-list 'denote-templates '(weekly_report . "weekrpt"))
(add-to-list 'denote-templates '(sketch . "sketch"))
;; Front-matter for Org files
(setq denote-org-front-matter
:ID: %4$s
:CREATED: %2$s
,#+title: %1$s
,#+filetags: %3$s
,#+date: %2$s
,#+identifier: %4$s
(defun vedang/denote-publishing-extras-new-blog-entry (&optional date)
"Create a new blog entry.
With optional DATE as a prefix argument, prompt for a date. If
`denote-date-prompt-use-org-read-date' is non-nil, use the Org
date selection module.
When called from Lisp DATE is a string and has the same format as
that covered in the documentation of the `denote' function. It
is internally processed by `denote-parse-date'."
(interactive (list (when current-prefix-arg (denote-date-prompt))))
(let ((internal-date (denote-parse-date date))
(denote-directory (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name "published" denote-directory))))
nil nil date
;; See YASnippet
(defun vedang/denote-publishing-extras-new-microblog-entry (&optional date)
"Create a new microblog entry.
Set the title of the new entry according to the value of the user option
With optional DATE as a prefix argument, prompt for a date. If
`denote-date-prompt-use-org-read-date' is non-nil, use the Org
date selection module.
When called from Lisp DATE is a string and has the same format as
that covered in the documentation of the `denote' function. It
is internally processed by `denote-parse-date'."
(interactive (list (when current-prefix-arg (denote-date-prompt))))
(let ((internal-date (denote-parse-date date))
(denote-directory (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name "published" denote-directory))))
(denote-journal-extras-daily--title-format internal-date)
'("draft" "microblog")
nil nil date
;; See YASnippet
(defun vedang/denote-link-ol-get-id ()
"Get the CUSTOM_ID of the current entry.
If the entry already has a CUSTOM_ID, return it as-is, else create a new
If we are creating a new ID, add a CREATED property with the current
timestamp as well.
This function is based on `denote-link-ol-get-id', with minor
(let* ((pos (point))
(id (org-entry-get pos "CUSTOM_ID"))
(created (org-entry-get pos "CREATED")))
(if (and (stringp id) (string-match-p "\\S-" id))
(setq id (org-id-new "h"))
(org-entry-put pos "CUSTOM_ID" id))
(when (not created)
(setq created (format-time-string (org-time-stamp-format t t) (current-time)))
(org-entry-put pos "CREATED" created))
(defun vedang/denote--split-luhman-sig (signature)
"Split numbers and letters in Luhmann-style SIGNATURE string."
"\\([a-zA-Z]+?\\)\\([0-9]\\)" "\\1=\\2"
"\\([0-9]+?\\)\\([a-zA-Z]\\)" "\\1=\\2"
(defun vedang/denote--pad-sig (signature)
"Create a new signature with padded spaces for all components"
(lambda (x)
(string-pad x 5 32 t))
(split-string (vedang/denote--split-luhman-sig signature) "=" t))
(defun vedang/denote-sort-for-signatures (sig1 sig2)
"Return non-nil if SIG1 is smaller that SIG2.
Perform the comparison with `string<'."
(string< (vedang/denote--pad-sig sig1) (vedang/denote--pad-sig sig2)))
(use-package denote
:ensure t
( :map global-map
;; Bindings to personal functions (defined above)
("C-c d p m" . vedang/denote-publishing-extras-new-microblog-entry)
("C-c d p b" . vedang/denote-publishing-extras-new-blog-entry))
(setq denote-sort-signature-comparison-function #'vedang/denote-sort-for-signatures))
*** The =unravel-langs.el= integration between Consult and Denote (~consult-denote~)
:CUSTOM_ID: h:ee82e629-fb05-4c75-9175-48a760a25691
This is another package of mine which extends my ~denote~ package
([[#h:e86a66dc-7ef9-4f09-ad7e-946de2034e8d][The =unravel-langs.el= settings for ~denote~ (notes and file-naming)]]).
This is glue code to integrate ~denote~ with Daniel Mendler's
~consult~ ([[#h:22e97b4c-d88d-4deb-9ab3-f80631f9ff1d][The =unravel-completion.el= settings for ~consult~]]). The
idea is to enhance minibuffer interactions, such as by providing a
preview of the file-to-linked/opened and by adding more sources to the
~consult-buffer~ command.
Prot is the developer of this package.
+ Package name (GNU ELPA): ~consult-denote~
+ Official manual: not available yet.
+ Git repositories:
+ GitHub: <>
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "unravel-modules/unravel-langs.el"
(use-package consult-denote
:ensure t
(("C-c d f" . consult-denote-find)
("C-c d g" . consult-denote-grep))
(consult-denote-mode 1))
** The =unravel-langs.el= settings for ~paredit~ (paren matching)
:CUSTOM_ID: h:885F9DED-E9C9-4B5B-9FE0-1A33CBD23126
@ -5454,6 +5170,400 @@ Clojure is my favorite programming language, and it has been my bread and butter
(provide 'unravel-langs)
* The =unravel-study.el= module
:CUSTOM_ID: h:FE49DE29-DF99-450C-B6E8-AD64D877C518
:CREATED: [2024-12-12 Thu 21:27]
This file contains configuration for everything I use to make Emacs my go-to place for studying anything.
** The =unravel-study.el= section for ~denote~ (notes and file-naming)
:CUSTOM_ID: h:e86a66dc-7ef9-4f09-ad7e-946de2034e8d
:CREATED: [2024-12-12 Thu 21:33]
Denote is my goto tool for any and all note-taking. This is what powers my brain forest, and where anything and everything I write starts from.
By default, Denote looks for files in the =~/Documents/notes/= directory. If you want to use a location other than the default localtion for your ~denote~ files, set the environment variable ~DENOTE_DIRECTORY~.
This is another one of my packages and is extended by my
~consult-denote~ package ([[#h:ee82e629-fb05-4c75-9175-48a760a25691][The =unravel-study.el= integration between Consult and Denote (~consult-denote~)]]).
Denote is a simple note-taking tool for Emacs. It is based on the idea
that notes should follow a predictable and descriptive file-naming
scheme. The file name must offer a clear indication of what the note is
about, without reference to any other metadata. Denote basically
streamlines the creation of such files while providing facilities to
link between them.
Denote's file-naming scheme is not limited to "notes". It can be used
for all types of file, including those that are not editable in Emacs,
such as videos. Naming files in a consistent way makes their
filtering and retrieval considerably easier. Denote provides relevant
facilities to rename files, regardless of file type.
Prot is the developer and maintainer of this package.
+ Package name (GNU ELPA): ~denote~
+ Official manual: <>
+ Change log: <>
+ Git repositories:
- GitHub: <>
- GitLab: <>
+ Video demo: <>
+ Backronyms: Denote Everything Neatly; Omit The Excesses. Don't Ever
Note Only The Epiphenomenal.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "unravel-modules/unravel-study.el" :mkdirp yes
;;; Denote (simple note-taking and file-naming)
;; Read the manual: <>. This does
;; not include all the useful features of Denote. I have a separate
;; private setup for those, as I need to test everything is in order.
(use-package denote
:ensure t
;; If you use Markdown or plain text files you want to fontify links
;; upon visiting the file (Org renders links as buttons right away).
((text-mode . denote-fontify-links-mode-maybe)
;; Highlight Denote file names in Dired buffers. Below is the
;; generic approach, which is great if you rename files Denote-style
;; in lots of places as I do.
;; If you only want the `denote-dired-mode' in select directories,
;; then modify the variable `denote-dired-directories' and use the
;; following instead:
;; (dired-mode . denote-dired-mode-in-directories)
(dired-mode . denote-dired-mode))
;; Denote DOES NOT define any key bindings. This is for the user to
;; decide. Here I only have a subset of what Denote offers.
( :map global-map
("C-c d n" . denote-create-note)
("C-c d N" . denote-silo-extras-select-silo-then-command)
("C-c d o" . denote-open-or-create)
("C-c d O" . denote-silo-extras-open-or-create)
("C-c d l" . denote-link-or-create)
("C-c d L" . denote-link-after-creating-with-command)
;; Note that `denote-rename-file' can work from any context, not
;; just Dired buffers. That is why we bind it here to the
;; `global-map'.
;; Also see `denote-rename-file-using-front-matter' further below.
("C-c d r" . denote-rename-file)
;; If you intend to use Denote with a variety of file types, it is
;; easier to bind the link-related commands to the `global-map', as
;; shown here. Otherwise follow the same pattern for
;; `org-mode-map', `markdown-mode-map', and/or `text-mode-map'.
("C-c d j" . denote-journal-extras-new-entry)
("C-c d s" . denote-sort-dired)
:map text-mode-map
("C-c d B" . denote-backlinks)
("C-c d b" . denote-find-backlink)
;; Also see `denote-rename-file' further above.
("C-c d R" . denote-rename-file-using-front-matter)
("C-c d k" . denote-rename-file-keywords)
:map org-mode-map
("C-c d h" . denote-org-extras-link-to-heading)
("C-c d d l" . denote-org-extras-dblock-insert-links)
("C-c d d b" . denote-org-extras-dblock-insert-backlinks)
("C-c d d m" . denote-org-extras-dblock-insert-missing-links)
;; Key bindings specifically for Dired.
:map dired-mode-map
("C-c C-d C-i" . denote-dired-link-marked-notes)
("C-c C-d C-r" . denote-dired-rename-marked-files)
("C-c C-d C-k" . denote-dired-rename-marked-files-with-keywords)
("C-c C-d C-A" . denote-dired-rename-marked-files-add-keywords)
("C-c C-d C-K" . denote-dired-rename-marked-files-remove-keywords)
("C-c C-d C-f" . denote-dired-rename-marked-files-using-front-matter))
(require 'denote-silo-extras)
(require 'denote-journal-extras)
(require 'denote-org-extras)
;; Remember to check the doc strings of those variables.
(let ((dir (string-trim (shell-command-to-string "echo $DENOTE_DIRECTORY"))))
(when (not (string-empty-p dir))
(setq denote-directory (expand-file-name dir))))
(setq denote-infer-keywords t)
(setq denote-sort-keywords t)
(setq denote-excluded-directories-regexp "data") ; external data related to headings is stored in these directories (web archives)
(setq denote-date-format nil) ; read its doc string
(setq denote-date-prompt-use-org-read-date t)
(setq denote-prompts '(title keywords subdirectory signature))
(setq denote-rename-confirmations nil) ; CAREFUL with this if you are not familiar with Denote!
(setq denote-save-buffers t)
(setq denote-rename-buffer-format "[D] %s %t%b")
;; Automatically rename Denote buffers when opening them so that
;; instead of their long file name they have a literal "[D]"
;; followed by the file's title. Read the doc string of
;; `denote-rename-buffer-format' for how to modify this.
(denote-rename-buffer-mode 1)
(setq denote-buffer-has-backlinks-string " (<--->)")
(setq denote-backlinks-show-context t)
(setq denote-org-store-link-to-heading t)
;; Journal settings
(setq denote-journal-extras-keyword "")
;; I use Yasnippet to expand these into a better template.
(add-to-list 'denote-templates '(reference-note . "reference"))
(add-to-list 'denote-templates '(morning . "morningpage"))
(add-to-list 'denote-templates '(emotion . "emotion"))
(add-to-list 'denote-templates '(insight . "insight"))
(add-to-list 'denote-templates '(weekly_intentions . "weekint"))
(add-to-list 'denote-templates '(weekly_report . "weekrpt"))
(add-to-list 'denote-templates '(sketch . "sketch"))
;; Front-matter for Org files
(setq denote-org-front-matter
:ID: %4$s
:CREATED: %2$s
,#+title: %1$s
,#+filetags: %3$s
,#+date: %2$s
,#+identifier: %4$s
(defun vedang/denote-publishing-extras-new-blog-entry (&optional date)
"Create a new blog entry.
With optional DATE as a prefix argument, prompt for a date. If
`denote-date-prompt-use-org-read-date' is non-nil, use the Org
date selection module.
When called from Lisp DATE is a string and has the same format as
that covered in the documentation of the `denote' function. It
is internally processed by `denote-parse-date'."
(interactive (list (when current-prefix-arg (denote-date-prompt))))
(let ((internal-date (denote-parse-date date))
(denote-directory (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name "published" denote-directory))))
nil nil date
;; See YASnippet
(defun vedang/denote-publishing-extras-new-microblog-entry (&optional date)
"Create a new microblog entry.
Set the title of the new entry according to the value of the user option
With optional DATE as a prefix argument, prompt for a date. If
`denote-date-prompt-use-org-read-date' is non-nil, use the Org
date selection module.
When called from Lisp DATE is a string and has the same format as
that covered in the documentation of the `denote' function. It
is internally processed by `denote-parse-date'."
(interactive (list (when current-prefix-arg (denote-date-prompt))))
(let ((internal-date (denote-parse-date date))
(denote-directory (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name "published" denote-directory))))
(denote-journal-extras-daily--title-format internal-date)
'("draft" "microblog")
nil nil date
;; See YASnippet
(defun vedang/denote-link-ol-get-id ()
"Get the CUSTOM_ID of the current entry.
If the entry already has a CUSTOM_ID, return it as-is, else create a new
If we are creating a new ID, add a CREATED property with the current
timestamp as well.
This function is based on `denote-link-ol-get-id', with minor
(let* ((pos (point))
(id (org-entry-get pos "CUSTOM_ID"))
(created (org-entry-get pos "CREATED")))
(if (and (stringp id) (string-match-p "\\S-" id))
(setq id (org-id-new "h"))
(org-entry-put pos "CUSTOM_ID" id))
(when (not created)
(setq created (format-time-string (org-time-stamp-format t t) (current-time)))
(org-entry-put pos "CREATED" created))
(defun vedang/denote--split-luhman-sig (signature)
"Split numbers and letters in Luhmann-style SIGNATURE string."
"\\([a-zA-Z]+?\\)\\([0-9]\\)" "\\1=\\2"
"\\([0-9]+?\\)\\([a-zA-Z]\\)" "\\1=\\2"
(defun vedang/denote--pad-sig (signature)
"Create a new signature with padded spaces for all components"
(lambda (x)
(string-pad x 5 32 t))
(split-string (vedang/denote--split-luhman-sig signature) "=" t))
(defun vedang/denote-sort-for-signatures (sig1 sig2)
"Return non-nil if SIG1 is smaller that SIG2.
Perform the comparison with `string<'."
(string< (vedang/denote--pad-sig sig1) (vedang/denote--pad-sig sig2)))
(use-package denote
:ensure t
( :map global-map
;; Bindings to personal functions (defined above)
("C-c d p m" . vedang/denote-publishing-extras-new-microblog-entry)
("C-c d p b" . vedang/denote-publishing-extras-new-blog-entry))
(setq denote-sort-signature-comparison-function #'vedang/denote-sort-for-signatures))
*** The =unravel-study.el= integration between Consult and Denote (~consult-denote~)
:CUSTOM_ID: h:ee82e629-fb05-4c75-9175-48a760a25691
This is another package of mine which extends my ~denote~ package
([[#h:e86a66dc-7ef9-4f09-ad7e-946de2034e8d][The =unravel-study.el= settings for ~denote~ (notes and file-naming)]]).
This is glue code to integrate ~denote~ with Daniel Mendler's
~consult~ ([[#h:22e97b4c-d88d-4deb-9ab3-f80631f9ff1d][The =unravel-completion.el= settings for ~consult~]]). The
idea is to enhance minibuffer interactions, such as by providing a
preview of the file-to-linked/opened and by adding more sources to the
~consult-buffer~ command.
Prot is the developer of this package.
+ Package name (GNU ELPA): ~consult-denote~
+ Official manual: not available yet.
+ Git repositories:
+ GitHub: <>
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "unravel-modules/unravel-study.el"
(use-package consult-denote
:ensure t
(("C-c d f" . consult-denote-find)
("C-c d g" . consult-denote-grep))
(consult-denote-mode 1))
** The =unravel-study.el= section for ~pdf-tools~ (reading and annotation of PDFs)
:CUSTOM_ID: h:B662EABD-DC46-468A-BF59-E67AC48D2DDA
:CREATED: [2024-12-12 Thu 21:35]
PDF Tools is an absolute powerhouse for reading and annotating PDF files. It is my goto tool for reading any academic papers.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "unravel-modules/unravel-study.el"
;;; PDF Tools for reading and annotating PDF files
(use-package pdf-tools
:ensure (:host github :repo "vedang/pdf-tools" :branch "master")
** The =unravel-study.el= section for ~org-remark~ (annotation of org and eww files)
:CUSTOM_ID: h:814EC9C8-3182-4B86-ADD9-123096D144D4
:CREATED: [2024-12-12 Thu 21:40]
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "unravel-modules/unravel-study.el"
;;; org-remark for annotating org and eww files
(use-package org-remark
:ensure t
(setq org-remark-create-default-pen-set nil)
( :map global-map
("C-c r m" . org-remark-mark)
:map org-remark-mode-map
("C-c r e" . org-remark-mark-review)
("C-c r i" . org-remark-mark-important)
("C-c r o" . org-remark-open)
("C-c r n" . org-remark-view-next)
("C-c r p" . org-remark-view-prev)
("C-c r r" . org-remark-remove)
("C-c r d" . org-remark-delete)
("C-c r s" . org-remark-save)
("C-c r t" . org-remark-toggle)
("C-c r v" . org-remark-view))
(defun vm/org-remark-notes ()
(expand-file-name "brain/" org-directory))
(setq org-remark-notes-file-name #'vm/org-remark-notes)
;; Create a pen set for specific kinds of highlights. NOTE: This
;; pen-set has been made for dark themes.
;; Creates `org-remark-mark-review'
(org-remark-create "review"
;; face: `dired-flagged'
'(:underline (:color "dark red" :style wave) :foreground "#f7143a")
'(CATEGORY "review" help-echo "Review this"))
;; Creates `org-remark-mark-important'
(org-remark-create "important"
;; face: `dired-broken-symlink'
'(:underline "gold" :background "red1" :foreground "yellow1" :weight bold)
'(CATEGORY "important"))
(set-face-bold 'org-remark-highlighter t)
(with-eval-after-load 'eww
(org-remark-eww-mode +1))
(with-eval-after-load 'info
(org-remark-info-mode +1))
(with-eval-after-load 'nov
(org-remark-nov-mode +1)))
** The =unravel-study.el= section for ~org-fc~ (flashcards)
:CUSTOM_ID: h:C63AE939-4082-4763-B0A4-A736869B7B41
:CREATED: [2024-12-12 Thu 21:45]
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "unravel-modules/unravel-study.el"
(use-package org-fc
:ensure (:host github :repo "l3kn/org-fc" :branch "main")
:ensure-system-package (gawk)
(setq org-fc-directories `(,(concat org-directory "/notes/"))))
** Finally, we provide the =unravel-study.el= module
:CUSTOM_ID: h:13AF346B-1721-47FC-87A9-16EEB7818521
:CREATED: [2024-12-12 Thu 22:09]
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "unravel-modules/unravel-study.el"
(provide 'unravel-study)
* Custom libraries
** The =prot-common.el= library
@ -6655,7 +6765,7 @@ I use the incredible ledger-mode for all my personal finance tracking
:ensure t)
*** Finally, we provide the =unravel-langs.el= module
*** Finally, we provide the =vedang-personal.el= module
:CUSTOM_ID: h:29100A9B-3142-4458-8CE1-43798EB9AA13
:CREATED: [2024-12-05 Thu 16:47]
@ -127,228 +127,6 @@
dictionary-create-buttons nil
dictionary-use-single-buffer t))
;;; Denote (simple note-taking and file-naming)
;; Read the manual: <>. This does
;; not include all the useful features of Denote. I have a separate
;; private setup for those, as I need to test everything is in order.
(use-package denote
:ensure t
;; If you use Markdown or plain text files you want to fontify links
;; upon visiting the file (Org renders links as buttons right away).
((text-mode . denote-fontify-links-mode-maybe)
;; Highlight Denote file names in Dired buffers. Below is the
;; generic approach, which is great if you rename files Denote-style
;; in lots of places as I do.
;; If you only want the `denote-dired-mode' in select directories,
;; then modify the variable `denote-dired-directories' and use the
;; following instead:
;; (dired-mode . denote-dired-mode-in-directories)
(dired-mode . denote-dired-mode))
;; Denote DOES NOT define any key bindings. This is for the user to
;; decide. Here I only have a subset of what Denote offers.
( :map global-map
("C-c d n" . denote-create-note)
("C-c d N" . denote-silo-extras-select-silo-then-command)
("C-c d o" . denote-open-or-create)
("C-c d O" . denote-silo-extras-open-or-create)
("C-c d l" . denote-link-or-create)
("C-c d L" . denote-link-after-creating-with-command)
;; Note that `denote-rename-file' can work from any context, not
;; just Dired buffers. That is why we bind it here to the
;; `global-map'.
;; Also see `denote-rename-file-using-front-matter' further below.
("C-c d r" . denote-rename-file)
;; If you intend to use Denote with a variety of file types, it is
;; easier to bind the link-related commands to the `global-map', as
;; shown here. Otherwise follow the same pattern for
;; `org-mode-map', `markdown-mode-map', and/or `text-mode-map'.
("C-c d j" . denote-journal-extras-new-entry)
("C-c d s" . denote-sort-dired)
:map text-mode-map
("C-c d B" . denote-backlinks)
("C-c d b" . denote-find-backlink)
;; Also see `denote-rename-file' further above.
("C-c d R" . denote-rename-file-using-front-matter)
("C-c d k" . denote-rename-file-keywords)
:map org-mode-map
("C-c d h" . denote-org-extras-link-to-heading)
("C-c d d l" . denote-org-extras-dblock-insert-links)
("C-c d d b" . denote-org-extras-dblock-insert-backlinks)
("C-c d d m" . denote-org-extras-dblock-insert-missing-links)
;; Key bindings specifically for Dired.
:map dired-mode-map
("C-c C-d C-i" . denote-dired-link-marked-notes)
("C-c C-d C-r" . denote-dired-rename-marked-files)
("C-c C-d C-k" . denote-dired-rename-marked-files-with-keywords)
("C-c C-d C-A" . denote-dired-rename-marked-files-add-keywords)
("C-c C-d C-K" . denote-dired-rename-marked-files-remove-keywords)
("C-c C-d C-f" . denote-dired-rename-marked-files-using-front-matter))
(require 'denote-silo-extras)
(require 'denote-journal-extras)
(require 'denote-org-extras)
;; Remember to check the doc strings of those variables.
(when (getenv "DENOTE_DIRECTORY")
(setq denote-directory (expand-file-name (getenv "DENOTE_DIRECTORY"))))
(setq denote-infer-keywords t)
(setq denote-sort-keywords t)
(setq denote-excluded-directories-regexp "data") ; external data related to headings is stored in these directories (web archives)
(setq denote-date-format nil) ; read its doc string
(setq denote-date-prompt-use-org-read-date t)
(setq denote-prompts '(title keywords subdirectory signature))
(setq denote-rename-confirmations nil) ; CAREFUL with this if you are not familiar with Denote!
(setq denote-save-buffers t)
(setq denote-rename-buffer-format "[D] %s %t%b")
;; Automatically rename Denote buffers when opening them so that
;; instead of their long file name they have a literal "[D]"
;; followed by the file's title. Read the doc string of
;; `denote-rename-buffer-format' for how to modify this.
(denote-rename-buffer-mode 1)
(setq denote-buffer-has-backlinks-string " (<--->)")
(setq denote-backlinks-show-context t)
(setq denote-org-store-link-to-heading t)
;; Journal settings
(setq denote-journal-extras-keyword "")
;; I use Yasnippet to expand these into a better template.
(add-to-list 'denote-templates '(reference-note . "reference"))
(add-to-list 'denote-templates '(morning . "morningpage"))
(add-to-list 'denote-templates '(emotion . "emotion"))
(add-to-list 'denote-templates '(insight . "insight"))
(add-to-list 'denote-templates '(weekly_intentions . "weekint"))
(add-to-list 'denote-templates '(weekly_report . "weekrpt"))
(add-to-list 'denote-templates '(sketch . "sketch"))
;; Front-matter for Org files
(setq denote-org-front-matter
:ID: %4$s
:CREATED: %2$s
#+title: %1$s
#+filetags: %3$s
#+date: %2$s
#+identifier: %4$s
(defun vedang/denote-publishing-extras-new-blog-entry (&optional date)
"Create a new blog entry.
With optional DATE as a prefix argument, prompt for a date. If
`denote-date-prompt-use-org-read-date' is non-nil, use the Org
date selection module.
When called from Lisp DATE is a string and has the same format as
that covered in the documentation of the `denote' function. It
is internally processed by `denote-parse-date'."
(interactive (list (when current-prefix-arg (denote-date-prompt))))
(let ((internal-date (denote-parse-date date))
(denote-directory (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name "published" denote-directory))))
nil nil date
;; See YASnippet
(defun vedang/denote-publishing-extras-new-microblog-entry (&optional date)
"Create a new microblog entry.
Set the title of the new entry according to the value of the user option
With optional DATE as a prefix argument, prompt for a date. If
`denote-date-prompt-use-org-read-date' is non-nil, use the Org
date selection module.
When called from Lisp DATE is a string and has the same format as
that covered in the documentation of the `denote' function. It
is internally processed by `denote-parse-date'."
(interactive (list (when current-prefix-arg (denote-date-prompt))))
(let ((internal-date (denote-parse-date date))
(denote-directory (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name "published" denote-directory))))
(denote-journal-extras-daily--title-format internal-date)
'("draft" "microblog")
nil nil date
;; See YASnippet
(defun vedang/denote-link-ol-get-id ()
"Get the CUSTOM_ID of the current entry.
If the entry already has a CUSTOM_ID, return it as-is, else create a new
If we are creating a new ID, add a CREATED property with the current
timestamp as well.
This function is based on `denote-link-ol-get-id', with minor
(let* ((pos (point))
(id (org-entry-get pos "CUSTOM_ID"))
(created (org-entry-get pos "CREATED")))
(if (and (stringp id) (string-match-p "\\S-" id))
(setq id (org-id-new "h"))
(org-entry-put pos "CUSTOM_ID" id))
(when (not created)
(setq created (format-time-string (org-time-stamp-format t t) (current-time)))
(org-entry-put pos "CREATED" created))
(defun vedang/denote--split-luhman-sig (signature)
"Split numbers and letters in Luhmann-style SIGNATURE string."
"\\([a-zA-Z]+?\\)\\([0-9]\\)" "\\1=\\2"
"\\([0-9]+?\\)\\([a-zA-Z]\\)" "\\1=\\2"
(defun vedang/denote--pad-sig (signature)
"Create a new signature with padded spaces for all components"
(lambda (x)
(string-pad x 5 32 t))
(split-string (vedang/denote--split-luhman-sig signature) "=" t))
(defun vedang/denote-sort-for-signatures (sig1 sig2)
"Return non-nil if SIG1 is smaller that SIG2.
Perform the comparison with `string<'."
(string< (vedang/denote--pad-sig sig1) (vedang/denote--pad-sig sig2)))
(use-package denote
:ensure t
( :map global-map
;; Bindings to personal functions (defined above)
("C-c d p m" . vedang/denote-publishing-extras-new-microblog-entry)
("C-c d p b" . vedang/denote-publishing-extras-new-blog-entry))
(setq denote-sort-signature-comparison-function #'vedang/denote-sort-for-signatures))
(use-package consult-denote
:ensure t
(("C-c d f" . consult-denote-find)
("C-c d g" . consult-denote-grep))
(consult-denote-mode 1))
(use-package paredit
:ensure t
:bind ( :map paredit-mode-map
@ -49,8 +49,9 @@
(use-package org
:ensure nil
(when (getenv "ORG_DIRECTORY")
(setq org-directory (expand-file-name (getenv "ORG_DIRECTORY"))))
(let ((dir (string-trim (shell-command-to-string "echo $ORG_DIRECTORY"))))
(when (not (string-empty-p dir))
(setq org-directory (expand-file-name dir))))
(setq org-imenu-depth 7)
(add-to-list 'safe-local-variable-values '(org-hide-leading-stars . t))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
;;; Denote (simple note-taking and file-naming)
;; Read the manual: <>. This does
;; not include all the useful features of Denote. I have a separate
;; private setup for those, as I need to test everything is in order.
(use-package denote
:ensure t
;; If you use Markdown or plain text files you want to fontify links
;; upon visiting the file (Org renders links as buttons right away).
((text-mode . denote-fontify-links-mode-maybe)
;; Highlight Denote file names in Dired buffers. Below is the
;; generic approach, which is great if you rename files Denote-style
;; in lots of places as I do.
;; If you only want the `denote-dired-mode' in select directories,
;; then modify the variable `denote-dired-directories' and use the
;; following instead:
;; (dired-mode . denote-dired-mode-in-directories)
(dired-mode . denote-dired-mode))
;; Denote DOES NOT define any key bindings. This is for the user to
;; decide. Here I only have a subset of what Denote offers.
( :map global-map
("C-c d n" . denote-create-note)
("C-c d N" . denote-silo-extras-select-silo-then-command)
("C-c d o" . denote-open-or-create)
("C-c d O" . denote-silo-extras-open-or-create)
("C-c d l" . denote-link-or-create)
("C-c d L" . denote-link-after-creating-with-command)
;; Note that `denote-rename-file' can work from any context, not
;; just Dired buffers. That is why we bind it here to the
;; `global-map'.
;; Also see `denote-rename-file-using-front-matter' further below.
("C-c d r" . denote-rename-file)
;; If you intend to use Denote with a variety of file types, it is
;; easier to bind the link-related commands to the `global-map', as
;; shown here. Otherwise follow the same pattern for
;; `org-mode-map', `markdown-mode-map', and/or `text-mode-map'.
("C-c d j" . denote-journal-extras-new-entry)
("C-c d s" . denote-sort-dired)
:map text-mode-map
("C-c d B" . denote-backlinks)
("C-c d b" . denote-find-backlink)
;; Also see `denote-rename-file' further above.
("C-c d R" . denote-rename-file-using-front-matter)
("C-c d k" . denote-rename-file-keywords)
:map org-mode-map
("C-c d h" . denote-org-extras-link-to-heading)
("C-c d d l" . denote-org-extras-dblock-insert-links)
("C-c d d b" . denote-org-extras-dblock-insert-backlinks)
("C-c d d m" . denote-org-extras-dblock-insert-missing-links)
;; Key bindings specifically for Dired.
:map dired-mode-map
("C-c C-d C-i" . denote-dired-link-marked-notes)
("C-c C-d C-r" . denote-dired-rename-marked-files)
("C-c C-d C-k" . denote-dired-rename-marked-files-with-keywords)
("C-c C-d C-A" . denote-dired-rename-marked-files-add-keywords)
("C-c C-d C-K" . denote-dired-rename-marked-files-remove-keywords)
("C-c C-d C-f" . denote-dired-rename-marked-files-using-front-matter))
(require 'denote-silo-extras)
(require 'denote-journal-extras)
(require 'denote-org-extras)
;; Remember to check the doc strings of those variables.
(let ((dir (string-trim (shell-command-to-string "echo $DENOTE_DIRECTORY"))))
(when (not (string-empty-p dir))
(setq denote-directory (expand-file-name dir))))
(setq denote-infer-keywords t)
(setq denote-sort-keywords t)
(setq denote-excluded-directories-regexp "data") ; external data related to headings is stored in these directories (web archives)
(setq denote-date-format nil) ; read its doc string
(setq denote-date-prompt-use-org-read-date t)
(setq denote-prompts '(title keywords subdirectory signature))
(setq denote-rename-confirmations nil) ; CAREFUL with this if you are not familiar with Denote!
(setq denote-save-buffers t)
(setq denote-rename-buffer-format "[D] %s %t%b")
;; Automatically rename Denote buffers when opening them so that
;; instead of their long file name they have a literal "[D]"
;; followed by the file's title. Read the doc string of
;; `denote-rename-buffer-format' for how to modify this.
(denote-rename-buffer-mode 1)
(setq denote-buffer-has-backlinks-string " (<--->)")
(setq denote-backlinks-show-context t)
(setq denote-org-store-link-to-heading t)
;; Journal settings
(setq denote-journal-extras-keyword "")
;; I use Yasnippet to expand these into a better template.
(add-to-list 'denote-templates '(reference-note . "reference"))
(add-to-list 'denote-templates '(morning . "morningpage"))
(add-to-list 'denote-templates '(emotion . "emotion"))
(add-to-list 'denote-templates '(insight . "insight"))
(add-to-list 'denote-templates '(weekly_intentions . "weekint"))
(add-to-list 'denote-templates '(weekly_report . "weekrpt"))
(add-to-list 'denote-templates '(sketch . "sketch"))
;; Front-matter for Org files
(setq denote-org-front-matter
:ID: %4$s
:CREATED: %2$s
#+title: %1$s
#+filetags: %3$s
#+date: %2$s
#+identifier: %4$s
(defun vedang/denote-publishing-extras-new-blog-entry (&optional date)
"Create a new blog entry.
With optional DATE as a prefix argument, prompt for a date. If
`denote-date-prompt-use-org-read-date' is non-nil, use the Org
date selection module.
When called from Lisp DATE is a string and has the same format as
that covered in the documentation of the `denote' function. It
is internally processed by `denote-parse-date'."
(interactive (list (when current-prefix-arg (denote-date-prompt))))
(let ((internal-date (denote-parse-date date))
(denote-directory (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name "published" denote-directory))))
nil nil date
;; See YASnippet
(defun vedang/denote-publishing-extras-new-microblog-entry (&optional date)
"Create a new microblog entry.
Set the title of the new entry according to the value of the user option
With optional DATE as a prefix argument, prompt for a date. If
`denote-date-prompt-use-org-read-date' is non-nil, use the Org
date selection module.
When called from Lisp DATE is a string and has the same format as
that covered in the documentation of the `denote' function. It
is internally processed by `denote-parse-date'."
(interactive (list (when current-prefix-arg (denote-date-prompt))))
(let ((internal-date (denote-parse-date date))
(denote-directory (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name "published" denote-directory))))
(denote-journal-extras-daily--title-format internal-date)
'("draft" "microblog")
nil nil date
;; See YASnippet
(defun vedang/denote-link-ol-get-id ()
"Get the CUSTOM_ID of the current entry.
If the entry already has a CUSTOM_ID, return it as-is, else create a new
If we are creating a new ID, add a CREATED property with the current
timestamp as well.
This function is based on `denote-link-ol-get-id', with minor
(let* ((pos (point))
(id (org-entry-get pos "CUSTOM_ID"))
(created (org-entry-get pos "CREATED")))
(if (and (stringp id) (string-match-p "\\S-" id))
(setq id (org-id-new "h"))
(org-entry-put pos "CUSTOM_ID" id))
(when (not created)
(setq created (format-time-string (org-time-stamp-format t t) (current-time)))
(org-entry-put pos "CREATED" created))
(defun vedang/denote--split-luhman-sig (signature)
"Split numbers and letters in Luhmann-style SIGNATURE string."
"\\([a-zA-Z]+?\\)\\([0-9]\\)" "\\1=\\2"
"\\([0-9]+?\\)\\([a-zA-Z]\\)" "\\1=\\2"
(defun vedang/denote--pad-sig (signature)
"Create a new signature with padded spaces for all components"
(lambda (x)
(string-pad x 5 32 t))
(split-string (vedang/denote--split-luhman-sig signature) "=" t))
(defun vedang/denote-sort-for-signatures (sig1 sig2)
"Return non-nil if SIG1 is smaller that SIG2.
Perform the comparison with `string<'."
(string< (vedang/denote--pad-sig sig1) (vedang/denote--pad-sig sig2)))
(use-package denote
:ensure t
( :map global-map
;; Bindings to personal functions (defined above)
("C-c d p m" . vedang/denote-publishing-extras-new-microblog-entry)
("C-c d p b" . vedang/denote-publishing-extras-new-blog-entry))
(setq denote-sort-signature-comparison-function #'vedang/denote-sort-for-signatures))
(use-package consult-denote
:ensure t
(("C-c d f" . consult-denote-find)
("C-c d g" . consult-denote-grep))
(consult-denote-mode 1))
;;; PDF Tools for reading and annotating PDF files
(use-package pdf-tools
:ensure (:host github :repo "vedang/pdf-tools" :branch "master")
;;; org-remark for annotating org and eww files
(use-package org-remark
:ensure t
(setq org-remark-create-default-pen-set nil)
( :map global-map
("C-c r m" . org-remark-mark)
:map org-remark-mode-map
("C-c r e" . org-remark-mark-review)
("C-c r i" . org-remark-mark-important)
("C-c r o" . org-remark-open)
("C-c r n" . org-remark-view-next)
("C-c r p" . org-remark-view-prev)
("C-c r r" . org-remark-remove)
("C-c r d" . org-remark-delete)
("C-c r s" . org-remark-save)
("C-c r t" . org-remark-toggle)
("C-c r v" . org-remark-view))
(defun vm/org-remark-notes ()
(expand-file-name "brain/" org-directory))
(setq org-remark-notes-file-name #'vm/org-remark-notes)
;; Create a pen set for specific kinds of highlights. NOTE: This
;; pen-set has been made for dark themes.
;; Creates `org-remark-mark-review'
(org-remark-create "review"
;; face: `dired-flagged'
'(:underline (:color "dark red" :style wave) :foreground "#f7143a")
'(CATEGORY "review" help-echo "Review this"))
;; Creates `org-remark-mark-important'
(org-remark-create "important"
;; face: `dired-broken-symlink'
'(:underline "gold" :background "red1" :foreground "yellow1" :weight bold)
'(CATEGORY "important"))
(set-face-bold 'org-remark-highlighter t)
(with-eval-after-load 'eww
(org-remark-eww-mode +1))
(with-eval-after-load 'info
(org-remark-info-mode +1))
(with-eval-after-load 'nov
(org-remark-nov-mode +1)))
(use-package org-fc
:ensure (:host github :repo "l3kn/org-fc" :branch "main")
:ensure-system-package (gawk)
(setq org-fc-directories `(,(concat org-directory "/notes/"))))
(provide 'unravel-study)
Reference in a new issue