diff --git a/unravel-emacs.org b/unravel-emacs.org
index 06ba20b..4d50803 100644
--- a/unravel-emacs.org
+++ b/unravel-emacs.org
@@ -4195,6 +4195,7 @@ title of the task, and the like. The documentation string of
 ~yasnippet~ is the primary tool I use when I need templates of any kind. Since most of my templating is in ~org-mode~, it makes sense to keep YAS in this section.
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "unravel-modules/unravel-org.el"
+  ;;; YASnippets for daily life improvements
   (use-package yasnippet
     :ensure t
@@ -4205,6 +4206,36 @@ title of the task, and the like. The documentation string of
   (use-package yasnippet-snippets
     :ensure t
     :after yasnippet)
+  ;; I use timestamp functions from ts.el in my snippets
+  (use-package ts
+    :ensure t
+    :config
+    (defun this-week-range (&optional week-num)
+      "Return timestamps \(BEG . END\) spanning the WEEK-NUM calendar work week.
+  If WEEK-NUM is not provided, use the current week."
+      (let* ((now (ts-now))
+             ;; Navigate to the date we need to
+             (curr-week (string-to-number (ts-format "%W" now)))
+             (days-to-adjust (if week-num (* 7 (- curr-week week-num)) 0))
+             ;; We start by calculating the offsets for the beginning and
+             ;; ending timestamps using the current day of the week.  Note
+             ;; that the `ts-dow' slot uses the "%w" format specifier, which
+             ;; counts from Sunday to Saturday as a number from 0 to 6.
+             (adjust-beg-day (- (- (ts-dow now) 1)))
+             (adjust-end-day (- 5 (ts-dow now)))
+             ;; Make beginning/end timestamps based on `now', with adjusted
+             ;; day and hour/minute/second values.  These functions return
+             ;; new timestamps, so `now' is unchanged.
+             (beg (thread-last now
+                               ;; `ts-adjust' makes relative adjustments to timestamps.
+                               (ts-adjust 'day (- adjust-beg-day days-to-adjust))
+                               ;; `ts-apply' applies absolute values to timestamps.
+                               (ts-apply :hour 0 :minute 0 :second 0)))
+             (end (thread-last now
+                               (ts-adjust 'day (- adjust-end-day days-to-adjust))
+                               (ts-apply :hour 23 :minute 59 :second 59))))
+        (cons beg end))))
 ** The =unravel-org.el= Org agenda settings
diff --git a/unravel-modules/unravel-org.el b/unravel-modules/unravel-org.el
index f7bd8ec..daa73e1 100644
--- a/unravel-modules/unravel-org.el
+++ b/unravel-modules/unravel-org.el
@@ -348,6 +348,7 @@ Skips capture tasks and tasks with subtasks"
   :ensure nil
   :bind ("C-c c" . org-capture))
+;;; YASnippets for daily life improvements
 (use-package yasnippet
   :ensure t
@@ -359,6 +360,36 @@ Skips capture tasks and tasks with subtasks"
   :ensure t
   :after yasnippet)
+;; I use timestamp functions from ts.el in my snippets
+(use-package ts
+  :ensure t
+  :config
+  (defun this-week-range (&optional week-num)
+    "Return timestamps \(BEG . END\) spanning the WEEK-NUM calendar work week.
+If WEEK-NUM is not provided, use the current week."
+    (let* ((now (ts-now))
+           ;; Navigate to the date we need to
+           (curr-week (string-to-number (ts-format "%W" now)))
+           (days-to-adjust (if week-num (* 7 (- curr-week week-num)) 0))
+           ;; We start by calculating the offsets for the beginning and
+           ;; ending timestamps using the current day of the week.  Note
+           ;; that the `ts-dow' slot uses the "%w" format specifier, which
+           ;; counts from Sunday to Saturday as a number from 0 to 6.
+           (adjust-beg-day (- (- (ts-dow now) 1)))
+           (adjust-end-day (- 5 (ts-dow now)))
+           ;; Make beginning/end timestamps based on `now', with adjusted
+           ;; day and hour/minute/second values.  These functions return
+           ;; new timestamps, so `now' is unchanged.
+           (beg (thread-last now
+                             ;; `ts-adjust' makes relative adjustments to timestamps.
+                             (ts-adjust 'day (- adjust-beg-day days-to-adjust))
+                             ;; `ts-apply' applies absolute values to timestamps.
+                             (ts-apply :hour 0 :minute 0 :second 0)))
+           (end (thread-last now
+                             (ts-adjust 'day (- adjust-end-day days-to-adjust))
+                             (ts-apply :hour 23 :minute 59 :second 59))))
+      (cons beg end))))
 ;;;; agenda
 (use-package org-agenda
   :ensure nil