diff --git a/nebkor-emacs.org b/nebkor-emacs.org
index 102f141..6b3eb42 100644
--- a/nebkor-emacs.org
+++ b/nebkor-emacs.org
@@ -880,7 +880,7 @@ Another section defines some complementary functionality
              :default-family "Noto Sans Mono"
              :default-height 130)
-             :default-height 130)
+             :default-height 150)
              :default-weight semilight
              :default-height 170
@@ -902,7 +902,7 @@ Another section defines some complementary functionality
              :default-weight regular
              :default-slant normal
              :default-width normal
-             :default-height 130
+             :default-height 150
              :fixed-pitch-family nil ; falls back to :default-family
              :fixed-pitch-weight nil ; falls back to :default-weight
@@ -1521,10 +1521,6 @@ Open a nodal history graph in a new window to navigate all previous histories wi
 :ID:       01JGD1AZDG00072YN0C6Y1FFEG
-The [[https://github.com/emacsorphanage/key-chord][key-chord package]] lets you define multi-key inputs, including double-taps of single keys, that
-map to emacs commands. I use it for common window operations, like splitting, deleting, or rotating
-them; the other major chord I use is =BB= which switches buffers.
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "nebkor-modules/nebkor-essentials.el"
   (use-package key-chord
     :ensure t
@@ -1545,6 +1541,10 @@ them; the other major chord I use is =BB= which switches buffers.
+The [[https://github.com/emacsorphanage/key-chord][key-chord package]] lets you define multi-key inputs, including double-taps of single keys, that
+map to emacs commands. I use it for common window operations, like splitting, deleting, or rotating
+them; the other major chord I use is =BB= which switches buffers.
 ** The =nebkor-essentials= section for ~which-key~
 :ID:       01JGD1BCEX00019X4P0RCQXVQW
@@ -4961,17 +4961,11 @@ colors (you can use tree-sitter to do *syntactic* highlighting, but that's diffe
     :bind (("C-c C-c Q" . lsp-workspace-shutdown)
            ("C-c C-c q" . lsp-workspace-restart))
-    (setq lsp-rust-all-targets nil
-          lsp-rust-analyzer-cargo-all-targets nil
-          lsp-log-io nil
+    (setq lsp-log-io nil
           lsp-semgrep-server-command nil
           lsp-completion-provider :none
           lsp-inlay-hint-enable t
           lsp-modeline-diagnostics-enable nil
-          lsp-rust-analyzer-import-merge-behaviour "full"
-          lsp-rust-analyzer-completion-auto-import-enable t
-          lsp-rust-rustfmt-path "/home/ardent/.cargo/bin/rustfmt"
-          lsp-rust-unstable-features t
           lsp-semantic-tokens-enable t
           lsp-semantic-tokens-warn-on-missing-face nil
           lsp-treemacs-error-list-current-project-only t
@@ -4983,17 +4977,6 @@ colors (you can use tree-sitter to do *syntactic* highlighting, but that's diffe
           lsp-eldoc-render-all t
           lsp-idle-delay 0.2
           lsp-enable-snippet t
-          ;; enable / disable the hints as you prefer:
-          lsp-rust-analyzer-cargo-watch-command "clippy"
-          lsp-rust-analyzer-server-display-inlay-hints t
-          lsp-rust-analyzer-call-info-full t
-          lsp-rust-analyzer-proc-macro-enable t
-          lsp-rust-analyzer-display-lifetime-elision-hints-enable "skip_trivial"
-          lsp-rust-analyzer-display-chaining-hints t
-          lsp-rust-analyzer-display-lifetime-elision-hints-use-parameter-names t
-          lsp-rust-analyzer-display-closure-return-type-hints t
-          lsp-rust-analyzer-display-parameter-hints nil
-          lsp-rust-analyzer-display-reborrow-hints t
           read-process-output-max (* 1024 1024))
@@ -5010,7 +4993,7 @@ colors (you can use tree-sitter to do *syntactic* highlighting, but that's diffe
 :ID:       4cc12328-6cca-4c79-b9ca-fb07492ba890
-Rust is my primary development language.
+Rust is my primary development language; ~rustic~ is derived from ~rust-mode~.
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "nebkor-modules/nebkor-langs.el"
   (use-package cargo
@@ -5025,8 +5008,6 @@ Rust is my primary development language.
                 ("C-c C-c l" . flycheck-list-errors)
                 ("C-c C-c s" . lsp-rust-analyzer-status))
     :hook rust-ts-mode
-    :custom
-    (rustic-format-on-save t)
     (setq rustic-format-on-save t
           rust-indent-method-chain t
@@ -5037,6 +5018,32 @@ Rust is my primary development language.
     (setq-local lsp-semantic-tokens-enable t))
+Most of the fancy IDE-like features are coming from rust-analyzer, and as I mentioned above in the
+[[id:f6046c17-ff41-4474-8b50-94f652da3b13][LSP section]], I prefer to use ~lsp-mode~ as my LSP client. It has a lot of Rust-specific config.
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "nebkor-modules/nebkor-langs.el"
+  (use-package lsp-mode
+    :ensure nil
+    :defer t
+    :config
+    (setq lsp-rust-all-targets nil
+          lsp-rust-analyzer-cargo-all-targets nil
+          lsp-rust-analyzer-import-merge-behaviour "full"
+          lsp-rust-analyzer-completion-auto-import-enable t
+          lsp-rust-rustfmt-path "/home/ardent/.cargo/bin/rustfmt"
+          lsp-rust-unstable-features t
+          lsp-rust-analyzer-cargo-watch-command "clippy"
+          lsp-rust-analyzer-server-display-inlay-hints t
+          lsp-rust-analyzer-call-info-full t
+          lsp-rust-analyzer-proc-macro-enable t
+          lsp-rust-analyzer-display-lifetime-elision-hints-enable "skip_trivial"
+          lsp-rust-analyzer-display-chaining-hints t
+          lsp-rust-analyzer-display-lifetime-elision-hints-use-parameter-names t
+          lsp-rust-analyzer-display-closure-return-type-hints t
+          lsp-rust-analyzer-display-parameter-hints nil
+          lsp-rust-analyzer-display-reborrow-hints t))
 ** The =nebkor-langs.el= section for Python
 :CUSTOM_ID: h:EA5EA223-F97D-4EE9-8663-99822A037618
diff --git a/nebkor-modules/nebkor-langs.el b/nebkor-modules/nebkor-langs.el
index cea4c46..c662c57 100644
--- a/nebkor-modules/nebkor-langs.el
+++ b/nebkor-modules/nebkor-langs.el
@@ -176,17 +176,11 @@
   :bind (("C-c C-c Q" . lsp-workspace-shutdown)
          ("C-c C-c q" . lsp-workspace-restart))
-  (setq lsp-rust-all-targets nil
-        lsp-rust-analyzer-cargo-all-targets nil
-        lsp-log-io nil
+  (setq lsp-log-io nil
         lsp-semgrep-server-command nil
         lsp-completion-provider :none
         lsp-inlay-hint-enable t
         lsp-modeline-diagnostics-enable nil
-        lsp-rust-analyzer-import-merge-behaviour "full"
-        lsp-rust-analyzer-completion-auto-import-enable t
-        lsp-rust-rustfmt-path "/home/ardent/.cargo/bin/rustfmt"
-        lsp-rust-unstable-features t
         lsp-semantic-tokens-enable t
         lsp-semantic-tokens-warn-on-missing-face nil
         lsp-treemacs-error-list-current-project-only t
@@ -198,17 +192,6 @@
         lsp-eldoc-render-all t
         lsp-idle-delay 0.2
         lsp-enable-snippet t
-        ;; enable / disable the hints as you prefer:
-        lsp-rust-analyzer-cargo-watch-command "clippy"
-        lsp-rust-analyzer-server-display-inlay-hints t
-        lsp-rust-analyzer-call-info-full t
-        lsp-rust-analyzer-proc-macro-enable t
-        lsp-rust-analyzer-display-lifetime-elision-hints-enable "skip_trivial"
-        lsp-rust-analyzer-display-chaining-hints t
-        lsp-rust-analyzer-display-lifetime-elision-hints-use-parameter-names t
-        lsp-rust-analyzer-display-closure-return-type-hints t
-        lsp-rust-analyzer-display-parameter-hints nil
-        lsp-rust-analyzer-display-reborrow-hints t
         read-process-output-max (* 1024 1024))
@@ -230,8 +213,6 @@
               ("C-c C-c l" . flycheck-list-errors)
               ("C-c C-c s" . lsp-rust-analyzer-status))
   :hook rust-ts-mode
-  :custom
-  (rustic-format-on-save t)
   (setq rustic-format-on-save t
         rust-indent-method-chain t
@@ -241,6 +222,27 @@
   (setq-local buffer-save-without-query t)
   (setq-local lsp-semantic-tokens-enable t))
+(use-package lsp-mode
+  :ensure nil
+  :defer t
+  :config
+  (setq lsp-rust-all-targets nil
+        lsp-rust-analyzer-cargo-all-targets nil
+        lsp-rust-analyzer-import-merge-behaviour "full"
+        lsp-rust-analyzer-completion-auto-import-enable t
+        lsp-rust-rustfmt-path "/home/ardent/.cargo/bin/rustfmt"
+        lsp-rust-unstable-features t
+        lsp-rust-analyzer-cargo-watch-command "clippy"
+        lsp-rust-analyzer-server-display-inlay-hints t
+        lsp-rust-analyzer-call-info-full t
+        lsp-rust-analyzer-proc-macro-enable t
+        lsp-rust-analyzer-display-lifetime-elision-hints-enable "skip_trivial"
+        lsp-rust-analyzer-display-chaining-hints t
+        lsp-rust-analyzer-display-lifetime-elision-hints-use-parameter-names t
+        lsp-rust-analyzer-display-closure-return-type-hints t
+        lsp-rust-analyzer-display-parameter-hints nil
+        lsp-rust-analyzer-display-reborrow-hints t))
 ;;;; Configuration for Python Programming
 (use-package python
diff --git a/nebkor-modules/nebkor-theme.el b/nebkor-modules/nebkor-theme.el
index 10e7064..e301e93 100644
--- a/nebkor-modules/nebkor-theme.el
+++ b/nebkor-modules/nebkor-theme.el
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
            :default-family "Noto Sans Mono"
            :default-height 130)
-           :default-height 130)
+           :default-height 150)
            :default-weight semilight
            :default-height 170
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
            :default-weight regular
            :default-slant normal
            :default-width normal
-           :default-height 130
+           :default-height 150
            :fixed-pitch-family nil ; falls back to :default-family
            :fixed-pitch-weight nil ; falls back to :default-weight