From 7725ff1dce70a5a0f9611eba66511d8b3e168e45 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vedang Manerikar <>
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 07:55:24 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] Copy over bindings from consult's README

---                     | 29 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 unravel-modules/unravel-completion.el | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++----
 2 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 583b83f..7e932ca 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1577,7 +1577,7 @@ Also see [[#h:567bb00f-1d82-4746-93e5-e0f60721728a][the =prot-emacs-completion.e
-consult~ is another wonderful package by Daniel Mendler. It provides
+~consult~ is another wonderful package by Daniel Mendler. It provides
 a number of commands that turbocharge the minibuffer with advanced
 capabilities for filtering, asynchronous input, and previewing of the
 current candidate's context.
@@ -1626,18 +1626,37 @@ Also check: [[#h:e0f9c30e-3a98-4479-b709-7008277749e4][The =unravel-search.el= m
     :hook (completion-list-mode . consult-preview-at-point-mode)
     (:map global-map
-          ("M-g M-g" . consult-goto-line)
           ("M-K" . consult-keep-lines) ; M-S-k is similar to M-S-5 (M-%)
-          ("M-F" . consult-focus-lines) ; same principle
+          ("M-F" . consult-focus-lines)   ; same principle
           ("M-s M-b" . consult-buffer)
-          ("M-s M-f" . consult-find)
-          ("M-s M-g" . consult-grep)
+          ("M-s M-f" . consult-fd)
+          ("M-s M-g" . consult-ripgrep)
           ("M-s M-h" . consult-history)
           ("M-s M-i" . consult-imenu)
           ("M-s M-l" . consult-line)
           ("M-s M-m" . consult-mark)
           ("M-s M-y" . consult-yank-pop)
           ("M-s M-s" . consult-outline)
+          ;; C-x bindings in `ctl-x-map'
+          ("C-x M-:" . consult-complex-command) ;; orig. repeat-complex-command
+          ("C-x b" . consult-buffer) ;; orig. switch-to-buffer
+          ("C-x 4 b" . consult-buffer-other-window) ;; orig. switch-to-buffer-other-window
+          ("C-x 5 b" . consult-buffer-other-frame) ;; orig. switch-to-buffer-other-frame
+          ("C-x t b" . consult-buffer-other-tab) ;; orig. switch-to-buffer-other-tab
+          ("C-x r b" . consult-bookmark)         ;; orig. bookmark-jump
+          ("C-x p b" . consult-project-buffer) ;; orig. project-switch-to-buffer
+          ;; Custom M-# bindings for fast register access
+          ("M-#" . consult-register-load)
+          ("M-'" . consult-register-store) ;; orig. abbrev-prefix-mark (unrelated)
+          ("C-M-#" . consult-register)
+          ;; Other custom bindings
+          ("M-y" . consult-yank-pop) ;; orig. yank-pop
+          ;; M-g bindings in `goto-map'
+          ("M-g e" . consult-compile-error)
+          ("M-g f" . consult-flymake)   ;; Alternative: consult-flycheck
+          ("M-g g" . consult-goto-line) ;; orig. goto-line
+          ("M-g M-g" . consult-goto-line) ;; orig. goto-line
+          ("M-g o" . consult-outline) ;; Alternative: consult-org-heading
           :map consult-narrow-map
           ("?" . consult-narrow-help))
diff --git a/unravel-modules/unravel-completion.el b/unravel-modules/unravel-completion.el
index 5b7a175..157cda5 100644
--- a/unravel-modules/unravel-completion.el
+++ b/unravel-modules/unravel-completion.el
@@ -194,18 +194,37 @@
   :hook (completion-list-mode . consult-preview-at-point-mode)
   (:map global-map
-        ("M-g M-g" . consult-goto-line)
         ("M-K" . consult-keep-lines) ; M-S-k is similar to M-S-5 (M-%)
-        ("M-F" . consult-focus-lines) ; same principle
+        ("M-F" . consult-focus-lines)   ; same principle
         ("M-s M-b" . consult-buffer)
-        ("M-s M-f" . consult-find)
-        ("M-s M-g" . consult-grep)
+        ("M-s M-f" . consult-fd)
+        ("M-s M-g" . consult-ripgrep)
         ("M-s M-h" . consult-history)
         ("M-s M-i" . consult-imenu)
         ("M-s M-l" . consult-line)
         ("M-s M-m" . consult-mark)
         ("M-s M-y" . consult-yank-pop)
         ("M-s M-s" . consult-outline)
+        ;; C-x bindings in `ctl-x-map'
+        ("C-x M-:" . consult-complex-command) ;; orig. repeat-complex-command
+        ("C-x b" . consult-buffer) ;; orig. switch-to-buffer
+        ("C-x 4 b" . consult-buffer-other-window) ;; orig. switch-to-buffer-other-window
+        ("C-x 5 b" . consult-buffer-other-frame) ;; orig. switch-to-buffer-other-frame
+        ("C-x t b" . consult-buffer-other-tab) ;; orig. switch-to-buffer-other-tab
+        ("C-x r b" . consult-bookmark)         ;; orig. bookmark-jump
+        ("C-x p b" . consult-project-buffer) ;; orig. project-switch-to-buffer
+        ;; Custom M-# bindings for fast register access
+        ("M-#" . consult-register-load)
+        ("M-'" . consult-register-store) ;; orig. abbrev-prefix-mark (unrelated)
+        ("C-M-#" . consult-register)
+        ;; Other custom bindings
+        ("M-y" . consult-yank-pop) ;; orig. yank-pop
+        ;; M-g bindings in `goto-map'
+        ("M-g e" . consult-compile-error)
+        ("M-g f" . consult-flymake)   ;; Alternative: consult-flycheck
+        ("M-g g" . consult-goto-line) ;; orig. goto-line
+        ("M-g M-g" . consult-goto-line) ;; orig. goto-line
+        ("M-g o" . consult-outline) ;; Alternative: consult-org-heading
         :map consult-narrow-map
         ("?" . consult-narrow-help))