Add elpaca gotchas for the interested reader.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 27 additions and 3 deletions
@ -455,9 +455,28 @@ package archives, pinning packages, and setting priorities:
:CREATED: [2024-12-10 Tue 14:43]
I use ~elpaca~ for package management, and ~use-package~ for configuration management. This means that ~elpaca~ replaces the built-in ~package.el~ functionality.
I use ~elpaca~ for package management, and ~use-package~ for
configuration management. This means that ~elpaca~ replaces the
built-in ~package.el~ functionality.
I do it this way because it simplifies my developement workflow for the emacs-lisp packages I want to contribute to. The built-in ~package.el~ is just fine, and if you prefer that, you should just COMMENT this section, uncomment [[#h:424340cc-f3d7-4083-93c9-d852d40dfd40][The =init.el= settings for packages (=package.el=)]] and re-export all the code-blocks.
I do it this way because it simplifies my developement workflow for
the emacs-lisp packages I want to contribute to, by letting me use
code directly from git forges.
When using ~elpaca~, here are some gotchas you should be aware of
(Note: these only apply for =:ensure t= cases):
1. Use ~elpaca-after-init-hook~ instead of ~after-init-hook~ or
~emacs-startup-hook~. Elpaca runs in the background and does not
guarantee order. Using this special hook ensures that config is
loaded in the expected order.
2. Prefer ~:demand~ or ~:wait~ over ~:defer~, especially when
deferring for a certain number of seconds. Do not make any
assumptions about order of execution.
The built-in ~package.el~ is just fine, and if you prefer that, you
should just COMMENT this section, uncomment [[#h:424340cc-f3d7-4083-93c9-d852d40dfd40][The =init.el= settings for
packages (=package.el=)]] and re-export all the code-blocks.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "init.el"
;;; Install Elpaca
@ -1443,13 +1462,18 @@ process.
("M-w" . easy-kill)) ; re-map kill-ring-save
** The =unravel-essentials.el= section about ~treesit-auto~
:CUSTOM_ID: h:C9748AB2-AEFB-46E7-A3AD-0910D9CB153A
:CREATED: [2024-12-10 Tue 13:45]
~treesit-auto~ automatically downloads and installs tree-sitter modules. Tree-sitter is amazing new tech that is built into Emacs from v29 onwards, and enables much better syntax highlighting and code-navigation. I'll write more about tree-sitter in this section at a later date.
~treesit-auto~ automatically downloads and installs tree-sitter
modules. Tree-sitter is amazing new tech that is built into Emacs from
v29 onwards, and enables much better syntax highlighting and
code-navigation. I'll write more about tree-sitter in this section at
a later date.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "unravel-modules/unravel-essentials.el"
;;; Install and use tree-sitter major modes where possible
Reference in a new issue