From a6fa2219b75a025f1843c3cb618cbab74b82973b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vedang Manerikar <>
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 19:08:45 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] Update the README and make it more user-friendly.

Add a link to the thread I wrote
--- | 126 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 77 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 2e183f1..b766dba 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -4,59 +4,27 @@
 #+language: en
 #+options: ':t toc:nil num:t author:t email:t
-This configuration is inspired from the work of [[][my hero Prot]]. I've
-copied straight from his config file, because I think the explanations
-he has created are worthwhile and should be read by everyone. Prot's
-files are all prefixed with =prot-emacs-*=. I have changed this to
-=unravel-*=. The reason for this is that I have picked up only what I
-need and changed it based on my usage. As such, any issues you face
-with this configuration are likely introduced by me.
+* Quick Start
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:2818C76B-3A6D-4676-8159-ED7BBFA45501
+:CREATED:  [2024-12-19 Thu 17:06]
-I use emacs on Mac OSX as my primary development environment. I
-install the latest available pre-compiled Emacs (with native
-compilation), as provided by Jimeh here: [[][jimeh/emacs-builds]].
+1. Install the latest available Emacs version, with native-compilation
+   and tree-sitter support.
+   - I use the latest release from [[][jimeh/emacs-builds]] on MacOSX
+2. Clone this repository as your =.emacs.d= folder and start Emacs.
+3. When you open any programming language file, run =M-x eglot= to
+   start an LSP server in the background and connect to it.
+4. Go through the Table of Contents below and read details of
+   whichever section you are interested in knowing more about. Reach
+   out with questions, they will help me improve the README further!
-Any quote without attribution is directly taken from [[][Prot's org file]].
-Prot gives even more detailed explanations in his writing, I have only
-picked snippets. The interested reader should definitely go through
-Prot's notes.
-To make a change to this Emacs configuration, edit this file and then
-type =C-c C-v C-t= (=M-x org-babel-tangle=) to republish all the
-relevant files.
-What you are now reading is not a common literate configuration of
-Emacs. In most such cases, you have a generic =init.el= with a call to
-the ~org-babel-load-file~ function that gets an Org document as its
-value. That method works but is very slow, because we have to load Org
-before starting Emacs (and Org loads a bunch of other things we do not
-need at such an early stage).
-Whereas this Org document serves as (i) a single point of entry to my
-Emacs setup and (ii) the origin of all of my Emacs configurations.
-While I am defining everything in a single Org file, I am not actually
-starting Emacs by reading this file. Rather, I am instructing Org to
-put the code blocks defined herein in standalone files, organised by
-scope. The end result is something where you cannot tell whether a
-literate program was executed or not.
-This is the beauty of it. I can keep editing a single file as the
-"source of truth", though I can still handle each of the files
-individually (e.g. someone wants to see how I do a specific thing, so
-I share only that file as an email attachment---no need to send over
-this massive document).
-When I want to modify my Emacs setup, I edit this file and then
-evaluate the following code block or do =C-c C-v C-t=. All files will
-be updated accordingly.
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no :results none
+[ A short thread on the configuration: (2024-12-20) ]
 * Table of Contents :TOC:
+- [[#quick-start][Quick Start]]
+- [[#introduction][Introduction]]
 - [[#the-early-initel-file][The =early-init.el= file]]
   - [[#the-early-initel-basic-frame-settings][The =early-init.el= basic frame settings]]
   - [[#the-early-initel-tweaks-to-startup-time-and-garbage-collection][The =early-init.el= tweaks to startup time and garbage collection]]
@@ -90,6 +58,7 @@ be updated accordingly.
   - [[#the-unravel-essentialsel-block-with-basic-configurations][The =unravel-essentials.el= block with basic configurations]]
   - [[#the-unravel-essentialsel-section-for-fixing-path-on-osx-exec-path-from-shell][The =unravel-essentials.el= section for fixing PATH on OSX (~exec-path-from-shell~)]]
   - [[#the-unravel-essentialsel-configuration-to-track-recently-visited-files-recentf][The =unravel-essentials.el= configuration to track recently visited files (~recentf~)]]
+  - [[#the-unravel-essentialsel-configuration-to-track-my-place-in-visited-files-saveplace][The =unravel-essentials.el= configuration to track my place in visited files (~saveplace~)]]
   - [[#the-unravel-essentialsel-settings-for-bookmarks][The =unravel-essentials.el= settings for bookmarks]]
   - [[#the-unravel-essentialsel-settings-for-registers][The =unravel-essentials.el= settings for registers]]
   - [[#the-unravel-essentialsel-settings-for-files][The =unravel-essentials.el= settings for files]]
@@ -214,6 +183,65 @@ be updated accordingly.
   - [[#the-prot-windowel-library][The =prot-window.el= library]]
   - [[#the-vedang-personalel-module][The =vedang-personal.el= module]]
+* Introduction
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:D8816D6D-3B30-4ED5-9AE5-892029BA6C24
+:CREATED:  [2024-12-19 Thu 17:05]
+This configuration is inspired from the work of [[][my hero Prot]]. I've
+copied straight from his config file, because I think the explanations
+he has created are worthwhile and should be read by everyone. Prot's
+files are all prefixed with =prot-emacs-*=. I have changed this to
+=unravel-*=. The reason for this is that I have picked up only what I
+need and changed it based on my usage. As such, any issues you face
+with this configuration are likely introduced by me.
+I use emacs on Mac OSX as my primary development environment. I
+install the latest available pre-compiled Emacs (with native
+compilation), as provided by Jimeh here: [[][jimeh/emacs-builds]].
+Any quote without attribution is directly taken from [[][Prot's org file]].
+Prot gives even more detailed explanations in his writing, I have only
+picked snippets. The interested reader should definitely go through
+Prot's notes.
+To make a change to this Emacs configuration, edit this file and then
+type =C-c C-v C-t= (=M-x org-babel-tangle=) to republish all the
+relevant files.
+What you are now reading is not a common literate configuration of
+Emacs. In most such cases, you have a generic =init.el= with a call to
+the ~org-babel-load-file~ function that gets an Org document as its
+value. That method works but is very slow, because we have to load Org
+before starting Emacs (and Org loads a bunch of other things we do not
+need at such an early stage).
+Whereas this Org document serves as (i) a single point of entry to my
+Emacs setup and (ii) the origin of all of my Emacs configurations.
+While I am defining everything in a single Org file, I am not actually
+starting Emacs by reading this file. Rather, I am instructing Org to
+put the code blocks defined herein in standalone files, organised by
+scope. The end result is something where you cannot tell whether a
+literate program was executed or not.
+This is the beauty of it. I can keep editing a single file as the
+"source of truth", though I can still handle each of the files
+individually (e.g. someone wants to see how I do a specific thing, so
+I share only that file as an email attachment---no need to send over
+this massive document).
+When I want to modify my Emacs setup, I edit this file and then
+evaluate the following code block or do =C-c C-v C-t=. All files will
+be updated accordingly.
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no :results none
 * The =early-init.el= file