From a87b511eaadab57d10534ce55fb0d8505fe0b632 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vedang Manerikar <>
Date: Sun, 1 Dec 2024 16:11:50 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] Set the tag-alist the way I like it

---              | 29 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 unravel-modules/unravel-org.el | 29 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index b39e532..57f797a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -3811,7 +3811,34 @@ Org agenda, in particular, provides commands to filter tasks by tag:
   (use-package org
     :ensure nil
-    (setq org-tag-alist nil)
+    (setq org-tag-alist
+          '((:startgrouptag)
+            ("TaskStatus" . ?S)
+            (:grouptags)
+            ("next" . ?x)
+            ("waiting" . ?w)
+            ("delegated" . ?d)
+            (:endgrouptag)
+            (:startgrouptag)
+            ("Writing" . ?W)
+            (:grouptags)
+            ("notes" . ?n)
+            ("sketch" . ?s)
+            ("feedback" . ?f)
+            ("actionitems" . ?a)
+            (:endgrouptag)
+            (:startgrouptag)
+            ("TaskType" . ?T)
+            (:startgrouptag)
+            ("joy" . ?j)
+            ("errand" . ?e)
+            ("bug" . ?b)
+            ("habit" . ?h)
+            ("goal" . ?g)
+            (:endgrouptag)
+            ("important" . ?i)
+            ("refile" . ?r)
+            ("future" . ?F)))
     (setq org-auto-align-tags nil)
     (setq org-tags-column 0))
diff --git a/unravel-modules/unravel-org.el b/unravel-modules/unravel-org.el
index bcac1f3..4ed6915 100644
--- a/unravel-modules/unravel-org.el
+++ b/unravel-modules/unravel-org.el
@@ -162,7 +162,34 @@
 (use-package org
   :ensure nil
-  (setq org-tag-alist nil)
+  (setq org-tag-alist
+        '((:startgrouptag)
+          ("TaskStatus" . ?S)
+          (:grouptags)
+          ("next" . ?x)
+          ("waiting" . ?w)
+          ("delegated" . ?d)
+          (:endgrouptag)
+          (:startgrouptag)
+          ("Writing" . ?W)
+          (:grouptags)
+          ("notes" . ?n)
+          ("sketch" . ?s)
+          ("feedback" . ?f)
+          ("actionitems" . ?a)
+          (:endgrouptag)
+          (:startgrouptag)
+          ("TaskType" . ?T)
+          (:startgrouptag)
+          ("joy" . ?j)
+          ("errand" . ?e)
+          ("bug" . ?b)
+          ("habit" . ?h)
+          ("goal" . ?g)
+          (:endgrouptag)
+          ("important" . ?i)
+          ("refile" . ?r)
+          ("future" . ?F)))
   (setq org-auto-align-tags nil)
   (setq org-tags-column 0))