Copy over the essentials.el sections from Prot's config
This is where we define the basic configuration that drives Emacs
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 410 additions and 2 deletions
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
(setq package-install-upgrade-built-in t)
(require 'unravel-theme)
;; (require 'unravel-essentials)
(require 'unravel-essentials)
;; (require 'unravel-modeline)
;; (require 'unravel-completion)
;; (require 'unravel-search)
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ Now we are ready to load our per-module configuration files:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "init.el"
(require 'unravel-theme)
;; (require 'unravel-essentials)
(require 'unravel-essentials)
;; (require 'unravel-modeline)
;; (require 'unravel-completion)
;; (require 'unravel-search)
@ -738,3 +738,246 @@ Use the entry point ~M-x dictionary-search~
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "unravel-modules/unravel-langs.el"
(provide 'unravel-langs)
* The ~unravel-essentials.el~ module
** Basic configuration in ~unravel-essentials.el~
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "unravel-modules/unravel-essentials.el" :mkdirp yes
;;; Essential configurations
(use-package emacs
:ensure nil
:demand t
;;;; General settings and common custom functions
(setq help-window-select t)
(setq next-error-recenter '(4)) ; center of the window
(setq find-library-include-other-files nil) ; Emacs 29
(setq tramp-connection-timeout (* 60 10)) ; seconds
(setq save-interprogram-paste-before-kill t)
(setq mode-require-final-newline t)
(setq-default truncate-partial-width-windows nil)
(setq eval-expression-print-length nil)
(setq kill-do-not-save-duplicates t)
(setq scroll-error-top-bottom t)
(setq echo-keystrokes-help t) ; Emacs 30
(setq epa-keys-select-method 'minibuffer)) ; Emacs 30
** Settings for ~recentf~: keeping track of recent files
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "unravel-modules/unravel-essentials.el"
(use-package recentf
:ensure nil
:hook (after-init . recentf-mode)
(setq recentf-max-saved-items 100)
(setq recentf-max-menu-items 25) ; I don't use the `menu-bar-mode', but this is good to know
(setq recentf-save-file-modes nil)
(setq recentf-keep nil)
(setq recentf-auto-cleanup nil)
(setq recentf-initialize-file-name-history nil)
(setq recentf-filename-handlers nil)
(setq recentf-show-file-shortcuts-flag nil))
** Settings for Bookmarks
:CUSTOM_ID: h:581aa0ff-b136-4099-a321-3b86edbfbccb
Bookmarks are compartments that store arbitrary information about a file or buffer. The records are used to recreate that file/buffer inside of Emacs. Put differently, we can easily jump back to a file or directory (or anything that has a bookmark recorder+handler, really). Use the ~bookmark-set~ command (=C-x r m= by default) to record a bookmark and then visit one of your bookmarks with ~bookmark-jump~ (=C-x r b= by default).
Also see [[#h:5685df62-4484-42ad-a062-d55ab19022e3][Settings for registers]].
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "unravel-modules/unravel-essentials.el"
;;;; Built-in bookmarking framework (bookmark.el)
(use-package bookmark
:ensure nil
:commands (bookmark-set bookmark-jump bookmark-bmenu-list)
:hook (bookmark-bmenu-mode . hl-line-mode)
(setq bookmark-use-annotations nil)
(setq bookmark-automatically-show-annotations nil)
(setq bookmark-fringe-mark nil) ; Emacs 29 to hide bookmark fringe icon
;; Write changes to the bookmark file as soon as 1 modification is
;; made (addition or deletion). Otherwise Emacs will only save the
;; bookmarks when it closes, which may never happen properly
;; (e.g. power failure).
(setq bookmark-save-flag 1))
** Settings for registers
:CUSTOM_ID: h:5685df62-4484-42ad-a062-d55ab19022e3
Much like bookmarks, registers store data that we can reinstate quickly ([[#h:581aa0ff-b136-4099-a321-3b86edbfbccb][Settings for bookmarks]]). A common use-case is to write some text to a register and then insert that text by calling the given register. This is much better than relying on the ~kill-ring~, because registers are meant to be overwritten by the user, whereas the ~kill-ring~ accumulates lots of text that we do not necessarily need.
To me, registers are essential for keyboard macros. By default, registers do not persist between Emacs sessions, though I do need to re-use them from time to time, hence the arrangement to record them with ~savehist-mode~ ([[#h:25765797-27a5-431e-8aa4-cc890a6a913a][Settings for saving the history (~savehist-mode~)]]).
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "unravel-modules/unravel-essentials.el"
;;;; Registers (register.el)
(use-package register
:ensure nil
:defer t ; its commands are autoloaded, so this will be loaded then
(setq register-preview-delay 0.8
register-preview-function #'register-preview-default)
(with-eval-after-load 'savehist
(add-to-list 'savehist-additional-variables 'register-alist)))
** Settings for ~delete-selection-mode~
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "unravel-modules/unravel-essentials.el"
;;;; Delete selection
(use-package delsel
:ensure nil
:hook (after-init . delete-selection-mode))
** Settings for tooltips
:CUSTOM_ID: h:26afeb95-7920-45ed-8ff6-3648256c280b
With these settings in place, Emacs will use its own faces and frame infrastructure to display tooltips. I prefer it this way because then we can benefit from the text properties that can be added to these messages (e.g. a different colour or a slant).
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "unravel-modules/unravel-essentials.el"
;;;; Tooltips (tooltip-mode)
(use-package tooltip
:ensure nil
:hook (after-init . tooltip-mode)
(setq tooltip-delay 0.5
tooltip-short-delay 0.5
x-gtk-use-system-tooltips t
'((name . "tooltip")
(internal-border-width . 10)
(border-width . 0)
(no-special-glyphs . t))))
** Settings for the ~world-clock~
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "unravel-modules/unravel-essentials.el"
;;;; World clock (M-x world-clock)
(use-package time
:ensure nil
:commands (world-clock)
(setq display-time-world-list t)
(setq zoneinfo-style-world-list ; M-x shell RET timedatectl list-timezones
'(("America/Los_Angeles" "Los Angeles")
("America/Vancouver" "Vancouver")
("Canada/Pacific" "Canada/Pacific")
("America/Chicago" "Chicago")
("Brazil/Acre" "Rio Branco")
("America/Toronto" "Toronto")
("America/New_York" "New York")
("Canada/Atlantic" "Canada/Atlantic")
("Brazil/East" "Brasília")
("UTC" "UTC")
("Europe/Lisbon" "Lisbon")
("Europe/Brussels" "Brussels")
("Europe/Athens" "Athens")
("Asia/Riyadh" "Riyadh")
("Asia/Tehran" "Tehran")
("Asia/Tbilisi" "Tbilisi")
("Asia/Yekaterinburg" "Yekaterinburg")
("Asia/Kolkata" "Kolkata")
("Asia/Singapore" "Singapore")
("Asia/Shanghai" "Shanghai")
("Asia/Seoul" "Seoul")
("Asia/Tokyo" "Tokyo")
("Asia/Vladivostok" "Vladivostok")
("Australia/Brisbane" "Brisbane")
("Australia/Sydney" "Sydney")
("Pacific/Auckland" "Auckland")))
;; All of the following variables are for Emacs 28
(setq world-clock-list t)
(setq world-clock-time-format "%R %z (%Z) %A %d %B")
(setq world-clock-buffer-name "*world-clock*") ; Placement handled by `display-buffer-alist'
(setq world-clock-timer-enable t)
(setq world-clock-timer-second 60))
** Run Emacs as a server
The "server" is functionally like the daemon, except it is run by the first Emacs frame we launch. With a running server, we can connect to it through a new ~emacsclient~ call. This is useful if we want to launch new frames that share resources with the existing running process.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "unravel-modules/unravel-essentials.el"
;;;; Emacs server (allow emacsclient to connect to running session)
(use-package server
:ensure nil
:defer 1
(setq server-client-instructions nil)
(unless (server-running-p)
** ~expreg~ (tree-sitter mark syntactically)
:CUSTOM_ID: h:ceb193bf-0de3-4c43-8ab7-6daa50817754
The ~expreg~ package by Yuan Fu (aka casouri) uses the tree-sitter framework to incrementally expand the region from the smallest to the largest syntactic unit in the given context. This is a powerful feature, though it (i) requires Emacs to be built with tree-sitter support and (ii) for the user to be running a major mode that is designed for tree-sitter (Lisp seems to work regardless).
The package offers the ~expreg-expand~ and ~expreg-contract~ commands.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "unravel-modules/unravel-essentials.el"
;;; Mark syntactic constructs efficiently if tree-sitter is available (expreg)
(when (treesit-available-p)
(use-package expreg
:ensure t
:functions (prot/expreg-expand prot/expreg-expand-dwim)
:bind ("C-M-SPC" . prot/expreg-expand-dwim) ; overrides `mark-sexp'
(defun prot/expreg-expand (n)
"Expand to N syntactic units, defaulting to 1 if none is provided interactively."
(interactive "p")
(dotimes (_ n)
(defun prot/expreg-expand-dwim ()
"Do-What-I-Mean `expreg-expand' to start with symbol or word.
If over a real symbol, mark that directly, else start with a
word. Fall back to regular `expreg-expand'."
(let ((symbol (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol)))
((equal (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'word) symbol)
(prot/expreg-expand 1))
(symbol (prot/expreg-expand 2))
(t (expreg-expand)))))))
** Settings for Battery display
:CUSTOM_ID: h:080aa291-95b4-4d54-8783-d156b13190e9
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "unravel-modules/unravel-essentials.el"
;;;; Show battery status on the mode line (battery.el)
(use-package battery
:ensure nil
:hook (after-init . display-battery-mode)
(setq battery-mode-line-format
((eq battery-status-function #'battery-linux-proc-acpi)
"⏻%b%p%%,%d°C ")
"⏻%b%p%% "))))
** Finally, we provide ~unravel-essentials.el~ module
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "unravel-modules/unravel-essentials.el"
(provide 'unravel-essentials)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
;;; Essential configurations
(use-package emacs
:ensure nil
:demand t
;;;; General settings and common custom functions
(setq help-window-select t)
(setq next-error-recenter '(4)) ; center of the window
(setq find-library-include-other-files nil) ; Emacs 29
(setq tramp-connection-timeout (* 60 10)) ; seconds
(setq save-interprogram-paste-before-kill t)
(setq mode-require-final-newline t)
(setq-default truncate-partial-width-windows nil)
(setq eval-expression-print-length nil)
(setq kill-do-not-save-duplicates t)
(setq scroll-error-top-bottom t)
(setq echo-keystrokes-help t) ; Emacs 30
(setq epa-keys-select-method 'minibuffer)) ; Emacs 30
(use-package recentf
:ensure nil
:hook (after-init . recentf-mode)
(setq recentf-max-saved-items 100)
(setq recentf-max-menu-items 25) ; I don't use the `menu-bar-mode', but this is good to know
(setq recentf-save-file-modes nil)
(setq recentf-keep nil)
(setq recentf-auto-cleanup nil)
(setq recentf-initialize-file-name-history nil)
(setq recentf-filename-handlers nil)
(setq recentf-show-file-shortcuts-flag nil))
;;;; Built-in bookmarking framework (bookmark.el)
(use-package bookmark
:ensure nil
:commands (bookmark-set bookmark-jump bookmark-bmenu-list)
:hook (bookmark-bmenu-mode . hl-line-mode)
(setq bookmark-use-annotations nil)
(setq bookmark-automatically-show-annotations nil)
(setq bookmark-fringe-mark nil) ; Emacs 29 to hide bookmark fringe icon
;; Write changes to the bookmark file as soon as 1 modification is
;; made (addition or deletion). Otherwise Emacs will only save the
;; bookmarks when it closes, which may never happen properly
;; (e.g. power failure).
(setq bookmark-save-flag 1))
;;;; Registers (register.el)
(use-package register
:ensure nil
:defer t ; its commands are autoloaded, so this will be loaded then
(setq register-preview-delay 0.8
register-preview-function #'register-preview-default)
(with-eval-after-load 'savehist
(add-to-list 'savehist-additional-variables 'register-alist)))
;;;; Delete selection
(use-package delsel
:ensure nil
:hook (after-init . delete-selection-mode))
;;;; Tooltips (tooltip-mode)
(use-package tooltip
:ensure nil
:hook (after-init . tooltip-mode)
(setq tooltip-delay 0.5
tooltip-short-delay 0.5
x-gtk-use-system-tooltips t
'((name . "tooltip")
(internal-border-width . 10)
(border-width . 0)
(no-special-glyphs . t))))
;;;; World clock (M-x world-clock)
(use-package time
:ensure nil
:commands (world-clock)
(setq display-time-world-list t)
(setq zoneinfo-style-world-list ; M-x shell RET timedatectl list-timezones
'(("America/Los_Angeles" "Los Angeles")
("America/Vancouver" "Vancouver")
("Canada/Pacific" "Canada/Pacific")
("America/Chicago" "Chicago")
("Brazil/Acre" "Rio Branco")
("America/Toronto" "Toronto")
("America/New_York" "New York")
("Canada/Atlantic" "Canada/Atlantic")
("Brazil/East" "Brasília")
("UTC" "UTC")
("Europe/Lisbon" "Lisbon")
("Europe/Brussels" "Brussels")
("Europe/Athens" "Athens")
("Asia/Riyadh" "Riyadh")
("Asia/Tehran" "Tehran")
("Asia/Tbilisi" "Tbilisi")
("Asia/Yekaterinburg" "Yekaterinburg")
("Asia/Kolkata" "Kolkata")
("Asia/Singapore" "Singapore")
("Asia/Shanghai" "Shanghai")
("Asia/Seoul" "Seoul")
("Asia/Tokyo" "Tokyo")
("Asia/Vladivostok" "Vladivostok")
("Australia/Brisbane" "Brisbane")
("Australia/Sydney" "Sydney")
("Pacific/Auckland" "Auckland")))
;; All of the following variables are for Emacs 28
(setq world-clock-list t)
(setq world-clock-time-format "%R %z (%Z) %A %d %B")
(setq world-clock-buffer-name "*world-clock*") ; Placement handled by `display-buffer-alist'
(setq world-clock-timer-enable t)
(setq world-clock-timer-second 60))
;;;; Emacs server (allow emacsclient to connect to running session)
(use-package server
:ensure nil
:defer 1
(setq server-client-instructions nil)
(unless (server-running-p)
;;; Mark syntactic constructs efficiently if tree-sitter is available (expreg)
(when (treesit-available-p)
(use-package expreg
:ensure t
:functions (prot/expreg-expand prot/expreg-expand-dwim)
:bind ("C-M-SPC" . prot/expreg-expand-dwim) ; overrides `mark-sexp'
(defun prot/expreg-expand (n)
"Expand to N syntactic units, defaulting to 1 if none is provided interactively."
(interactive "p")
(dotimes (_ n)
(defun prot/expreg-expand-dwim ()
"Do-What-I-Mean `expreg-expand' to start with symbol or word.
If over a real symbol, mark that directly, else start with a
word. Fall back to regular `expreg-expand'."
(let ((symbol (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol)))
((equal (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'word) symbol)
(prot/expreg-expand 1))
(symbol (prot/expreg-expand 2))
(t (expreg-expand)))))))
;;;; Show battery status on the mode line (battery.el)
(use-package battery
:ensure nil
:hook (after-init . display-battery-mode)
(setq battery-mode-line-format
((eq battery-status-function #'battery-linux-proc-acpi)
"⏻%b%p%%,%d°C ")
"⏻%b%p%% "))))
(provide 'unravel-essentials)
Reference in a new issue