diff --git a/unravel-emacs.org b/unravel-emacs.org
index 9f9e0e6..ff4d3ef 100644
--- a/unravel-emacs.org
+++ b/unravel-emacs.org
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#+title: GNU Emacs configuration for Emacs 29 and above
+#+title: GNU Emacs configuration for Emacs 30 and above
 #+author: Vedang Manerikar
 #+email: vedang@unravel.tech
 #+language: en
@@ -5351,15 +5351,6 @@ NOTE: Exactly the same instructions also work for Poetry, just replace ~uv~ with
     ((python-base-mode . pyvenv-mode)))
-  (use-package pet ;; Python Environment Tracker
-    :ensure t
-    :after (python eglot)
-    :ensure-system-package (dasel sqlite3)
-    :config
-    ;; We use `add-hook' instead of :hook to be able to specify the -10
-    ;; (call as early as possible)
-    (add-hook 'python-base-mode-hook #'pet-mode -10))
   (use-package auto-virtualenv
     :ensure t
     :after python
@@ -5387,7 +5378,8 @@ To install ~zig~ and ~zls~ on MacOS:
     :ensure t
   ;;; Uncomment this if you want Eglot to start automatically. I don't
   ;;; recommend it, but that's just me.
-    :hook ((zig-mode . eglot-ensure)))
+    ;; :hook ((zig-mode . eglot-ensure))
+    )
 ** The =unravel-langs.el= section for Clojure
@@ -6292,1163 +6284,6 @@ Also see `prot-window-delete-popup-frame'." command)
-** The =vedang-pet.el= library
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "custom-lisp/vedang-pet.el" :mkdirp yes
-  ;;; pet.el --- Executable and virtualenv tracker for python-mode -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-  ;; Author: Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong <wyuenho@gmail.com>
-  ;; Maintainer: Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong <wyuenho@gmail.com>
-  ;; Version: 3.1.0
-  ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26.1") (f "0.6.0") (map "3.3.1") (seq "2.24"))
-  ;; Homepage: https://github.com/wyuenho/emacs-pet/
-  ;; Keywords: tools
-  ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs
-  ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-  ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-  ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-  ;; (at your option) any later version.
-  ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-  ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-  ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-  ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-  ;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-  ;;; Commentary:
-  ;; __P__ython __E__xecutable __T__racker.  Tracks downs the correct Python
-  ;; executables from the various virtualenv management tools and assign them to
-  ;; buffer local variables.  The package to end all Emacs virtualenv packages.
-  ;;; Code:
-  (require 'cl-lib)
-  (require 'f)
-  (require 'filenotify)
-  (require 'let-alist)
-  (require 'map)
-  (require 'pcase)
-  (require 'project)
-  (require 'python)
-  (require 'seq)
-  (require 'subr-x)
-  (require 'tramp)
-  (when (< emacs-major-version 27)
-    (require 'json))
-  (defgroup pet nil
-    "Customization group for `pet'."
-    :group 'python
-    :prefix "pet-")
-  (defcustom pet-debug nil
-    "Whether to turn on debug messages."
-    :group 'pet
-    :type 'boolean)
-  (defcustom pet-toml-to-json-program "dasel"
-    "Name of the program to convert TOML to JSON.
-  The program must accept input from STDIN and output a JSON to
-  You can customize the arguments that will be passed to the
-  program by adjusting `pet-toml-to-json-program-arguments'"
-    :group 'pet
-    :type '(choice (const "dasel")
-                   (const "tomljson")
-                   (string :tag "Other")))
-  (defcustom pet-toml-to-json-program-arguments '("-f" "-" "-r" "toml" "-w" "json")
-    "Arguments for `pet-toml-to-json-program'."
-    :group 'pet
-    :type '(repeat string))
-  (defcustom pet-yaml-to-json-program "dasel"
-    "Name of the program to convert YAML to JSON.
-  The program must accept input from STDIN and output a JSON to
-  You can customize the arguments that will be passed to the
-  program by adjusting `pet-yaml-to-json-program-arguments'"
-    :group 'pet
-    :type '(choice (const "dasel")
-                   (const "yq")
-                   (string :tag "Other")))
-  (defcustom pet-yaml-to-json-program-arguments '("-f" "-" "-r" "yaml" "-w" "json")
-    "Arguments for `pet-yaml-to-json-program'."
-    :group 'pet
-    :type '(repeat string))
-  (defcustom pet-find-file-functions '(pet-find-file-from-project-root
-                                       pet-locate-dominating-file
-                                       pet-find-file-from-project-root-recursively)
-    "Order in which `pet-find-file-from-project' should search for a config file.
-  Each function should take a file name as its sole argument and
-  return an absolute path to the file found in the current project
-  and nil otherwise."
-    :group 'pet
-    :type '(repeat (choice (const pet-find-file-from-project-root)
-                           (const pet-locate-dominating-file)
-                           (const pet-find-file-from-project-root-recursively)
-                           function)))
-  (defcustom pet-venv-dir-names '(".venv" "venv" "env")
-    "Directory names to search for when looking for a virtualenv at the project root."
-    :group 'pet
-    :type '(repeat string))
-  (defcustom pet-fd-command "fd"
-    "The \"fd\" command in the system."
-    :type 'string
-    :group 'pet)
-  (defcustom pet-fd-command-args '("-tf" "-cnever" "-H" "-a" "-g")
-    "The arguments to pass to the \"fd\" command."
-    :type '(repeat string)
-    :group 'pet)
-  (defun pet--executable-find (command &optional remote)
-    "Like Emacs 27's `executable-find', ignore REMOTE on Emacs 26.
-  See `executable-find' for the meaning of COMMAND and REMOTE."
-    (if (>= emacs-major-version 27)
-        (executable-find command remote)
-      (executable-find command)))
-  (defun pet-system-bin-dir ()
-    "Determine the correct script directory based on `system-type'."
-    (if (eq (if (file-remote-p default-directory)
-                (tramp-get-connection-property
-                 (tramp-dissect-file-name default-directory)
-                 "uname"
-                 'windows-nt)
-              system-type)
-            'windows-nt)
-        "Scripts" "bin"))
-  (defun pet-report-error (err)
-    "Report ERR to the minibuffer.
-  Only reports to the minibuffer if `pet-debug' is non-nil."
-    (when pet-debug
-      (minibuffer-message (error-message-string err)))
-    nil)
-  (defun pet-project-root ()
-    "Return the path of root of the project.
-  If `projectile' is available, the function
-  `projectile-project-root' is used to find the project root.
-  Otherwise, `project-root' is used."
-    (or (and (functionp 'projectile-project-root)
-             (projectile-project-root))
-        (when-let ((project (project-current)))
-          (or (and (functionp 'project-root)
-                   (expand-file-name (project-root project)))
-              (and (functionp 'project-roots)
-                   (when-let ((root (car (project-roots project))))
-                     (expand-file-name root)))))))
-  (defun pet-find-file-from-project-root (file)
-    "Find FILE from the current project's root.
-  FILE is a file name or a wildcard.
-  Return absolute path to FILE if found in the project root, nil
-  otherwise."
-    (when-let ((root (pet-project-root)))
-      (car (file-expand-wildcards (concat (file-name-as-directory root) file) t))))
-  (defun pet-locate-dominating-file (file)
-    "Find FILE by walking up `default-directory' until the current project's root.
-  FILE is a file name or a wildcard.
-  Return absolute path to FILE if found, nil otherwise."
-    (when-let* ((root (pet-project-root))
-                (dir (locate-dominating-file
-                      default-directory
-                      (lambda (dir)
-                        (car
-                         (file-expand-wildcards
-                          (concat (file-name-as-directory dir) file))))))
-                (dir (expand-file-name dir)))
-      (when (string-prefix-p root dir)
-        (car (file-expand-wildcards (concat (file-name-as-directory dir) file) t)))))
-  (defun pet-find-file-from-project-root-recursively (file)
-    "Find FILE by recursively searching down from the current project's root.
-  FILE is a file name or a wildcard.
-  Return absolute path to FILE if found, nil otherwise."
-    (condition-case err
-        (when-let ((root (pet-project-root)))
-          (if (executable-find pet-fd-command)
-              (car (cl-remove-if
-                    #'string-empty-p
-                    (apply #'process-lines `(,pet-fd-command ,@pet-fd-command-args ,file ,root))))
-            (when-let ((fileset
-                        (cond ((functionp 'projectile-dir-files)
-                               (mapcar (apply-partially #'concat root)
-                                       (projectile-dir-files (pet-project-root))))
-                              ((functionp 'project-files)
-                               (project-files (project-current)))
-                              (t (directory-files-recursively
-                                  (pet-project-root)
-                                  (wildcard-to-regexp file))))))
-              (seq-find (lambda (f)
-                          (string-match-p
-                           (wildcard-to-regexp file)
-                           (file-name-nondirectory f)))
-                        (sort fileset 'string<)))))
-      (error (pet-report-error err))))
-  (defun pet-find-file-from-project (file)
-    "Find FILE from the current project.
-  Try each function in `pet-find-file-functions' in order and
-  return the absolute path found by the first function, nil
-  otherwise."
-    (seq-some (lambda (fn) (funcall fn file)) pet-find-file-functions))
-  (defun pet-parse-json (str)
-    "Parse JSON STR to an alist.  Arrays are converted to lists."
-    (if (functionp 'json-parse-string)
-        (json-parse-string str :object-type 'alist :array-type 'list)
-      (let ((json-array-type 'list))
-        (json-read-from-string str))))
-  (defun pet-parse-config-file (file-path)
-    "Parse a configuration file at FILE-PATH into JSON alist."
-    (condition-case err
-        (let* ((ext (downcase (or (file-name-extension file-path) "")))
-               (auto-mode-alist-matcher (lambda (entry)
-                                          (pcase-let ((`(,pat . ,mode) entry))
-                                            (when (string-match-p pat file-path)
-                                              mode))))
-               (mode (seq-some auto-mode-alist-matcher auto-mode-alist))
-               (json-p (or (equal ext "json")
-                           (eq 'json-mode mode)
-                           (eq 'json-ts-mode mode)
-                           (eq 'jsonian-mode mode)))
-               (toml-p (or (equal ext "toml")
-                           (eq 'conf-toml-mode mode)
-                           (eq 'toml-ts-mode mode)))
-               (yaml-p (or (string-match-p "ya?ml" ext)
-                           (eq 'yaml-mode mode)
-                           (eq 'yaml-ts-mode mode))))
-          (let ((output (get-buffer-create " *pet parser output*")))
-            (unwind-protect
-                (let ((exit-code
-                       (when (or toml-p yaml-p)
-                         (condition-case err
-                             (apply #'process-file
-                                    (cond (toml-p pet-toml-to-json-program)
-                                          (yaml-p pet-yaml-to-json-program))
-                                    file-path
-                                    output
-                                    nil
-                                    (cond (toml-p pet-toml-to-json-program-arguments)
-                                          (yaml-p pet-yaml-to-json-program-arguments)))
-                           (error (error-message-string err))))))
-                  (cond ((and (integerp exit-code) (zerop exit-code))
-                         (with-current-buffer output
-                           (pet-parse-json (buffer-string))))
-                        (json-p
-                         (with-temp-buffer
-                           (insert-file-contents file-path)
-                           (pet-parse-json (buffer-string))))
-                        (t
-                         (error (if (stringp exit-code)
-                                    exit-code
-                                  (with-current-buffer output
-                                    (buffer-string)))))))
-              (kill-buffer output))))
-      (error (pet-report-error err))))
-  (defvar pet-watched-config-files nil)
-  (defun pet-make-config-file-change-callback (cache-var parser)
-    "Make callback for `file-notify-add-watch'.
-  Return a callback with CACHE-VAR and PARSER captured in
-  itsenvironment.  CACHE-VAR is the symbol to the cache variable to
-  update.  PARSER is the symbol to the parser to parse the file.
-  When invoked, the callback returned will parse the file with
-  PARSER and cache the result in CACHE-VAR if the file was changed.
-  If the file was deleted or renamed, remove the file's watcher,
-  and delete the file entry from CACHE-VAR and
-  `pet-watched-config-files'."
-    (lambda (event)
-      (pcase-let ((`(,_ ,action ,file . ,_) event))
-        (pcase action
-          ((or 'deleted 'renamed)
-           (file-notify-rm-watch (assoc-default file pet-watched-config-files))
-           (setf (alist-get file (symbol-value cache-var) nil t 'equal) nil)
-           (setf (alist-get file pet-watched-config-files nil t 'equal) nil))
-          ('changed
-           (setf (alist-get file (symbol-value cache-var) nil nil 'equal)
-                 (funcall parser file)))))))
-  (defun pet-watch-config-file (config-file cache-var parser)
-    "Keep cache fresh by watching for change in the config file.
-  CONFIG-FILE is the path to the configuration file to watch for
-  changes.  CACHE-VAR is the symbol to the variable where the
-  parsed configuration file content is stored.  PARSER is the
-  symbol to a function that takes a file path and parses its
-  content into an alist."
-    (unless (assoc-default config-file pet-watched-config-files)
-      (push (cons config-file
-                  (file-notify-add-watch
-                   config-file
-                   '(change)
-                   (pet-make-config-file-change-callback cache-var parser)))
-            pet-watched-config-files)))
-  (cl-defmacro pet-def-config-accessor (name &key file-name parser)
-    "Create a function for reading the content of a config file.
-  NAME will be used to create a memorized funcion named `pet-NAME'
-  to return the content of the configuration file FILE-NAME.
-  FILE-NAME is the name or glob pattern of the configuration file
-  that will be searched in the project.  The content of the file
-  will be parsed by PARSER and then cached in a variable called
-  `pet-NAME-cache'.
-  Changes to the file will automatically update the cached content
-  See `pet-watch-config-file' for details."
-    (let* ((accessor-name (concat "pet-" (symbol-name name)))
-           (path-accessor-name (concat accessor-name "-path"))
-           (cache-var (intern (concat accessor-name "-cache")))
-           (accessor-docstring
-            (format "Accessor for `%s' in the current Python project.
-  If the file is found in the current Python project, cache its
-  content in `%s' and return it.
-  If the file content change, it is parsed again and the cache is
-  refreshed automatically.  If it is renamed or deleted, the cache
-  entry is deleted.
-  "
-                    name (symbol-name cache-var)))
-           (path-accessor-docstring (format "Path of `%s' in the current Python project.
-  Return nil if the file is not found." file-name))
-           (cache-var-docstring
-            (format "Cache for `%s'.
-  This variable is an alist where the key is the absolute path to a
-  `%s' in some Python project and the value is the parsed content.
-  " name name)))
-      `(progn
-         (defvar ,cache-var nil ,cache-var-docstring)
-         (defun ,(intern path-accessor-name) ()
-           ,path-accessor-docstring
-           (pet-find-file-from-project ,file-name))
-         (defun ,(intern accessor-name) ()
-           ,accessor-docstring
-           (when-let ((config-file (,(intern path-accessor-name))))
-             (if-let ((cached-content (assoc-default config-file ,cache-var)))
-                 cached-content
-               (pet-watch-config-file config-file ',cache-var #',parser)
-               (when-let ((content (funcall #',parser config-file)))
-                 (push (cons config-file content) ,cache-var)
-                 content)))))))
-  (pet-def-config-accessor pre-commit-config
-                           :file-name ".pre-commit-config.yaml"
-                           :parser pet-parse-config-file)
-  (pet-def-config-accessor pyproject
-                           :file-name "pyproject.toml"
-                           :parser pet-parse-config-file)
-  (pet-def-config-accessor python-version
-                           :file-name ".python-version"
-                           :parser f-read-text)
-  (pet-def-config-accessor pipfile
-                           :file-name "Pipfile"
-                           :parser pet-parse-config-file)
-  ;; So `pet-parse-config-file' knows Pipfile can be parsed with `pet-toml-to-json-program'.
-  (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("/Pipfile\\'" . conf-toml-mode))
-  (pet-def-config-accessor environment
-                           :file-name "environment*.y*ml"
-                           :parser pet-parse-config-file)
-  (defun pet-use-pre-commit-p ()
-    "Whether the current project is using `pre-commit'.
-  Returns the path to the `pre-commit' executable."
-    (and (pet-pre-commit-config)
-         (or (pet--executable-find "pre-commit" t)
-             (and (when-let* ((venv (pet-virtualenv-root))
-                              (exec-path (list (concat (file-name-as-directory venv) (pet-system-bin-dir))))
-                              (process-environment (copy-sequence process-environment)))
-                    (setenv "PATH" (string-join exec-path path-separator))
-                    (pet--executable-find "pre-commit" t))))))
-  (defun pet-use-conda-p ()
-    "Whether the current project is using `conda'.
-  Returns the path to the `conda' executable variant found."
-    (and (pet-environment)
-         (or (pet--executable-find "conda" t)
-             (pet--executable-find "mamba" t)
-             (pet--executable-find "micromamba" t))))
-  (defun pet-use-poetry-p ()
-    "Whether the current project is using `poetry'.
-  Returns the path to the `poetry' executable."
-    (and (string-match-p
-          "poetry"
-          (or (let-alist (pet-pyproject)
-                .build-system.build-backend)
-              ""))
-         (pet--executable-find "poetry" t)))
-  (defun pet-use-pyenv-p ()
-    "Whether the current project is using `pyenv'.
-  Returns the path to the `pyenv' executable."
-    (and (pet-python-version)
-         (pet--executable-find "pyenv" t)))
-  (defun pet-use-pipenv-p ()
-    "Whether the current project is using `pipenv'.
-  Returns the path to the `pipenv' executable."
-    (and (pet-pipfile)
-         (pet--executable-find "pipenv" t)))
-  (defun pet-pre-commit-config-has-hook-p (id)
-    "Determine if the `pre-commit' configuration has a hook.
-  Return non-nil if the `pre-commit' configuration for the current
-  project has hook ID set up."
-    (member id (cl-loop for repo in (let-alist (pet-pre-commit-config) .repos)
-                        append (cl-loop for hook in (let-alist repo .hooks)
-                                        collect (let-alist hook .id)))))
-  (defun pet-parse-pre-commit-db (db-file)
-    "Parse `pre-commit' database.
-  Read the pre-commit SQLite database located at DB-FILE into an alist."
-    (if (and (functionp 'sqlite-available-p)
-             (sqlite-available-p))
-        (let ((db (sqlite-open db-file)))
-          (unwind-protect
-              (let* ((result-set (sqlite-select db "select * from repos" nil 'set))
-                     result
-                     row)
-                (while (setq row (sqlite-next result-set))
-                  (setq result (cons (seq-mapn (lambda (a b) (cons (intern a) b))
-                                               (sqlite-columns result-set)
-                                               row)
-                                     result)))
-                (sqlite-finalize result-set)
-                result)
-            (sqlite-close db)))
-      (condition-case err
-          (with-temp-buffer
-            (process-file "sqlite3" nil t nil "-json" db-file "select * from repos")
-            (pet-parse-json (buffer-string)))
-        (error (pet-report-error err)))))
-  (defvar pet-pre-commit-database-cache nil)
-  (defun pet-pre-commit-virtualenv-path (hook-id)
-    "Find the virtualenv location from the `pre-commit' database.
-  If the `pre-commit' hook HOOK-ID is found in the current Python
-  project's `.pre-commit-config.yaml' file, the hook ID and its
-  additional dependencies are used to construct a key for looking
-  up a virtualenv for the hook from the pre-commit database.
-  In order to find the hook virtualenv, `pre-commit' and the hooks
-  must both be installed into the current project first."
-    (when-let* ((db-file
-                 (concat
-                  (expand-file-name
-                   (file-name-as-directory
-                    (or (getenv "PRE_COMMIT_HOME")
-                        (getenv "XDG_CACHE_HOME")
-                        "~/.cache/")))
-                  (unless (getenv "PRE_COMMIT_HOME") "pre-commit/")
-                  "db.db"))
-                (db
-                 (or (assoc-default db-file pet-pre-commit-database-cache)
-                     (when (file-exists-p db-file)
-                       (pet-watch-config-file db-file 'pet-pre-commit-database-cache 'pet-parse-pre-commit-db)
-                       (when-let ((content (pet-parse-pre-commit-db db-file)))
-                         (push (cons db-file content) pet-pre-commit-database-cache)
-                         content))))
-                (repo-config
-                 (seq-find
-                  (lambda (repo)
-                    (seq-find
-                     (lambda (hook)
-                       (equal (let-alist hook .id) hook-id))
-                     (let-alist repo .hooks)))
-                  (let-alist (pet-pre-commit-config) .repos)))
-                (repo-url
-                 (let-alist repo-config .repo))
-                (repo-dir
-                 (let* ((additional-deps
-                         (let-alist repo-config
-                           (let-alist (seq-find (lambda (hook) (let-alist hook (equal .id hook-id))) .hooks)
-                             .additional_dependencies)))
-                        (unsorted-repo-url (concat repo-url ":" (string-join additional-deps ",")))
-                        (sorted-repo-url (concat repo-url ":" (string-join (sort (copy-sequence additional-deps) 'string<) ","))))
-                   (let-alist (seq-find
-                               (lambda (row)
-                                 (let-alist row
-                                   (and (if additional-deps
-                                            (or (equal .repo unsorted-repo-url)
-                                                (equal .repo sorted-repo-url))
-                                          (equal .repo repo-url))
-                                        (equal .ref (let-alist repo-config .rev)))))
-                               db)
-                     .path))))
-      (car
-       (last
-        (file-expand-wildcards
-         (concat (file-name-as-directory repo-dir) "py_env-*")
-         t)))))
-  ;;;###autoload
-  (defun pet-executable-find (executable)
-    "Find the correct EXECUTABLE for the current Python project.
-  Search for EXECUTABLE first in the `pre-commit' virtualenv, then
-  whatever environment if found by `pet-virtualenv-root', then
-  `pyenv', then finally from the variable `exec-path'.
-  The executable will only be searched in an environment created by
-  a Python virtualenv management tool if the project is set up to
-  use it."
-    (cond ((and (pet-use-pre-commit-p)
-                (not (string-prefix-p "python" executable))
-                (pet-pre-commit-config-has-hook-p executable))
-           (condition-case err
-               (let* ((venv (or (pet-pre-commit-virtualenv-path executable)
-                                (user-error "`pre-commit' is configured but the hook `%s' does not appear to be installed" executable)))
-                      (bin-dir (concat (file-name-as-directory venv) (pet-system-bin-dir)))
-                      (bin-path (concat bin-dir "/" executable)))
-                 (if (file-exists-p bin-path)
-                     bin-path
-                   (user-error "`pre-commit' is configured but `%s' is not found in %s" executable bin-dir)))
-             (error (pet-report-error err))))
-          ((when-let* ((venv (pet-virtualenv-root))
-                       (path (list (concat (file-name-as-directory venv) (pet-system-bin-dir))))
-                       (exec-path path)
-                       (tramp-remote-path path)
-                       (process-environment (copy-sequence process-environment)))
-             (setenv "PATH" (string-join exec-path path-separator))
-             (pet--executable-find executable t)))
-          ((when (pet--executable-find "pyenv" t)
-             (condition-case err
-                 (car (process-lines "pyenv" "which" executable))
-               (error (pet-report-error err)))))
-          (t (or (pet--executable-find executable t)
-                 (pet--executable-find (concat executable "3") t)))))
-  (defvar pet-project-virtualenv-cache nil)
-  ;;;###autoload
-  (defun pet-virtualenv-root ()
-    "Find the path to the virtualenv for the current Python project.
-  Selects a virtualenv in the follow order:
-  1. The value of the environment variable `VIRTUAL_ENV' if defined.
-  2. If the current project is using any `conda' variant, return the absolute path
-     to the virtualenv directory for the current project.
-  3. Ditta for `poetry'.
-  4. Ditto for `pipenv'.
-  5. A directory in `pet-venv-dir-names' in the project root if found.
-  6. If the current project is using `pyenv', return the path to the virtualenv
-     directory by looking up the prefix from `.python-version'."
-    (let ((root (pet-project-root)))
-      (or (assoc-default root pet-project-virtualenv-cache)
-          (when-let ((ev (getenv "VIRTUAL_ENV")))
-            (expand-file-name ev))
-          (let ((venv-path
-                 (cond ((when-let* ((program (pet-use-conda-p))
-                                    (default-directory (file-name-directory (pet-environment-path))))
-                          (condition-case err
-                              (with-temp-buffer
-                                (let ((exit-code (process-file program nil t nil "info" "--json"))
-                                      (output (string-trim (buffer-string))))
-                                  (if (zerop exit-code)
-                                      (let* ((json-output (pet-parse-json output))
-                                             (env-dirs (or (let-alist json-output .envs_dirs)
-                                                           (let-alist json-output .envs\ directories)))
-                                             (env-name (alist-get 'name (pet-environment)))
-                                             (env (seq-find 'file-directory-p
-                                                            (seq-map (lambda (dir)
-                                                                       (file-name-as-directory
-                                                                        (concat
-                                                                         (file-name-as-directory dir)
-                                                                         env-name)))
-                                                                     env-dirs))))
-                                        (or env
-                                            (user-error "Please create the environment with `$ %s create --file %s' first" program (pet-environment-path))))
-                                    (user-error (buffer-string)))))
-                            (error (pet-report-error err)))))
-                       ((when-let ((program (pet-use-poetry-p))
-                                   (default-directory (file-name-directory (pet-pyproject-path))))
-                          (condition-case err
-                              (with-temp-buffer
-                                (let ((exit-code (process-file program nil t nil "env" "info" "--no-ansi" "--path"))
-                                      (output (string-trim (buffer-string))))
-                                  (if (zerop exit-code)
-                                      output
-                                    (user-error (buffer-string)))))
-                            (error (pet-report-error err)))))
-                       ((when-let ((program (pet-use-pipenv-p))
-                                   (default-directory (file-name-directory (pet-pipfile-path))))
-                          (condition-case err
-                              (with-temp-buffer
-                                (let ((exit-code (process-file program nil '(t nil) nil "--quiet" "--venv"))
-                                      (output (string-trim (buffer-string))))
-                                  (if (zerop exit-code)
-                                      output
-                                    (user-error (buffer-string)))))
-                            (error (pet-report-error err)))))
-                       ((when-let ((dir (cl-loop for name in pet-venv-dir-names
-                                                 with dir = nil
-                                                 if (setq dir (locate-dominating-file default-directory name))
-                                                 return (file-name-as-directory (concat dir name)))))
-                          (expand-file-name dir)))
-                       ((when-let ((program (pet-use-pyenv-p))
-                                   (default-directory (file-name-directory (pet-python-version-path))))
-                          (condition-case err
-                              (with-temp-buffer
-                                (let ((exit-code (process-file program nil t nil "prefix"))
-                                      (output (string-trim (buffer-string))))
-                                  (if (zerop exit-code)
-                                      (file-truename output)
-                                    (user-error (buffer-string)))))
-                            (error (pet-report-error err))))))))
-            ;; root maybe nil when not in a project, this avoids caching a nil
-            (when root
-              (setf (alist-get root pet-project-virtualenv-cache nil nil 'equal) venv-path))
-            venv-path))))
-  (defvar flycheck-mode)
-  (defvar flycheck-python-mypy-config)
-  (defvar flycheck-pylintrc)
-  (defvar flycheck-python-flake8-executable)
-  (defvar flycheck-python-pylint-executable)
-  (defvar flycheck-python-mypy-executable)
-  (defvar flycheck-python-pyright-executable)
-  (defvar flycheck-python-pycompile-executable)
-  (defvar flycheck-python-ruff-executable)
-  (defun pet-flycheck-python-pylint-find-pylintrc ()
-    "Polyfill `flycheck-pylintrc'.
-  Find the correct `pylint' configuration file according to the
-  algorithm described at
-  `https://pylint.pycqa.org/en/latest/user_guide/usage/run.html'."
-    (let* ((pylintrc '("pylintrc" ".pylintrc" "pyproject.toml" "setup.cfg"))
-           (found     (cond ((cl-loop for f in pylintrc
-                                      with path = nil
-                                      do (setq path (concat default-directory f))
-                                      if (file-exists-p path)
-                                      return (expand-file-name path)))
-                            ((and (buffer-file-name)
-                                  (file-exists-p (concat (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name)) "__init__.py")))
-                             (when-let ((path (cl-loop for f in pylintrc
-                                                       with dir = nil
-                                                       do (setq dir (locate-dominating-file default-directory f))
-                                                       if dir
-                                                       return (concat dir f))))
-                               (expand-file-name path))))))
-      (if found
-          found
-        (cond ((when-let* ((ev (getenv "PYLINTRC"))
-                           (path (expand-file-name ev)))
-                 (and (file-exists-p path) path)))
-              ((let* ((ev (getenv "XDG_CONFIG_HOME"))
-                      (config-dir
-                       (or (and ev (file-name-as-directory ev))
-                           "~/.config/"))
-                      (xdg-file-path (expand-file-name (concat config-dir "pylintrc"))))
-                 (and (file-exists-p xdg-file-path) xdg-file-path)))
-              ((let ((home-dir-pylintrc (expand-file-name "~/.pylintrc")))
-                 (and (file-exists-p home-dir-pylintrc) home-dir-pylintrc)))
-              (t "/etc/pylintrc")))))
-  (defun pet-flycheck-toggle-local-vars ()
-    "Toggle buffer local variables for `flycheck' Python checkers.
-  When `flycheck-mode' is non-nil, set up all supported Python
-  checker executable variables buffer-locally.  Reset them to
-  default otherwise."
-    (if (bound-and-true-p flycheck-mode)
-        (progn
-          (when (derived-mode-p (if (functionp 'python-base-mode) 'python-base-mode 'python-mode))
-            (setq-local flycheck-python-mypy-config `("mypy.ini" ".mypy.ini" "pyproject.toml" "setup.cfg"
-                                                      ,(expand-file-name
-                                                        (concat
-                                                         (or (when-let ((xdg-config-home (getenv "XDG_CONFIG_HOME")))
-                                                               (file-name-as-directory xdg-config-home))
-                                                             "~/.config/")
-                                                         "mypy/config"))
-                                                      ,(expand-file-name "~/.mypy.ini")))
-            (setq-local flycheck-pylintrc (pet-flycheck-python-pylint-find-pylintrc))
-            (setq-local flycheck-python-flake8-executable (pet-executable-find "flake8"))
-            (setq-local flycheck-python-pylint-executable (pet-executable-find "pylint"))
-            (setq-local flycheck-python-mypy-executable (pet-executable-find "mypy"))
-            (setq-local flycheck-python-mypy-python-executable (pet-executable-find "python"))
-            (setq-local flycheck-python-pyright-executable (pet-executable-find "pyright"))
-            (setq-local flycheck-python-pycompile-executable python-shell-interpreter)
-            (setq-local flycheck-python-ruff-executable (pet-executable-find "ruff"))))
-      (kill-local-variable 'flycheck-python-mypy-config)
-      (kill-local-variable 'flycheck-pylintrc)
-      (kill-local-variable 'flycheck-python-flake8-executable)
-      (kill-local-variable 'flycheck-python-pylint-executable)
-      (kill-local-variable 'flycheck-python-mypy-executable)
-      (kill-local-variable 'flycheck-python-mypy-python-executable)
-      (kill-local-variable 'flycheck-python-pyright-executable)
-      (kill-local-variable 'flycheck-python-pycompile-executable)
-      (kill-local-variable 'flycheck-python-ruff-executable)))
-  (defun pet-flycheck-python-find-project-root-advice (_)
-    "Delegate `flycheck-python-find-project-root' to `pet-virtualenv-root'."
-    (pet-virtualenv-root))
-  ;;;###autoload
-  (defun pet-flycheck-setup ()
-    "Set up all `flycheck' Python checker configuration."
-    (advice-add 'flycheck-python-find-project-root :override #'pet-flycheck-python-find-project-root-advice)
-    (add-hook 'flycheck-mode-hook #'pet-flycheck-toggle-local-vars))
-  ;;;###autoload
-  (defun pet-flycheck-teardown ()
-    "Reset all `flycheck' Python checker configuration to default."
-    (advice-remove 'flycheck-python-find-project-root #'pet-flycheck-python-find-project-root-advice)
-    (remove-hook 'flycheck-mode-hook #'pet-flycheck-toggle-local-vars)
-    (kill-local-variable 'flycheck-python-mypy-config)
-    (kill-local-variable 'flycheck-pylintrc)
-    (kill-local-variable 'flycheck-python-flake8-executable)
-    (kill-local-variable 'flycheck-python-pylint-executable)
-    (kill-local-variable 'flycheck-python-mypy-executable)
-    (kill-local-variable 'flycheck-python-mypy-python-executable)
-    (kill-local-variable 'flycheck-python-pyright-executable)
-    (kill-local-variable 'flycheck-python-pycompile-executable)
-    (kill-local-variable 'flycheck-python-ruff-executable))
-  (defvar eglot-workspace-configuration)
-  (declare-function jsonrpc--process "ext:jsonrpc")
-  (declare-function eglot--executable-find "ext:eglot")
-  (declare-function eglot--uri-to-path "ext:eglot")
-  (declare-function eglot--workspace-configuration-plist "ext:eglot")
-  (declare-function eglot--guess-contact "ext:eglot")
-  (defun pet-eglot--executable-find-advice (fn &rest args)
-    "Look up Python language servers using `pet-executable-find'.
-  FN is `eglot--executable-find', ARGS is the arguments to
-  `eglot--executable-find'."
-    (pcase-let ((`(,command . ,_) args))
-      (if (member command '("pylsp" "pyls" "pyright-langserver" "jedi-language-server" "ruff-lsp"))
-          (pet-executable-find command)
-        (apply fn args))))
-  (defun pet-lookup-eglot-server-initialization-options (command)
-    "Return LSP initializationOptions for Eglot.
-  COMMAND is the name of the Python language server command."
-    (cond
-     ((not
-       (stringp command))
-      'nil)
-     ((string-match "pylsp" command)
-      (let nil
-        `(:pylsp
-          (:plugins
-           (:jedi
-            (:environment ,(pet-virtualenv-root))
-            :ruff
-            (:executable ,(pet-executable-find "ruff"))
-            :pylsp_mypy
-            (:overrides
-             ["--python-executable"
-              (\,
-               (pet-executable-find "python"))
-              t])
-            :flake8
-            (:executable ,(pet-executable-find "flake8"))
-            :pylint
-            (:executable ,(pet-executable-find "pylint")))))))
-     ((string-match "pyls" command)
-      (let nil
-        `(:pyls
-          (:plugins
-           (:jedi
-            (:environment ,(pet-virtualenv-root))
-            :pylint
-            (:executable ,(pet-executable-find "pylint")))))))
-     ((string-match "pyright-langserver" command)
-      (let nil
-        `(:python
-          (:pythonPath ,(pet-executable-find "python")
-                       :venvPath ,(pet-virtualenv-root)))))
-     ((string-match "jedi-language-server" command)
-      (let nil
-        `(:jedi
-          (:executable
-           (:command ,(pet-executable-find "jedi-language-server"))
-           :workspace
-           (:environmentPath ,(pet-executable-find "python"))))))
-     ((string-match "ruff-lsp" command)
-      (let nil
-        `(:settings
-          (:interpreter ,(pet-executable-find "python")
-                        :path ,(pet-executable-find "ruff")))))
-     (t 'nil)))
-  (defalias 'pet--proper-list-p 'proper-list-p)
-  (eval-when-compile
-    (when (and (not (functionp 'proper-list-p))
-               (functionp 'format-proper-list-p))
-      (defun pet--proper-list-p (l)
-        (and (format-proper-list-p l)
-             (length l)))))
-  (defun pet--plistp (object)
-    "Non-nil if and only if OBJECT is a valid plist."
-    (let ((len (pet--proper-list-p object)))
-      (and len
-           (zerop (% len 2))
-           (seq-every-p
-            (lambda (kvp)
-              (keywordp (car kvp)))
-            (seq-split object 2)))))
-  (defun pet-merge-eglot-initialization-options (a b)
-    "Deep merge plists A and B."
-    (map-merge-with 'plist
-                    (lambda (c d)
-                      (cond ((and (pet--plistp c) (pet--plistp d))
-                             (pet-merge-eglot-initialization-options c d))
-                            ((and (vectorp c) (vectorp d))
-                             (vconcat (seq-union c d)))
-                            (t d)))
-                    (copy-tree a t)
-                    (copy-tree b t)))
-  (defun pet-eglot--workspace-configuration-plist-advice (fn &rest args)
-    "Enrich `eglot-workspace-configuration' with paths found by `pet'.
-  FN is `eglot--workspace-configuration-plist', ARGS is the
-  arguments to `eglot--workspace-configuration-plist'."
-    (let* ((path (cadr args))
-           (canonical-path (if (and path (file-directory-p path))
-                               (file-name-as-directory path)
-                             path))
-           (server (car args))
-           (command (process-command (jsonrpc--process server)))
-           (program (and (listp command) (car command)))
-           (pet-config (pet-lookup-eglot-server-initialization-options program))
-           (user-config (apply fn server (and canonical-path (cons canonical-path (cddr args))))))
-      (pet-merge-eglot-initialization-options user-config pet-config)))
-  (defun pet-eglot--guess-contact-advice (fn &rest args)
-    "Enrich `eglot--guess-contact' with paths found by `pet'.
-  FN is `eglot--guess-contact', ARGS is the arguments to
-  `eglot--guess-contact'."
-    (let* ((result (apply fn args))
-           (contact (nth 3 result))
-           (probe (seq-position contact :initializationOptions))
-           (program-with-args (seq-subseq contact 0 (or probe (length contact))))
-           (program (car program-with-args))
-           (init-opts (plist-get (seq-subseq contact (or probe 0)) :initializationOptions)))
-      (if init-opts
-          (append (seq-subseq result 0 3)
-                  (list
-                   (append
-                    program-with-args
-                    (list
-                     :initializationOptions
-                     (pet-merge-eglot-initialization-options
-                      init-opts
-                      (pet-lookup-eglot-server-initialization-options
-                       program)))))
-                  (seq-subseq result 4))
-        result)))
-  (defun pet-eglot-setup ()
-    "Set up Eglot to use server executables and virtualenvs found by PET."
-    (advice-add 'eglot--executable-find :around #'pet-eglot--executable-find-advice)
-    (advice-add 'eglot--workspace-configuration-plist :around #'pet-eglot--workspace-configuration-plist-advice)
-    (advice-add 'eglot--guess-contact :around #'pet-eglot--guess-contact-advice))
-  (defun pet-eglot-teardown ()
-    "Tear down PET advices to Eglot."
-    (advice-remove 'eglot--executable-find #'pet-eglot--executable-find-advice)
-    (advice-remove 'eglot--workspace-configuration-plist #'pet-eglot--workspace-configuration-plist-advice)
-    (advice-remove 'eglot--guess-contact #'pet-eglot--guess-contact-advice))
-  (defvar dape-command)
-  (defvar dape-cwd-fn)
-  (defun pet-dape-setup ()
-    "Set up the buffer local variables for `dape'."
-    (if-let* ((main (pet-find-file-from-project-root-recursively "__main__.py"))
-              (module (let* ((dir (file-name-directory main))
-                             (dir-file-name (directory-file-name dir))
-                             (module))
-                        (while (file-exists-p (concat dir "__init__.py"))
-                          (push (file-name-nondirectory dir-file-name) module)
-                          (setq dir (file-name-directory dir-file-name))
-                          (setq dir-file-name (directory-file-name dir)))
-                        (string-join module "."))))
-        (setq-local dape-command `(debugpy-module command ,(pet-executable-find "python") :module ,module))
-      (setq-local dape-command `(debugpy command ,(pet-executable-find "python"))))
-    (setq-local dape-cwd-fn #'pet-project-root))
-  (defun pet-dape-teardown ()
-    "Tear down the buffer local variables for `dape'."
-    (kill-local-variable 'dape-command)
-    (kill-local-variable 'dape-cwd-fn))
-  (defvar lsp-jedi-executable-command)
-  (defvar lsp-pyls-plugins-jedi-environment)
-  (defvar lsp-pylsp-plugins-jedi-environment)
-  (defvar lsp-pyright-python-executable-cmd)
-  (defvar lsp-pyright-venv-path)
-  (defvar lsp-ruff-server-command)
-  (defvar lsp-ruff-python-path)
-  (defvar dap-python-executable)
-  (defvar dap-variables-project-root-function)
-  (defvar python-pytest-executable)
-  (defvar python-black-command)
-  (defvar python-isort-command)
-  (defvar ruff-format-command)
-  (defvar blacken-executable)
-  (defvar yapfify-executable)
-  (defvar py-autopep8-command)
-  (defun pet-buffer-local-vars-setup ()
-    "Set up the buffer local variables for Python tools.
-  Assign all supported Python tooling executable variables to
-  buffer local values."
-    (setq-local python-shell-interpreter (pet-executable-find "python"))
-    (setq-local python-shell-virtualenv-root (pet-virtualenv-root))
-    (pet-flycheck-setup)
-    (setq-local lsp-jedi-executable-command
-                (pet-executable-find "jedi-language-server"))
-    (setq-local lsp-pyls-plugins-jedi-environment python-shell-virtualenv-root)
-    (setq-local lsp-pylsp-plugins-jedi-environment python-shell-virtualenv-root)
-    (setq-local lsp-pyright-venv-path python-shell-virtualenv-root)
-    (setq-local lsp-pyright-python-executable-cmd python-shell-interpreter)
-    (setq-local lsp-ruff-server-command (list (pet-executable-find "ruff") "server"))
-    (setq-local lsp-ruff-python-path python-shell-interpreter)
-    (setq-local dap-python-executable python-shell-interpreter)
-    (setq-local dap-variables-project-root-function #'pet-project-root)
-    (setq-local python-pytest-executable (pet-executable-find "pytest"))
-    (setq-local python-black-command (pet-executable-find "black"))
-    (setq-local python-isort-command (pet-executable-find "isort"))
-    (setq-local ruff-format-command (pet-executable-find "ruff"))
-    (setq-local blacken-executable python-black-command)
-    (setq-local yapfify-executable (pet-executable-find "yapf"))
-    (setq-local py-autopep8-command (pet-executable-find "autopep8"))
-    (pet-eglot-setup)
-    (pet-dape-setup))
-  (defun pet-buffer-local-vars-teardown ()
-    "Reset all supported buffer local variable values to default."
-    (kill-local-variable 'python-shell-interpreter)
-    (kill-local-variable 'python-shell-virtualenv-root)
-    (pet-flycheck-teardown)
-    (kill-local-variable 'lsp-jedi-executable-command)
-    (kill-local-variable 'lsp-pyls-plugins-jedi-environment)
-    (kill-local-variable 'lsp-pylsp-plugins-jedi-environment)
-    (kill-local-variable 'lsp-pyright-venv-path)
-    (kill-local-variable 'lsp-pyright-python-executable-cmd)
-    (kill-local-variable 'lsp-ruff-python-path)
-    (kill-local-variable 'lsp-ruff-server-command)
-    (kill-local-variable 'dap-python-executable)
-    (kill-local-variable 'dap-variables-project-root-function)
-    (kill-local-variable 'python-pytest-executable)
-    (kill-local-variable 'python-black-command)
-    (kill-local-variable 'python-isort-command)
-    (kill-local-variable 'ruff-format-command)
-    (kill-local-variable 'blacken-executable)
-    (kill-local-variable 'yapfify-executable)
-    (kill-local-variable 'py-autopep8-command)
-    (pet-eglot-teardown)
-    (pet-dape-teardown))
-  (defun pet-verify-setup ()
-    "Verify the values of buffer local variables visually.
-  Print all of the buffer local variable values `pet-mode'
-  has assigned to."
-    (interactive)
-    (unless (derived-mode-p 'python-base-mode 'python-mode)
-      (user-error "You are not in python-mode!"))
-    (let ((kvp (mapcar (lambda (sym)
-                         (cons sym
-                               (if (boundp sym)
-                                   (let ((val (symbol-value sym)))
-                                     (if (consp val)
-                                         (apply #'string-join
-                                                (mapcar (apply-partially #'abbreviate-file-name)
-                                                        (mapcar (apply-partially #'format "%s") val))
-                                                (list ", "))
-                                       (abbreviate-file-name (format "%s" val))))
-                                 'unbound)))
-                       '(python-shell-interpreter
-                         python-shell-virtualenv-root
-                         flycheck-python-flake8-executable
-                         flycheck-pylintrc
-                         flycheck-python-pylint-executable
-                         flycheck-python-mypy-executable
-                         flycheck-python-mypy-config
-                         flycheck-python-mypy-python-executable
-                         flycheck-python-pyright-executable
-                         flycheck-python-pycompile-executable
-                         flycheck-python-ruff-executable
-                         lsp-jedi-executable-command
-                         lsp-pyls-plugins-jedi-environment
-                         lsp-pylsp-plugins-jedi-environment
-                         lsp-pyright-python-executable-cmd
-                         lsp-pyright-venv-path
-                         lsp-ruff-server-command
-                         lsp-ruff-python-path
-                         dap-python-executable
-                         dap-variables-project-root-function
-                         dape-command
-                         dape-cwd-fn
-                         python-pytest-executable
-                         python-black-command
-                         blacken-executable
-                         python-isort-command
-                         ruff-format-command
-                         yapfify-executable
-                         py-autopep8-command))))
-      (with-current-buffer-window "*pet info*" nil nil
-        (mapc (pcase-lambda (`(,key . ,value))
-                (insert (propertize (format "%-40s" (concat (symbol-name key) ":")) 'face 'font-lock-variable-name-face))
-                (insert (format "%s" value))
-                (insert "\n"))
-              kvp)
-        (insert (propertize (format "%-40s"
-                                    (concat (symbol-name (if (file-remote-p default-directory)
-                                                             'tramp-remote-path
-                                                           'exec-path))
-                                            ":"))
-                            'face 'font-lock-variable-name-face) "\n")
-        (mapc (lambda (dir)
-                (insert (abbreviate-file-name (format "%s" dir)) "\n"))
-              (if (file-remote-p default-directory)
-                  tramp-remote-path
-                exec-path))
-        (special-mode))))
-  ;;;###autoload
-  (define-minor-mode pet-mode
-    "Minor mode to set up buffer local variables for Python tools."
-    :lighter " Pet"
-    :group 'pet
-    (if pet-mode
-        (progn
-          (pet-buffer-local-vars-setup)
-          (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'pet-cleanup-watchers-and-caches t))
-      (pet-buffer-local-vars-teardown)
-      (remove-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'pet-cleanup-watchers-and-caches t)))
-  (defun pet-cleanup-watchers-and-caches ()
-    "Clean up configuration file caches and watchers.
-  Delete configuration file caches and watchers when all
-  `python-mode' buffers of a project have been closed."
-    (when (and (buffer-file-name)
-               (derived-mode-p 'python-base-mode 'python-mode))
-      (when-let ((root (pet-project-root)))
-        (when (null (cl-loop for buf in (buffer-list)
-                             if (and (not (equal buf (current-buffer)))
-                                     (string-prefix-p root (buffer-file-name buf)))
-                             return buf))
-          (setf (alist-get root pet-project-virtualenv-cache nil t 'equal) nil)
-          (pcase-dolist (`(,config-file . ,watcher) pet-watched-config-files)
-            (when (string-prefix-p root config-file)
-              (file-notify-rm-watch watcher)
-              (setf (alist-get config-file pet-watched-config-files nil t 'equal) nil)))
-          (dolist (cache '(pet-pre-commit-config-cache
-                           pet-pyproject-cache
-                           pet-python-version-cache
-                           pet-pipfile-cache
-                           pet-environment-cache))
-            (pcase-dolist (`(,key . ,_) (symbol-value cache))
-              (when (string-prefix-p root key)
-                (setf (alist-get key (symbol-value cache) nil t 'equal) nil))))))))
-  (provide 'vedang-pet)
-  ;;; pet.el ends here
 ** The =vedang-personal.el= module
 :CUSTOM_ID: h:0EAB9FBA-98AD-4E0E-BC01-71D1EC920B8D
diff --git a/unravel-modules/unravel-langs.el b/unravel-modules/unravel-langs.el
index 3dd3b85..25b9abf 100644
--- a/unravel-modules/unravel-langs.el
+++ b/unravel-modules/unravel-langs.el
@@ -404,7 +404,8 @@ modifications."
   :ensure t
 ;;; Uncomment this if you want Eglot to start automatically. I don't
 ;;; recommend it, but that's just me.
-  :hook ((zig-mode . eglot-ensure)))
+  ;; :hook ((zig-mode . eglot-ensure))
+  )
 ;;; Configuration for Clojure programming
 (use-package clojure-mode