Vedang Manerikar 09e94033f1 Update tangle blocks based on all the changes in the prev commit
We are now maybe ready to move all the development over to the new
.emacs.d version. Only one way to find out.
2024-11-14 22:08:27 +05:30

124 lines
4 KiB

;;; Essential configurations
(use-package emacs
:ensure nil
:demand t
;;;; General settings and common custom functions
(setq help-window-select t)
(setq next-error-recenter '(4)) ; center of the window
(setq find-library-include-other-files nil) ; Emacs 29
(setq tramp-connection-timeout (* 60 10)) ; seconds
(setq save-interprogram-paste-before-kill t)
(setq mode-require-final-newline t)
(setq-default truncate-partial-width-windows nil)
(setq eval-expression-print-length nil)
(setq kill-do-not-save-duplicates t)
(setq scroll-error-top-bottom t)
(setq echo-keystrokes-help t) ; Emacs 30
(setq epa-keys-select-method 'minibuffer)) ; Emacs 30
(use-package recentf
:ensure nil
:hook (after-init . recentf-mode)
(setq recentf-max-saved-items 100)
(setq recentf-max-menu-items 25) ; I don't use the `menu-bar-mode', but this is good to know
(setq recentf-save-file-modes nil)
(setq recentf-keep nil)
(setq recentf-auto-cleanup nil)
(setq recentf-initialize-file-name-history nil)
(setq recentf-filename-handlers nil)
(setq recentf-show-file-shortcuts-flag nil))
;;;; Built-in bookmarking framework (bookmark.el)
(use-package bookmark
:ensure nil
:commands (bookmark-set bookmark-jump bookmark-bmenu-list)
:hook (bookmark-bmenu-mode . hl-line-mode)
(setq bookmark-use-annotations nil)
(setq bookmark-automatically-show-annotations nil)
(setq bookmark-fringe-mark nil) ; Emacs 29 to hide bookmark fringe icon
;; Write changes to the bookmark file as soon as 1 modification is
;; made (addition or deletion). Otherwise Emacs will only save the
;; bookmarks when it closes, which may never happen properly
;; (e.g. power failure).
(setq bookmark-save-flag 1))
;;;; Registers (register.el)
(use-package register
:ensure nil
:defer t ; its commands are autoloaded, so this will be loaded then
(setq register-preview-delay 0.8
register-preview-function #'register-preview-default)
(with-eval-after-load 'savehist
(add-to-list 'savehist-additional-variables 'register-alist)))
;;;; Delete selection
(use-package delsel
:ensure nil
:hook (after-init . delete-selection-mode))
;;;; Tooltips (tooltip-mode)
(use-package tooltip
:ensure nil
:hook (after-init . tooltip-mode)
(setq tooltip-delay 0.5
tooltip-short-delay 0.5
x-gtk-use-system-tooltips t
'((name . "tooltip")
(internal-border-width . 10)
(border-width . 0)
(no-special-glyphs . t))))
;;;; Emacs server (allow emacsclient to connect to running session)
(use-package server
:ensure nil
:defer 1
(setq server-client-instructions nil)
(unless (server-running-p)
;;; Mark syntactic constructs efficiently if tree-sitter is available (expreg)
(when (treesit-available-p)
(use-package expreg
:ensure t
:functions (prot/expreg-expand prot/expreg-expand-dwim)
:bind ("C-M-SPC" . prot/expreg-expand-dwim) ; overrides `mark-sexp'
(defun prot/expreg-expand (n)
"Expand to N syntactic units, defaulting to 1 if none is provided interactively."
(interactive "p")
(dotimes (_ n)
(defun prot/expreg-expand-dwim ()
"Do-What-I-Mean `expreg-expand' to start with symbol or word.
If over a real symbol, mark that directly, else start with a
word. Fall back to regular `expreg-expand'."
(let ((symbol (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol)))
((equal (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'word) symbol)
(prot/expreg-expand 1))
(symbol (prot/expreg-expand 2))
(t (expreg-expand)))))))
;;;; Show battery status on the mode line (battery.el)
(use-package battery
:ensure nil
:hook (after-init . display-battery-mode)
(setq battery-mode-line-format
((eq battery-status-function #'battery-linux-proc-acpi)
"⏻ %b%p%%,%d°C ")
"⏻ %b%p%% "))))
(provide 'unravel-essentials)