make date-related columns "text".
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 18 additions and 15 deletions
@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ create table if not exists users (
username text not null unique,
displayname text,
email text,
last_seen datetime,
last_seen text,
pwhash blob not null,
invited_by blob not null,
is_active boolean not null default true,
last_updated datetime not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
last_updated text not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
foreign key (invited_by) references users (id)
create index if not exists users_username_dex on users (lower(username));
@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ END;
create table if not exists invites (
id blob not null primary key default (julid_new()),
owner blob not null,
expires_at datetime,
expires_at text,
remaining int not null default 1,
last_updated datetime not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
last_updated text not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
foreign key (owner) references users (id) on delete cascade on update no action
create index if not exists invites_owner_dex on invites (owner);
@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ create table if not exists watches (
title text not null,
metadata_url text, -- possible url for imdb or other metadata-esque site to show the user
length int,
release_date date,
release_date text,
added_by blob not null, -- ID of the user that added it
last_updated datetime not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
last_updated text not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
foreign key (added_by) references users (id)
create index if not exists watches_title_dex on watches (lower(title));
@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ create table if not exists watch_quests (
priority int, -- 1-5 how much do you want to watch it
public boolean not null default true,
watched boolean not null default false,
when_watched datetime,
created_at datetime not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
last_updated datetime not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
when_watched text,
created_at text not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
last_updated text not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
foreign key (user) references users (id) on delete cascade on update no action,
foreign key (watch) references watches (id) on delete cascade on update no action,
primary key (user, watch)
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ create table if not exists watch_notes (
watch blob not null,
note blob,
public boolean not null,
last_updated datetime not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
last_updated text not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
foreign key (user) references users (id) on delete cascade on update no action,
foreign key (watch) references watches (id) on delete cascade on update no action
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ create table if not exists stars (
id blob not null primary key default (julid_new()),
name text not null,
metadata_url text,
born date,
died date
born text,
died text
create index if not exists stars_name_dex on stars (lower(name));
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
create table if not exists follows (
follower blob not null,
followee blob not null,
created_at datetime not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
created_at text not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
foreign key (follower) references users (id) on delete cascade on update no action,
foreign key (followee) references users (id) on delete cascade on update no action,
unique (follower, followee)
@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
drop view if exists i;
drop view if exists u;
drop view if exists s;
drop view if exists w;
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
create view if not exists w as select julid_string(id) id, kind, title, metadata_url, length, release_date, last_updated from watches;
create view if not exists s as select julid_string(id) id, name, born, died;
create view if not exists s as select julid_string(id) id, name, born, died from stars;
create view if not exists u as select julid_string(id) id, username, displayname, email, last_seen, last_updated from users;
create view if not exists i as select julid_string(id) id, julid_string(owner) owner, expires_at, remaining, last_updated from invites;
Reference in a new issue