use axum::body::Bytes; use axum_test::{TestServer, TestServerConfig}; use sqlx::SqlitePool; use crate::{DbId, User}; pub const FORM_CONTENT_TYPE: &str = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; pub fn get_test_user() -> User { User { username: "test_user".to_string(), // corresponding to a password of "a": pwhash: "$argon2id$v=19$m=19456,t=2,p=1$GWsCH1w5RYaP9WWmq+xw0g$hmOEqC+MU+vnEk3bOdkoE+z01mOmmOeX08XyPyjqua8".to_string(), id: DbId::default(), displayname: Some("Test User".to_string()), ..Default::default() } } pub async fn server() -> TestServer { let pool = crate::db::get_db_pool().await; let secret = [0u8; 64]; let user = get_test_user(); sqlx::query(crate::signup::CREATE_QUERY) .bind( .bind(&user.username) .bind(&user.displayname) .bind(& .bind(&user.pwhash) .execute(&pool) .await .unwrap(); let r = sqlx::query("select count(*) from witches") .fetch_one(&pool) .await; assert!(r.is_ok()); let app = crate::app(pool, &secret).await.into_make_service(); let config = TestServerConfig { save_cookies: true, ..Default::default() }; TestServer::new_with_config(app, config).unwrap() } pub async fn server_with_pool(pool: &SqlitePool) -> TestServer { let secret = [0u8; 64]; let r = sqlx::query("select count(*) from witches") .fetch_one(pool) .await; assert!(r.is_ok()); let app = crate::app(pool.clone(), &secret).await.into_make_service(); let config = TestServerConfig { save_cookies: true, ..Default::default() }; TestServer::new_with_config(app, config).unwrap() } pub async fn insert_user(user: &User, pool: &SqlitePool) { sqlx::query(crate::signup::CREATE_QUERY) .bind( .bind(&user.username) .bind(&user.displayname) .bind(& .bind(&user.pwhash) .execute(pool) .await .unwrap(); } // pub fn massage(s: &str) -> Bytes { Bytes::from_iter(s.chars().map(|c| c as u8)) }