First phase just does a typedef of "DbId = Julid", and confirms the plugin will load into sqlite. All tests pass. Next phase removes client-side generation of IDs.
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-- note: sqlite-specific migration due to the types of the columns
-- When used for an ID, a blob is a UUID in byte form, or a vector of those like for friends list.
-- Otherwise, for content, a blob is just binary data, possibly representing UTF-8 text.
-- Dates are ints, unix epoch style
-- users
create table if not exists users (
id blob not null primary key default (julid_new()),
username text not null unique,
displayname text,
email text,
last_seen int,
pwhash blob not null,
last_updated int not null default (unixepoch())
-- table of things to watch
create table if not exists watches (
id blob not null primary key default (julid_new()),
kind int not null, -- enum for movie or tv show or whatev
title text not null,
metadata_url text, -- possible url for imdb or other metadata-esque site to show the user
length int,
release_date int,
added_by blob not null, -- ID of the user that added it
last_updated int not null default (unixepoch()),
foreign key (added_by) references users (id)
-- table of what people want to watch
create table if not exists watch_quests (
user blob not null,
watch blob not null,
priority int, -- 1-5 how much do you want to watch it
public boolean not null default true,
watched boolean not null default false,
when_watched int,
created_at int not null default (unixepoch()),
last_updated int not null default (unixepoch()),
foreign key (user) references users (id) on delete cascade on update no action,
foreign key (watch) references watches (id) on delete cascade on update no action,
primary key (user, watch)
-- friend lists; created by trigger at the same time as the user, so no created_at needed
create table if not exists follows (
user blob not null primary key,
follows blob, -- possibly empty friends list in some app-specific format
last_updated int not null default (unixepoch()),
foreign key (user) references users (id) on delete cascade on update no action
create table if not exists watch_notes (
id blob not null primary key default (julid_new()), -- a user can have multiple notes about the same thing
user blob not null,
watch blob not null,
note blob,
public boolean not null,
last_updated int not null default (unixepoch()),
foreign key (user) references users (id) on delete cascade on update no action,
foreign key (watch) references watches (id) on delete cascade on update no action
-- indices, not needed for follows
create index if not exists users_username_dex on users (lower(username));
create index if not exists users_email_dex on users (lower(email));
create index if not exists watches_title_dex on watches (lower(title));
create index if not exists watches_added_by_dex on watches (added_by);
create index if not exists quests_user_dex on watch_quests (user);
create index if not exists quests_watch_dex on watch_quests (watch);
create index if not exists notes_user_dex on watch_notes (user);
create index if not exists notes_watch_dex on watch_notes (watch);