Vedang Manerikar
Create an unravel-study module
For `pdf-tools`, `denote`, `org-remark` and `org-fc`. This is my study
pack, without which I don't get anything done.
2024-12-12 23:24:02 +05:30
Vedang Manerikar
Move personal settings to vedang-personal
And fallback to defaults for other users.
2024-12-12 21:24:28 +05:30
Vedang Manerikar
Use elpaca-after-init-hook instead of after-init-hook
So that the configuration is loaded in at the correct time.
2024-12-10 16:05:25 +05:30
Vedang Manerikar
Use Elpaca as the package manager instead of package.el
Elpaca lets me use git versions of packages, which is something I need
for developing packages as I use them.
2024-12-10 16:00:49 +05:30
Vedang Manerikar
Add local-variables to init and early-init files
2024-12-10 15:47:45 +05:30
Vedang Manerikar
Move personal stuff into it's own file, and add ledger
2024-12-05 21:21:46 +05:30
Vedang Manerikar
Create unravel-shell.el for vterm related settings
2024-11-18 22:11:51 +05:30
Vedang Manerikar
Update the modules that should be loaded on launch
2024-11-17 19:42:59 +05:30
Vedang Manerikar
Copy over git and org settings from Prot
These need significant changes to match my workflows, but without the
base settings in place doing any work is really difficult.
So copying over the basics, I will re-arrange and update everything in
later commits.
2024-11-15 08:22:23 +05:30
Vedang Manerikar
Add the prot-embark library for maximum embarkitude
2024-11-14 22:12:09 +05:30
Vedang Manerikar
Update tangle blocks based on all the changes in the prev commit
We are now maybe ready to move all the development over to the new
.emacs.d version. Only one way to find out.
2024-11-14 22:08:27 +05:30
Vedang Manerikar
Copy over the essentials.el sections from Prot's config
This is where we define the basic configuration that drives Emacs
2024-11-13 21:40:01 +05:30
Vedang Manerikar
Add the basics of programming languages to the configuration
This commit copies over the very basic requirements of using
programming languages in Emacs from Prot's configuration.
2024-11-13 21:39:55 +05:30
Vedang Manerikar
Create early-init, init and theme files
These are the starting point of Emacs config. They control the
starting up of Emacs and the look of Emacs (overall).
Let's see if this works properly.
2024-11-13 07:58:49 +05:30